Korey Rothman

This professor has taught: BSCV181, BSCV191, BSCV301, BSCV302, BSCV309, BSCV309C, CPCV225, EDCP108I, HHUM106, HONR238A, HONR238D, THET110
Information Review
Korey Rothman

Expecting an A
i hate her =she is the worst i do not like her she is the worst
Korey Rothman

She is not empathetic at all and low-key really judge-y. She is so unnecessarily harsh when grading. She took points off of something I didn't do and then when this other girl did it she also took points off. I do not get her. Also I just don't find her class helpful or necessary at all. Genuinely haven't learned anything.
Korey Rothman

I've never wrote one of these but I will for her. Worst experience I've had with a professor. She is the worst. She genuinely is the least empathetic person I know. Everyone that knows her can attest to the fact that she SUCKS. And I'm pretty sure Julie secretly hates her too. It's her way or no way. Seriously, I HATE HER from the bottom of my heart. The assignments are easy but she grades them really hard. She's nit picky over EVERYTHING! She takes points off for the smallest things. You can try so hard in these assignments but because she takes so many points off, your grade will drop. She is SO MEAN. You can have a legitimate reason to miss something and she won't care. And she'll tell you that with a smile on her face! And for a professor who teaches such a useless class, she thinks too highly of herself. Like seriously, I haven't learned anything substantial from her class. I don't even know how she has the name Dr. Like how do I have a lower grade in this class than my anatomy class? It's as if she wants her students to do bad in the class. DO NOT JOIN CIVICUS! It's not worth dealing with her for two years. They don't tell you that half the cohort of each year drops it BECAUSE OF HER!!
Korey Rothman

Expecting an A
Just finished the course and overall pretty easy, although if you wait till the last minute to do the assignments the course will definitely feel more challenging then it needs to. No exams, just 11 "pop quizzes"( lowest is dropped) but they'll let you know the class before if you have a quiz coming up. These quizzes are not hard at all so don't stress, just pay attention and take notes in class and 100% look at the readings they tell you to look at before class. Content is pretty interesting at times but pretty boring sometimes, I find that the activities you do are pretty engaging and meaningful. There is a big project for this course that makes up a decent amount of points for the overall course, I would recommend really getting started early on your group and getting the pieces of information together. It sounds like a lot when they explain it but really if you work smarter and split up the work then its not too bad.
Korey Rothman

Expecting an A-
CIVICUS has its perks and is not the worst living learning ever. This class is the UNIV100 equivalent and regardless its always going to be an annoying class. However Korey was really annoying and takes points off for every little thing. Being on your phone to check the time, coming in a minute late, etc. she always had a problem with. The assignments weren't crazy and it was a very easy class.
Korey Rothman

Expecting an A
I love Dr.Korey, she has made Civicus this year so engaging, if you take the time to email her about your situation then she will accommodate you and be understanding.
Korey Rothman

Expecting an A
Rothman is a really nice professor and the class is interesting. The musicals and work she gives aren't time consuming, but it can get a little repetitive to always be watching musicals and reading 5 pages about said musical. The thing I dislike most is how harshly she grades; this is an honors course, so you would expect it, but she takes off a LOT on essays without having given you a rubric to guide you through the writing process. There aren't very many assignments, however, which is a plus. I would recommend this class if you're a strong writer, but still be wary even if you think you're amazing. I was used to As on papers and got a B on the very first paper I wrote for this class since she grades like an English teacher.
Korey Rothman

Dr. Rothman is very engaging. Although I only took this class for the GenEd, I ended up sort of liking theatre... and I am a chemistry major. I am actually really embarassed that I got an A- in this class because it was so simple. The first half of the course, in my opinion was more fun. We learned about what theatre was. The second half, however, was extremely boring and dense. She talked about the history of theatre, which was EXTREMELY boring and dense. So due to that, my grade dropped from an A+ to an A-. Then again, I procrastinated a lot too during the second half of the semester. Anyways, I recommend taking Dr. Rothman. She's great!
Korey Rothman

