John Rendeiro

This professor has taught: ENGL101, ENGL255, ENGL391, ENGL394, ENGL395
Information Review
John Rendeiro

Expecting an A
Had him in 2021. He was a very lenient professor as I submitted assignments late and I never got a harsh penalty. he provides useful feedback and is proactive in improving your writing.
John Rendeiro

Expecting an A
Easy course and super responsive professor! He grades very quickly and the feedback is quite helpful. I would definitely recommend professor rendeiro for engl394!
John Rendeiro

Expecting an A+
Very sweet professor unfortunately working with an 8 am timeslot for my class. Dr.Rendeiro was very caring about helping students with writing and was very lenient about due dates and understanding that this class may not be a priority for people and had many policies allowing for leniency in due dates. The required textbook for this course was discussed in class but I did not buy it and had no trouble without it. Attendance is graded but once again with leniency, and if you email beforehand he is usually understanding. Overall made an 8 am gen-ed way nicer than it could have been.
John Rendeiro

Expecting an A
Genuinely the kindest teacher I have ever had at this school!!!!!!!! I'm generally pretty shy and hesitant to speak in class but Professor Rendeiro created such a relaxed and welcoming environment that I had no problem sharing my thoughts on the books we were reading. He is an extremely fair grader and is very understanding of the fact that we have lives outside of the classroom so asking for extensions and extra support on assignments was never a large hassle. The books are super interesting, and I did not find the workload to be overwhelming in any way. TAKE THIS CLASS!
John Rendeiro

Expecting an A
TAKE A CLASS WITH HIM trust me. It is very easy to do well in a class with him because even if you are not the strongest writer he will work with you because he genuinely cares about his students learning. Class was mandatory but if you emailed him your excuse he would excuse your absence.
John Rendeiro

Expecting an A+
Amazing professor. Very nice person, reviews your work before the deadline, and grades easy.
John Rendeiro

Expecting an A+
Very nice professor. He grades fairly and even reads your essays before the due date to make sure you're on the right track. Highly recommend taking him.
John Rendeiro

Expecting an A
Great professor, relaxed about deadlines, super helpful with assignments, and easy to do well
John Rendeiro

Expecting an A+
Dr. Rendiero is one of the nicest professors ever. He is so friendly and always happy to go out of his way to help you succeed. This class is easy and you will get a good grade if you complete all the work.
John Rendeiro

Nicest professor ever. SO accommodating with due dates and missing class. He grades extremely fairly and gives multiple opportunities to revise assignments if you are not happy with grades.
John Rendeiro

Expecting an A
This class was fairly easy. I was close to having a B but because he gives you a lot of opportunities to revise or extend due dates I was able to make it back to an A. He is very understanding and nice.
John Rendeiro

Expecting an A
Easy A if you do the assignments somewhat on time. Don't procrastinate and follow the rubrics. Prof. Rendeiro is very nice and understanding. Take him.
John Rendeiro

Expecting an A
This class was so easy, I actually felt bad. I almost wished it was more of a challenge! This isn't me bragging. Rendeiro is almost afraid of giving you a bad grade. He is lenient and understanding, almost to a fault. If you want, you can even show him rough drafts of your work before submission. By then incorporating his suggestions, you will end up with a great essay because he himself saw and evaluated it beforehand. Attendance is worth 20 + 20 + 20 = 60 points. You can get an almost unlimited number of excused absences from class. Even racking up a lot of unexcused absence will only cost you four or five points. It's crazy. Rendeiro often would say in class, "I believe there is value in coming to class". Almost like he was trying to convince himself that there is value in attending his own class. As it is, every five or six classes there will be a class where attendance isn't even mandatory. So the workload is reduced even further. Overall, I don't really think I really learnt anything of value. The workload was extremely little. This class was an easy, easy, one of the easiest As I've ever seen at UMD.
John Rendeiro

Expecting an A+
Definitely take him. He is the most understanding professor and really wants all his students to succeed. He is very lenient on assignments and gradings; gives extensions, allows you to revise work. ENGL101 can be very boring, but I found that actually engaging and participating in class makes it a lot more tolerable.
John Rendeiro

Expecting an A+
Really nice guy. Doesn't grade harshly at all, will give you an extension if you have a reason. Lectures can get boring, but overall its an easy A if you get assignments completed.
John Rendeiro

Expecting an A+
First class professor. Tries his best to understand students and is very clear with just about all of his directions for his assignments.
John Rendeiro

Expecting an A
Incredibly nice person, not a strict grader -- if you complete the work you will do well, and he explains the assignments in great detail. There are some reading homework for most class periods, but you don't actually have to ever read them as he will go over and explain what is important in them during class (therefore I don't recommend buying a book immediately, wait and see if you need/want it). As a person who doesn't like English class at all, I highly recommend Professor Rendeiro.
John Rendeiro

Expecting an A
Very nice and lenient professor. If you do the work it should be an easy A.
John Rendeiro

Expecting an A
a very good professor. he explains the content and assignments very well. the class itself is boring so sometimes you have to try not to fall asleep, but that's because it's engl101. you don't even need the textbook because he goes over it and explains everything in class. highly recommend take this section
John Rendeiro

Expecting an A
Rendeiro is an amazing professor. The class is boring but it's ENGL101, it's hard to make it interesting. He is very lenient on grading and turning in assignments late, just email him if you have any issues and he will 100% do his best to help you. He cares a lot about his students, and the class itself is made as easy as possible given the amount of writing.
John Rendeiro

Expecting an A
Trust me. TAKE HIM
John Rendeiro

Expecting an A
Very lenient professor. I doubt you'll do poorly in this class as long as you put in some level of effort in since he goes out of his way to make you succeed. The class itself is pretty boring though, but that has nothing to do with the professor. You can be the best professor in the world and can't make this class interesting.
John Rendeiro

Expecting a B+
The most decent, human, and caring professor ever. Wants to see you succeed, and gives the right amount of specific feedback to help make it happen. Does a great job at providing building blocks for the final project. Loved JCR!
John Rendeiro

Expecting an A
He's a great guy and really understanding. He genuinely cares about his students and will give you every opportunity to do well in this class. The workload isn't too bad and he is a generous grader. My only complaint would be that his lectures can be long and not very interactive. But honestly, it isn't too bad.
John Rendeiro

Expecting an A
He's possibly one of the most understanding and respectful teachers you can find on campus. The content itself may be boring to some people, but it's English and it's a class about writing, so he's covering what he's required to. Class does have a good amount of writing, but this professor is very lenient. I am thankful that I chose his section for ENGL101.
John Rendeiro

Expecting an A
Very lax on grading so as long as you turn in your stuff within a day or so of the due date you should easily get a B or above. Don't worry about the homework readings with this guy, as the in-class discussions are not graded and rarely actually involve giving responses to the teacher. He will go on for an hour explaining every minutia to you anyway, so strap in and find some work to do on your laptop during class. Personally, I have been registering for classes, doing homework, doing ENGL101 work (because there is no class time designated to actually complete the assignments), shopping online, etc. Really nice guy and will promptly help with whatever you need. My only poor comment is that the class is boring as heck and you might have to fight nodding off a couple times.