Lisa Rickard

This professor has taught: HESP416, HESP417, HESP418A, HESP615, HESP649A, HESP701
Information Review
Lisa Rickard

Expecting an A-
At first I was very excited as I thought this would be a hands on clinical application course. I was met with disappointment. This class turned out to be an easier version of 411 (intro to audiology) with no actual clinical application. Every class we were meet with a 2 hour long lecture of passive aggressive gas-lighting and discrimination. From consistently being told we would never be real doctors (we know our limitations we did not need to be told every single day), favoritism towards certain people who white, times where she would go missing and neglect her class all for her personal (non emergency) meetings. Not to mention going into the clinic with her is slim to none, and how she treated her patients had me leaving the clinic in shock. If you need to take this class, and are hoping to go into audiology, you will be teaching yourself. Think you can ask questions? Nope. Get ready to be belittled. I suggest paying attention 411, make some good friends in the same major, and try your best besties.