Expecting an A
Dr. Rothman was a very engaging professor. She obviously knew a lot about theatre and had a lot of connections in the DC theatre world, so we got to meet and hear from several theatre professionals over the course of the semester. The seminar was much more involved than most of my other classes--there were field trips, almost weekly quizzes, and group projects--but most honors seminars are pretty involved, and the trips were pretty fun. There's a lot of participation in the class, but Dr. Rothman encourages everyone to talk and is very open to all different points of view. If you have time and some interest in theatre, I would definitely recommend her theatre classes.
Korey Rothman

Expecting an A
It's a really great class. It's a decent amount of work, but the information is easy to understand and it's fun. I actually became a Theatre major after taking this class because it was so great.
Korey Rothman

Expecting an A
Take Thet110 with Rothman! shes an amazing professor and she really makes it interesting. The class is relatively easy.
Korey Rothman

Expecting an A
Dr. Rothman is a good teacher and she makes Theater as interesting as possible for someone that doesn't particularly love theatre. But she isn't very involved in how you do in this class, rather, it's all about your TA. Some of the TAs are good but some can make your life hard. The course is not as easy as it seems and is actually frustrating. There are 2 exams, 2 papers about plays you have to see, 1 group performance (where you memorize lines and do costumes), and weekly quizzes. There are also various extra credit opportunities. I took this course to fulfill a humanities credit and it was pretty frustrating overall. The performance was a lot of work and the papers were annoying. Not a hard course, but definitely not easy.
Korey Rothman

Expecting an A-
Prof Rothman is an awesome professor. She is hilarious and always keeps the class interested. This semester she made Thet110 much harder than it should be. Awesome prof but class is much harder than it should be
Korey Rothman

Expecting an A
If you need to wipe out an arts requirement, THET110 with Rothman will probably do the job. Rothman herself makes lecture interesting enough but a good amount of the material is kind of bland. You'll constantly wonder when you can finally get to the kind of 20th century theater that made you take the class in the first place (hint: it's not until the last week of class). Expect weekly quizzes in discussion that are manageable but annoying nonetheless. Throw in a couple quizzes in lecture at the end of the semester for good measure (read whatever needs to be read and you'll probably be fine). She gives lots of extra credit and the exams are pretty easy if you show up to class and take anything vaguely resembling notes. Old exams are similar to the current exams so finding someone who took the class prior or checking out Koofers will probably help. A little more work than I'd like for getting rid of an art requirement but it's easy nonetheless.
Korey Rothman

Expecting a B
So long as you do nothing but agree with her all the time and have no opinion, you'll pass. It seems the only way to get an A is if she likes you and she will definitely make it obvious who she does and does not like. Extremely time consuming and definitely not worth taking.
Korey Rothman

Expecting an A
Okay, seriously, I made an OurUMD account just so that I could rant about Rothman. That's how much I disliked her. The class itself is interesting if, like me, you enjoy musical theatre. You can do other homework or something during the mandatory movies she makes you watch, so its not too much of a waste of time, and most of them are pretty good. The thing that I hated in this class was that you were forced to agree with her all the time in class. Protip: She loves Stephen Sondheim so much that she would go straight for him (too bad he's gay!). So if you happen to like something that she hates she will rip your response apart. Just trust me, agree with everything that crazy woman says. The only way to get out of class is to have a signed note from the health center or your doctor. Any other reason is inexcusable. And don't even think about leaving early or arriving late, even for a legitimate reason. She will take off all your participation for the day. My advice is to just try to speak once to twice a class period, never have an original opinion and have an extremely open mind. You will watch the most God-awful musical ever about this gay transsexual he/she trying to escape Berlin. It is ALARMING. Just be prepared. I got an A because I can write well and I know how to keep my mouth shut about my opinions. Good luck.
Korey Rothman

Expecting an A
Dr. Rothman wants you to engage in the material and be involved in class. However, you should only take this class if you enjoy musical theater already, or want to enjoy musical theater. It's not a class that requires much thinking, as all of your homework assignments are to watch musicals and read articles, but this can take between 2-5 hours a week, depending on how many musicals are assigned. I think the grade distribution (93% A) is a bit misleading, as no one slacked off and didn't put a significant amount of time and effort into the class. That being said, I would strongly recommend this class to anyone who intends to watch musicals.
Korey Rothman

