Jackelyn Lopez Roshwalb

This professor has taught: ENES100, ENES100A, ENES102, ENES192, TLPL488E
Information Review
Jackelyn Lopez Roshwalb

Expecting an A+
Roshwalb is super for this class. While ENES100 is a stupidly hard class, especially if you get a bad group, she makes it bearable. Just make sure to communicate, because she won't reach out too too much. Honestly I talked and got help way way more from the TFs. Honestly we all know this class should be worth at least 4-5 credits, but try if you can to get one of the good profs, including Roshwalb. It is very easy to get a high grade, just prioritize assignments over OTV progress, since the former is worth much much more.
Jackelyn Lopez Roshwalb

Expecting an A+
Prof. Roshwalb wants all of her students to succeed. She is very willing to offer advice and guidance throughout the creation of your autonomous robot. Prof. Roshwalb is upbeat and very knowledgeable. Her homework assignments help to keep your team on track. Be prepared to go to ALL of the open lab sessions (start early if possible)!
Jackelyn Lopez Roshwalb

Expecting an A
I came into this class expecting a good professor due to her rating (4.5 at the time of this review). Boy was I wrong. If you look at the dates of the reviews, you will notice that the time of the reviews are both during COVID, specifically online school. Roshwalb is by far my worst professor this semester. Not only is she blatantly unfair in grading compared to the other professors, but she also makes the OTV project so much more painful than it needs to be. Although her quizzes are easy, they are by far outweighed by how much more difficult she makes the OTV project. Unfair grading example: The OTV project is split up into various pieces, called Milestones. For multiple milestones, she blatantly graded unfairly compared to other professors. Like in Milestone 6, where another professor gave everyone a free 25% of the grade (1% of the overall grade for the class), while Roshwalb did nothing of the sort, with the class getting a 3.3/6 on average. Btw, that 6 is 6% of the overall grade. TL:DR, she is a bad professor, don't trust her rating. This review isn't just some salty flame of her after doing bad in her class, I am doing quite well in it. It is just annoying how much more time and effort people in my class have had to put in to get the same grade as someone with a different professor. Don't take her unless you have no choice, it's not worth it.
Jackelyn Lopez Roshwalb

Expecting an A
ENES100 is a pretty boring class, but Jackelyn made it bearable. She clearly cares about what she's teaching, and she tries to make the class engaging. The grading is exceptionally light, but there is a lot of work that seems pretty pointless.
Jackelyn Lopez Roshwalb

Expecting an A
It is a very easy course and Roshwalb lays out the material in a way that is easy to understand. I wouldn't stress studying for the exams too hard and take your time to focus on other classes. With the group project for the OSV it boosts your grade. I got a C on two of the exams and an A on one and still got an A in the class. She is very understanding and even lets you retake exams if you need to. She really wants to see students succeed and helps a lot during the OSV project. I highly recommend taking her