Tracy Riggins

This professor has taught: NACS728D, PSYC355, PSYC468H, PSYC611, PSYC757, PSYC789, PSYC888A, PSYC899
Information Review
Tracy Riggins

Expecting an A+
There hasn't been a review in a few years, but I think Dr. Riggins is worth writing a review for. The class was run well and straightforward to get a good grade in. Dr. Riggins is clear of her expectations, and her team of TAs is quick to get grades out. There are clickers for participation, and lecture consists of going through slides about the readings. Dr. Riggins seemed responsive to questions and concerns both in the classroom and online. There is a lot of reading, but you can get away with skimming and reading the chapter summaries. There are open book reading quizzes for the readings to do as homework (maybe 1-2 chapters a week?). There are some in-class assignments that reinforced the material learned in class. There were 2 open note midterms and an open note "final" (all non-cumulative). Dr. Riggins provided study guides, and they exams were not stressful at all because I felt like I had more than enough time (look at the study guide and skim over the slides). There were a few extra credit opportunities throughout the semester (like SONA studies and course evaluation survey) that were very easy to complete and boosted my grade a fair amount. Overall, I would recommend taking this class with Dr. Riggins.
Tracy Riggins

Expecting an A-
Professor Riggins is a pretty good teacher and you can tell she really cares about the subject and is interested in it. She tries to make her lectures interesting by adding videos, but sometimes that just isn't enough. The material seemed to be repetitive of both topics covered earlier in class and also topics I've covered in previous psyc classes. I'm not extremely interested in developmental psyc, so my review may be a bit biased. She also lets you know when there will be an in-class assignment ahead of time and puts roughly half of the lectures on Panopto which is great for when you just can't.
Tracy Riggins

Expecting a B
For the amount of reading and additional movies and videos you're responsible for, she is a nice lady but a horrible lecturer -- she basically just reads from the book and goes entirely too fast. doesn't so much care if you actually are learning but rather you know her opinion and agree with it. Especially with her online quizzes, the questions more often than not are ridiculously unfair and graded in an entirely opinionated fashion, she will blatantly say that although the textbook proves all answers are correct, she was only looking for one specifically. She also holds an in class assignment the day of thanksgiving traveling and refuses to help out students because "its on the syllabus already"
Tracy Riggins

Expecting a B
Nothing wrong with the teacher, she tries to engage and is knowledgeable. The class Developmental Psyc kinda lacked for me. You learn a whole bunch about infants. I would recommend this class to a girl but not a guy. Tests aren't too bad but can be tricky. If you go to class with good notes you don't really need the book although its good as a reference. Powerpoints are all online which is huge if you miss a class.
Tracy Riggins

Expecting a B
Tracy is SO NICE. She's very helpful and always willing to talk to students and try to help them out. She tried to keep the class interesting by having many videos and photos in her lectures. However, the exams are most of the class grade, and they're tough. You definitely have to study and read the chapters. If you're not good at exams then this class can be rough. The chapters in the textbook are REALLY LONG and take hours to outline but it's worth it.
Tracy Riggins

Expecting an A
Basically I loved her. Great Professor, easy class but she makes it interesting. She really knows the material and is great one on one. Class is easy and fair with multiple opportunities for extra credit. I would love to take a class just to have her as my professor again.
Tracy Riggins

Expecting a b+
dr. riggins is a really enthusiastic, vibrant teacher. she makes lectures really interesting filled with fun video clips. if you read the chapters you'll do well on the exams. she gives extra credit opportunities that can really improve your grade and she'll drop your lowest midterm grade (best two out of three).
Tracy Riggins

Expecting a B
I love Professor Riggins! She is such a nice and helpful teacher. You do not need to attend her lectures if you read the chapters assigned, but if you need some clarifications, then do attend. She shows many videos that are really useful! Exams are not hard!
Tracy Riggins

Expecting an A
You don't need to go to her class to do well on the exams, and she is well aware of this, which is why she has 6 in-class activities on undisclosed days. Her powerpoints pretty much have all the information. Although you can get by without the book, I bought an older edition of the book for like $5 and all I read was the chapter summaries as well as the powerpoints that she posted. As far as Dr. Riggins, she is really nice and approachable.
Tracy Riggins

Expecting an A
I really enjoyed this class. Professor Riggins did a really good job of keeping the class interesting and showed us a lot of cool videos. She explained the information clearly and if you go to class and read the text it's pretty easy to get an A.