Expecting an A
She is pretty cool and quirky. There is a lot of material in this course but it's not too bad if you study a little bit before the exams. You are "forced" to see 2 plays during the semester at CSPAC and write an assignment on each. 2 exams, quizzes, 2 play assignments, and there is a lot of extra credit opportunities. Easy A if you do the extra credit.
Korey Rothman

Expecting an A
Prof. Rothman is a really good professor. She is genuinely interested in this course and makes it pretty fun. However, to be honest, I personally didn't like the class. Make sure that if you're signing up for HONR238D that you thoroughly enjoy musical theatre. Its a big time commitment. You have to watch 2 hour musicals twice a week. She's a pretty easy grader, but it is completely possible to get a B in this class.
Korey Rothman

Expecting an A
Dr. Rothman is super nice, a great speaker, and a lot of fun to talk to. Make sure to show up to class everyday to get participation points (you can lost 2% for every class you miss), and make sure to have interest in musicals before signing up for this class, because it won't be awfully fun if you have zero interests. The homework generally consists of watching a musical every week, which honestly isn't stressful at all. The class consists of an in class presentation, about 3 very short papers, and a final presentation. Not too much work, but these few things do take up a bit of time, especially since their are very few guidelines for these assignments. Also their is a lot of extra credit available!
Korey Rothman

Expecting an A
Awesome Professor. She is very understanding, and excels at creating thoughtful class discussions. One of the easier honors seminars. However the many theatre trips over the course of the semester become time consuming, although fun.
Korey Rothman

Expecting an A
Initially, the only reason I took this class was to get credit for my HA Core. In the end, it was the same reason, but I actually learned interesting material in here. I was in the 3:30 class, so I did fall asleep occasionally, but since I sat in the front, it wasn't too bad. They give points based on attendance, so unfortunately you do have to come to EVERY single class. Really - COME, because the TA's have a paper with the student's faces on it, so once they know your face and don't see you are there, they will mark it down. She's really strict on the "no technology rule", so make sure that once class starts you put your phones away and iPods because she'll call you out. Overall it was a good class, she's funny, doesn't mind dropping a few curse words here and there, and you'll walk out feeling like you learned something. Oh - 2 papers on 2 plays, extra credit, quizzes every other week, about 5 or 6 plays to read.
Korey Rothman

I hated/survived this class. I really don't have any interest in theatre. Rothman is really passionate about the subject, however. There is absolutely no texting in class and she enforces it very well. So the class is a decent A. I mean people say that it's the easiest A, but it actually isn't. You have to put in considerable amount of effort to get an A. Doing the extra credits, reading the plays, and etc. Honestly, if you are looking for an easy HA course, take MUET210 with Rios. Amazingly easy. I can guarantee that if you have any interest in music, this will be a better choice. If you have any interest in theatre, take Rothman.
Korey Rothman

Expecting an A+
Quite the pleasant instructor. I'll admit her course was light and at the same time interesting. It was overall one of he few courses I took this semester which kept me sane. Course requirements : 2 papers, need to see 2 plays( Varies on what UMD is putting on at the time), roughtly 10 short stories and 2 books ( Combined in total it should only be 10 hours of reading). Furthermore there is a potential of 40 extra credit points and 60 points are participation. It is overall if you come to class an easy A.
Korey Rothman

