Peter Sandborn

This professor has taught: ENES221, ENME350, ENME464, ENME770, ENME808J, PLCY798J
Information Review
Peter Sandborn

Expecting a B+
Dr. Sandborn was a decent professor but his lectures were not always enough on their own to understand the material without reading the textbook/watching youtube videos/going to office hours, making the class very time consuming. Assessments were fair and he's a nice guy who genuinely cares. If you take 221 with him, I cannot emphasize enough how much going to office hours helps -- he explains homework problems to you in a way that will also help you understand what to do on quizzes/exams.
Peter Sandborn

Expecting an A-
A very solid professor, class is structured so you get taught a dynamics concept like a new formula (sometimes he derives it on the board, other times not, you don't really need to understand the derivation to understand how to use the formula) then the rest of class is example problems for that concept. I recommend studying by doing textbook problems and then checking the answer key. The HW was frustrating, as a minor mistake can make the online grading system mark you simply as "wrong" without you being able to tell if it's something small, or a slight error somewhere. This is compounded by the fact that the HW problems have a lot more steps and complications than the exams or quizzes. However, all the professors share the same HW so you can't dodge this by choosing a different prof, at least you get infinite tries I guess. But again, overall solid professor.
Peter Sandborn

Expecting an A-
Comes to class and just does example questions, which in imo is the best way to learn dynamics. He doesn't upload notes on elms so u have to come to class if u want notes. Besides that he's super nice during class and office hours when you ask questions. He basically gives u the answers to the HW if u ask him. 11/10 would recommend
Peter Sandborn

Expecting a B
Not the best professor but also not the worst, he is very reasonable and the exams aren't bad. Worst thing about him is that he makes you buy his overpriced textbook to do the homeworks that don't really help that much on exams. Best thing about this class is that you don't need to attend lectures (he records everything) and the exams are open-notes. If you're looking for a chill elective I would recommend this class.
Peter Sandborn

Expecting an A+
Excellent professor, covers examples similar to exam questions during lectures (recorded too). Weekly homeworks are manageable. All around pleasant guy, very helpful in office hours.
Peter Sandborn

Sandborn seems to overestimate the knowledge you should have when lecturing. He doesn't explain fully concepts and spends a good amount of time deriving equations then doing a couple of examples. A lot of outside work needs to be done to do well in this class.
Peter Sandborn

Expecting an A-
Sandborn is a very good professor. His lectures are clearly spoken and sometimes a bit too slow for my liking. A couple of us often fell asleep in class but we still got A's. Hahaha. His textbook is self authored. Very well written in simple english. The material is unique unlike anything you have ever seen in engineering topics, not too much math. A lot of Excel homeworks.
Peter Sandborn

Expecting an A
This class wasn't structured very well. I thought the subject itself was very interesting, but there was little incentive to learn because there was almost no homework, he didn't test us, and attendance was not required. Basically, Professor Sandborn was too nice. We watched a LOT of TED lectures. 50% of your grade was a video that you had to make, and the assignment didn't make much sense. Then again, I was glad to get away with such a painless PS CORE, and I really did like Professor Sandborn as a person.
Peter Sandborn

Expecting an A
Good teacher, very straight forward. Comes to class and does 3-4 examples every day. Do the HW, understand the HW, practice the HW and the tests are easy. I got an A by studying the HW really hard.