Jason Rudy

Information Review
Jason Rudy

Expecting an A
he's honestly the best teacher I've had at umd so far. His class was really interesting and it's very discussion based. Be prepared to read a lot (we read six novels and three of them were over 400 pages) but if you can do that then he's definitely worth taking
Jason Rudy

Expecting an A-
Taking Professor Rudy's class in the Spring of 2012 was even more interesting than I was expecting when I initially registered. He comes from a fresh, modern view point on many issues but makes it a point to encourage students to express their opinions even if they oppose his. His class is challenging but not over the top in work load. He requires you to think outside of the box and not get by with mediocre work. I would definitely recommend Professor Rudy and hope to take another class with him soon!
Jason Rudy

Some of these comments are just absolutely absurd-- Jason Rudy is one of the best professors I have had over my 3 years of college education. He has a genuine passion for the material that he teaches and truly wants the students to gain from the class; he is not one of these guys who is at the university to do research and could care two sh**s about teaching. His grading is fair, his policies are fair, and he is always open to hearing the students' side of the story. His office hours are incredibly helpful, as well. Take one of his classes if you get the chance, it was definitely the class I looked most forward to this semester. However, if you just want to be lectured at and not engage in productive, thoughtful conversation, then maybe this class is not for you. The experience, though, is rewarding. I recommend his classes to everyone.
Jason Rudy

Expecting an A-
Professor Rudy is an exceptional teacher. Over the entire semester I never saw him get angry, curse at anyone, or do anything else that the other reviews imply. On the contrary he was always quite polite and supportive. He loves the course work and that passion comes through in class. He facilitated an open discussion every day, and always was able to guide our thoughts when we got lost. He made himself frequently available outside of class to give extra guidance to those who sought it. The homework was an appropriate amount of readings, which we then discussed in class. I absolutely recommend Professor Rudy. I would take another course with him if I got the chance.
Jason Rudy

Expecting an A
For starters, let me be the first to dispell the disrespectful comments some students have made about this professor. Professor Rudy is very nice and has a sincere passion for literature. I appreciated how he tried to make the atmosphere of the class as laid back and relaxed as possible. This made it very easy to open up and share ideas to the rest of the class. I also appreciate how he is willing to accept any and everyone's opinion, regardless of whether or not it agrees with his own. As a matter of fact, he admitted that he did not agree with an argument I made for one of my papers. However, he still gave me an A- because he thought I took a compelling stance. This proves how honest and respectful he is and also shows the amount of integrity he has. He was always excited to hear our ideas about the readings we had to do in class. He was very open to everyone else's point of view and was willing to accept our arguments even if he was not previously familiar with them. Professor Rudy was extremely helpful when I came to his office hours to review my papers. He was always excited to have me come in and gave me some very useful suggestions that enhanced the quality of my paper. I will admit that literature is not my favorite subject, and I needed the class to fulfill a core requirement. However, Professor Rudy made this class A LOT less painful than it could have been. It was not hard at all and the amount of work given was reasonable. Once again, he is a fair grader and very passionate about this field. Do not be intimidated by the negative comments other students have made towards him. I'm all about honesty and giving people the respect and praise that they deserve. Professor Rudy is a great man, and I would defintely recommend him.
Jason Rudy

Avoid him at all costs.
Jason Rudy

Expecting a B+
This man was truly an arrogant "SOB". He was only nice when he spoke of his adopted son/private sessions during office hours to review your paper. However, in class: Rude, Snob, Arrogant, Blatant Favoritism, Verbally abusive, Mean, and would intentionally pronounce things with a European air, though he was from the Midwest. He even purposely mispronounced a girl's name in our class, and was proud of it bec. he thought it sounded better. Who swears at college students in a malicious manner? He does. Don't take him unless you want to be cursed at, talked down to, and bogged down with readings and then have your final consist of "fill in the blank/essays" from 5,000 8-year long poems. His motto: "Your job is to try to impress me." Still want to enroll?
Jason Rudy

Though he is a pleasant person on a one-on-one basis, he's not exactly the best professor. He's one of those profs that doesn't give much consideration to other obligations/work you may have with other classes because his assigned readings are definitely on the heavier side. Discussions are a bit dry, especially since he finds it "annoying" or "irritating" when the class is being chatty (before class has even started). He expects all electronic readings to be printed out and marked up - which is all well and good except that some of those readings are like 40+ pages. Sorry, don't have the money for the paper and the ink for continuous print jobs like that.
Jason Rudy

NEVER TAKE HIS CLASS. it sounds interesting, but hes actually an extremely angry professor and will give you a C because he loves proving himself. seriously, never ever ever take this class with him he will never give you a good grade, and if you want to know why the answer is simply that he doesnt feel like it. hes a horrible teacher and his lectures are boring and he literally exists in this school to make ur life a little bit worse in any way you can. trust me, avoid him at allllll costs. i honestly have nothing good to say about him, and this class could have potential to be interesting if he didnt butcher it like he does. AVOID RUDY ITS DEFINITELY NOT WORTH IT.
Jason Rudy

Expecting an A
I had Professor Rudy for his Love, Sex, and Poetry in the Long 19th Century class. The class was extremely interesting--it's not often that you discuss poetry with this approach for an entire semester. The reading load was fairly light (maybe like 5 poems for every class), and class discussion was very lively. I personally loved many of the poems we read. He assigns quizzes, but they're scheduled on the syllabus and extremely easy if you've done the reading. He requires 5 short responses to poems, and again, as long as you say something smart, you're going to get a good grade. He grades his papers (2 4-5 pages papers) very fairly, and the prompts are very interesting. He actually assigns 3 papers, but you have a choice between the 2nd and 3rd. The final exam did not require intense preparation (pick 6 passages out of 10 to ID and write a short essay). I wholeheartedly recommend Rudy as a professor.