Expecting an A
I have mixed feelings about Dr. Rothman and this class. Overall, I would recommend 238D for anyone who really enjoys musical theatre or needs a seminar and an HA, but there are a couple things that prevent me from giving her five stars. Yes, the semiweekly homework is usually watching a musical and reading a couple articles. But these musicals aren't selected for being good or fun to watch; they're chosen for representing topics discussed in class. And when they aren't fun to watch, they're obnoxious timesinks if you want to do well on the quizzes. Dr. Rothman tends to ask a couple pretty specific questions on each one. The worst part of the class is the big assignments. Dr. Rothman isn't very good at having clear expectations for presentations and papers, and the assignments themselves are surprisingly boring. They include a presentation on an assigned musical, a "process paper" about your research on the musical, a review of a live musical, and the final. The final is kind of strange, the only things she requires you do are write another "process paper" and present for 15 minutes. How you present your musical is entirely up to your group. Maybe I'm just a whiny engineering major, but this kind of work thoroughly upsets me. The only thing I sort of had fun with was the review. Seriously, what the hell is a process paper? None of this stuff contributes to my understanding of musical theatre. Negativity aside, the class discussions were generally quite interesting, and Dr. Rothman is funny and enthusiastic. 20 points of extra credit (to 500 total class points) can be earned in a number of ways. She's also very caring, I went to a scheduled "office hour" with none of the work I was supposed to have and she played therapist for a while instead of being annoyed with me.
Korey Rothman

Expecting an A
This is a pretty easy A is you attend class. The lectures can be boring at times but it isn't too bad. Professor Rothman is engaging and pretty funny. There are a lot of extra credit opportunities which is really helpful. Overall, I recommend taking this class if you need to fulfill a HA core!
Korey Rothman

Expecting an A
Really awesome professor. She makes the class really interesting and I would recomend her to anyone. the downside is that there's a lot of reading and quizzes but with all the extra credit given its almost impossible not to get an A. Do the extra credit and skim the readings and you'll be fine! I got over a 100% with all my extra credit but I did go to every class. I didn't like all the guest lecturers but the class overall was really great and the midterm and exam were fairly easy (if you did the readings and paid attention). I didn't study for the midterm and i got a 99% so don't worry this class is a really easy A.
Korey Rothman

Expecting an A
Don't get why everyone was so upset with Prof. Rothman - for such an easy A it's worth at least a little effort. Sure it's not like CCJS or something but for an HA with loads of extra credit, it beats taking a lit class. Quizzes can be annoying at times and she has strict class etiquette (no cell phones and laptops only if you are taking notes and she has her TAs walk around the room to check) but the class isn't that bad. Got through the whole thing and never once opened the book, just SparkNotes for every reading 15 min before class or skim it on ELMS and your'e good.
Korey Rothman

Expecting an A+
Dr. Rothman was one of the most enjoyable teachers I have ever taken. The material in the class is interesting but not difficult. The tests and quizzes are extremely easy and there is enough extra credit to sink ship. The only downside is that the TAs are the ones in control of your grade. I was lucky enough to get a TA who was understanding and an easy grader (Kate Spanos is her name... I highly recommend her), I think the TAs who are actual theatre majors might be a little bit of harsher graders when it comes to the 2 performance papers. Overall, great class that I will dearly miss.
Korey Rothman

Expecting an A
Awesome class, Dr. Rothman really knows how to manage a discussion in class. In my other honors seminars I have been let down by the more or less terrible discussions, but Rothman asks good questions to get the discussion rolling and then it just takes off. However, note that the discussions can be about very disturbing topics. She really challenges you to think outside the box that society has locked us into. At times thinking outside of this box is difficult, but in the end I was really glad that she forced me to think outside of this box. as for workload you have to do one presentation of one of the plays the class has to read, one 10 page play, (which isn't that long if you think about it), lots of mini-quizzes, a response paper to a play you have to see at CSPAC or in DC, and two research papers (one about your research on the play you presented and one about the play you wrote). These research papers are only 3 pages or so. The class is about a medium on a difficulty scale, but you won't mind doing the work for this class because it is a great class.
Korey Rothman

Expecting an A
Honestly this is the worst damn class I've ever taken. Yes, it is the easiest A in the entire world, the tests are a joke, you easily cheat on the quizes without reading, and there is so much extra credit you can get way over 100. On the downside Rothman sucks. I hate her, she's a terrible teacher. She constantly will tell you not to pack up before the end of class and yell and shit. She also goes around the room and picks on students in a lecture class, like stop. Also her wardrobe is a total laughing stock as she owns more button downs that a frat boy. To top it off, the majority of the TA's suck. The only exception is Ann Marie as she is awesome. Erin boone Stelle will yell at you for doing anything, when honestly no on cares about theatre at all. Easy A, but to much goes along with it.
Korey Rothman

Expecting an A
I LOVE Professor Rothman! She is absolutely hilarious and very knowledgeable about theatre! Her enthusiasm makes the class fun and interesting. HONR238D took up a fair bit of time outside of class (watching musicals) but a homework assignment to watch a movie is always fine in my books! If you enjoy theatre then you will definitely enjoy her class, and you most likely will not find it difficult. She really cares about her classes, offers a lot of extra credit, and is just generally a fun professor.
Korey Rothman

Expecting a a
easy A but never have i been more angry at a professor. during the hour and 15 minutes of hell you could call thet110 professor rothman spends it reading off slides and SCANNING the room looking for people talking, on cell phones, eating, anything that dosent involve paying attntion to her terrible teaching. i think the a is worth it but i promise u she cares more about catching people messing around than teaching the class
Korey Rothman

Expecting an A
Best class I have ever taken! Dr. Rothman is funny, super nice, and knows what she is talking about. You get easy extra credit (10 points for dressing up for Halloween) and your homework is basically watching musicals. The quizzes can be a little tough, but you'll do fine if you pay attention during the movie. The only quizzes I did badly on were the ones where I barely paid attention and only wikipedia'd the plot. There's also extra credit on all the quizzes. You have a couple of presentations and papers, and you have to go see two shows, but it's really not a big deal. As long as you put in a little bit of time (and start your papers early--don't do it the night before or you'll be up til 6 am), you're likely to get an A. Dr. Rothman is honestly the best, and this class was super interesting and really really fun! I looked forward to every class. Take it!!!!
Korey Rothman

Expecting an A+
Absolutely amazing professor! She cares about all her students and makes the class extremely fun and interesting. Class is almost entirely discussion based, but that is part of what made it so engaging. Dr. Rothman is very knowledgeable and fun. You will learn a lot from this class. Ignore that bad ratings of her because she is one of the best teachers there is. This class requires a good deal of time, but it is worth every minute. If you don't love musicals at the beginning of the class, you will love them by the end!! TAKE THIS CLASS!!! You will LOVE it!!!!
Korey Rothman

Expecting an A
This is such a wonderful class. I don't really like theatre but definately did like this class. Dr. Rothman is extremely funny and she keeps students enertained while teaching them the material that they need to know. She knows what she is talking about, and so do the TAs and the guest lecturers. The class mainly consists of a speaker (whether it's Dr. Rothman or a guest), a powerpoint presentation, and discussion of the material. As long as you write down what is on the powerpoint slides and write down things that Dr. Rothman saysare important and will be on exams, you will do fine in this class (I woul sleep half of the time in class and I still got an A). Do the readings assigned also because she does give pop quizzes (the readings are easy and short). The class consists of 13 quizzes (4 of which are pop quizzes) but they are extremely easy if you review your notes (some of the pop quizzes are so easy-like putting your name and birthday on a piece of paper and that's it!). You also have to go see 2 plays and write 2 play reviews, but if you put an appropriate amount of effort into writing these you will get a good grade. There is 1 midterm and 1 final, and they consist of true/false, fill in the blank, short answer, and multiple choice (pretty easy if you actually study your notes and have a basic understanding of the readings). There is also an INSANE amount of extra credit given in this class. You can earn up to 60 extra credit points, so there is no reason why you shouldn't be able to do well in this class if you want to.
Korey Rothman

Expecting a B
I put more time into this class than I did into orgo 2!! This class generally requires about 6 hours of time each week outside of class watching musicals and reading about them. Also, 2% of your grade will be taken away for every class period you miss (or even if you show up late). Her papers require you to follow strict 5 paragraph format with annotated bibliographies (like middle/high school). The only good point about the class was that it got me HA and D core credits. And a word of advice, DO NOT TAKE THIS CLASS IF YOU AREN'T INTERESTED IN THEATER
Korey Rothman

Expecting an A
This is an easy A if you do the reading and show up. She gives enough extra credit points where you have to not work to not get an A
Korey Rothman

Expecting an A
Dr. Rothman is the best teacher ever!!! She made the class really fun and she always has the best stories! From Hair to Hairspray will definitely be my favorite class my whole time here at Maryland. Most of your homework is watching musicals and reading articles about them. You have a quiz on every musical, but if you watched it, you'll do fine. She has an extra credit question on every quiz also. You have class discussions on the musical every class, which are very open. I always felt comfortable talking, and I used to hate seminars. You have a presentation on one of the musicals and you have to go see two shows, and a few papers. There's no final for the class. You have to come up with an original idea for a musical and pitch it to the class in groups. There's also a lot of other extra credit opportunities. We got ten points for dressing up like a character from a musical for Halloween. Seriously, just take this class. It's awesome and it counts for two CORE credits (HA and D)
Korey Rothman

Expecting an A+
Awesome class!!! I have no background in theater, never really liked watching or reading plays, and still don't. However, Professor Rothman is great. She's hilarious. There were readings due almost every class, and a quiz every Monday. Some of the readings were long, but there are sparknotes for most of them if you don't have time that week. However, it's better to actually read them if you have time because you'll do a lot better on the quizzes. There were many extra credit opportunities. I went to see 2 plays at Roundhouse Theater and they were 25 pts each. It was fun going with my friends & the plays were actually very good. I didn't like some of the guest lecturers. As for the 2 play review papers, they were a little challenging, and were graded a little harshly. And as for the exams, some of the questions were easy, but some required thinking deeply. Overall, greattt CORE humanities credit, I strongly recommend it.
Korey Rothman

Expecting an A
Funny and enthusiastic teacher! She tells great stories and the class is a breeze. Don't skip many though b/c she as pop quizzes based on the readings. Still, the plays are short and the quizzes are cake walks. I had a great time!
Korey Rothman

If you really want to take THET110, make sure to take it later than 9am..and if you do take it at 9am (which i strongly suggest you don't) make sure you have someone other than Rothman. She will make you sit through the entire lecture...till the last possibly second, and if you leave early there will surely be a question on an quiz/exam that you miss. All of the questions on the exam are those she asks in class, at the very end.
Korey Rothman

Expecting an A
I enjoyed this class tremendously. Those who are writing the 1-star and 2-star reviews below did not put any time or effort into this class. If you give a little bit to this class (READ AND TAKE NOTES) you will get a great deal out of it. If you go to every lecture, take decent notes, read the readings and study for 15 minutes before every quiz, you will get an easy A in her class. Good extra credit opportunities as well!
Korey Rothman

Expecting an A
To some, the subject matter of the plays in this class may be a turn-off; the more off-kilter topics ranged from bestiality to cross-dressing, but keep in mind that this is a class about those who feel like they are outsiders in American society. Assignments are very reading- and discussion-intense, so if you find that the topics do not interest you (whether you support or are against the topic is, fortunately, not consequential), I'd stay away from this class. The final project was to write a short play and act in someone else's--something else to consider and potentially avoid.
Korey Rothman

Expecting an A
Overall, I did enjoy the class; I haven't had much exposure to theater and this opened my eyes to it. However, she is overtly liberal and it was a little distracting to me (not that I'm a hardcore conservative or anything). I liked her idea for guest lecturers, however they all had different lecturing styles so it was hard to keep up with. She is very frank with what is going to be on the exam, and the tests are very fair. Towards the beginning of the semester there were a lot of readings, but they were interesting and relevant to the class. What mostly broke the deal for me was when she showed something called "Public Cervix Announcement"...if you haven't heard of it, be thankful. It was lewd and unnecessary and an example of how her die-hard liberalness got in the way of the class.
Korey Rothman

Expecting an A
WORST CLASS EVER!!! There are 2 pop quizzes in the course as well as readings assigned to each lecture. There are quizzes about the readings and the lectures approx every other lecture. You are required to attend 2 plays and write reviews about them (Harshly graded). On the first day you are told that you MUST attend each lecture and that the TA's have your picture and threaten to deduct points for any missed lectures. This is NOT an easy class to take unless you like readings into specific details about plays. There is also NO curve in the class.
Korey Rothman

Expecting an A-
Bad teacher. She is mean and does not care about her students unless you are one of a very select few that she decided to like. Lots of quizzes - many have harder questions on them. Class with her is very boring. If you don't like theater or reading or anything involving trying to interpret plays, DON'T TAKE HER! THE CLASS SUCKS WITH HER!
Korey Rothman

Expecting an A
Professor Rothman made Thet110 my most fun class this semester. This class is not a lot of work, there are two required performances to go see at CSPAC, and two-three page papers to write on them. There are also most weeks plays to read, but the quizzes on them are 5 questions long and multiple choice so you don't need to read the plays that in-depth. The lectures are fun and interesting. She brings in guest lecturers that are directors, actors, dramaturgs. I have a new appreciation for theater and an HA credit. :)
Korey Rothman

Expecting an A
I came into Thet110 somewhat unsure what we'd learn, or how interesting it'd be, but I quickly found it to be a greatly enjoyable class. The lectures are big, so make sure you sit near the front, and stay involved, because if she gets to know you it can be really helpful if you have to makeup a quiz or anything like that, and she's just so nice overall that you just want her to like you. Workload wasn't too bad - one midterm and one final (non-cumulative), and as long as you take good notes and study them you should be fine. Quizzes about every week, but as long as you at least know vaguely what the play you were supposed to have read was, and you listened in class, you should be fine. For the tests, make sure you've read the plays, though, because they'll be more comprehensive. You also have to write two reviews on plays put on at CSPAC, but I found those interesting to write also. They're only 2-3 pages, so as long as you take a few notes during the play you'll have plenty to write about, and it won't take you long at all. Really great class, and I look forward to taking her again.
Korey Rothman

she is great. makes class fun and interesting and hilarious. many guest lectures which is a drag because she is such a great lecturer. take her class if you can. its easy and she is very entertaining.
Korey Rothman

Expecting an A
She doesnt teach at all. She has people teach for her. She gives quizes but they are graded unfairly because you never get them back so you have NO idea what answers you got right if you forget what you put. And if your grade is different you cant even prove it! Participation grade is based on if she likes you or knows you from previous classes. there are 200 students so not everyone can get called on! so you better hope your the lucky one who gets called on. Dont take attendence but if they think you are absent they take ten points off! Never take this class with her unless you know her!
Korey Rothman

Expecting an A
Overall I thought the course was simple material. Rothman is an entertaining teacher and she doesn't expect you to memorize much. Reading the plays can be a pain because there are quizzes on them, but she isn't out to trick you. The class consisted of 2 play reviews, 8 or so quizzes, 2 pop quizzes, a midterm, and a final. LOTS of extra credit opportunities offered. Very straight forward class. The only issue I had was that she brought in A LOT of guest lecturers and had the TAs teach some material because it wasn't something she was an "expert" on. While I agree with that, some of these guest lecturers were bland or boring and it was not fun to listen to them speak for an hour and fifteen minutes. Overall, a great class.
Korey Rothman

Expecting an A
Awesome teacher. Lots of guest lectures, which can sometimes make the class a bit dull if they're uninteresting, but having a new voice and a new persective on theatre makes this class an easy HA credit. Not too much work. Lots of quizzes (easy, used sparknotes for a lot of the plays and did fine), attendence is a must. She's very animated and has a great sense of humor. LOVED her.
Korey Rothman

Dr. Rothman is the best! Love her teaching style, love the class, even the work made you think as opposed to the usual busy work. For those looking for an actual thought/conversation based honors seminar, look no further.
Korey Rothman

Expecting an A
Professor Rothman is really great. She is reasonable, funny, and definitely knowledgeable. She'll help you out if you are ever unclear about assignments and she facilitates discussion very well. HONR219P class assignments included five two-page journals, a presentation and paper, and a ten-page play on a topic of choice that concerns outsider-ship. Most of the non-written work is in reading plays. There are a lot of them, and there are short quizzes on them. Grading is more than fair, but you have to do the reading. The class is almost entirely discussion based. The class itself is kind of different when it comes to subject matter. The class can really push you to think about what is and isn't acceptable to you and why. If that isn't your cup of tea, I'm not sure I'd recommend it, but overall I think the class is pretty good and that the professor is great.