Michael Schmidt

This professor has taught: ENGL390, ENGL391, ENGL393, ENGL395, ENGL398N
Information Review
Michael Schmidt

Expecting an A+
You do the work, you get 95-100% on everything. All discussion board posts are available from the start of the semester. Great professor, work is straightforward but the four main assignments do require about a days worth of effort. Take the class/professor
Michael Schmidt

Very lenient, doesn't make the class have busy work, great professor
Michael Schmidt

Expecting an A+
Professor Schmidt is extremely nice and passionate about teaching this class and is always willing to help students. There are 4 main writing assignments throughout the semester that he explains thoroughly. He also sets aside a session of online office hours instead of class before the assignment due dates to ask any questions. These assignments do take some effort, however, he is a very fair grader and provides rubrics to help you succeed.
Michael Schmidt

Expecting an A+
Professor Schmidt really cares about his students and allowed amble opportunity for success. He had huge blocks for office hours on the day assignments are due, and loves to help his students brainstorm or edit their work during regular office hours. The structure of his class allowed me to break down the assignments easily and section out my time. Although the assignments seem daunting at first, he guides us through the process! He grades based off his rubric and checklists. I ended up with an A+ in this class, even though I struggle with English. I definitely recommend him!
Michael Schmidt

Amazing Professor - loves to talk. Just make sure you go to class for participation. Very understanding and overall very chill. Def would take another class with him!!
Michael Schmidt

Expecting an A
Professor Schmidt is a very cool and passionate teacher at the university and is genuinely considerate of his students and their development. He is very impassioned about his lectures and encourages participation during class to facilitate teaching. The coursework is extremely reasonable and directly applicable to future endeavors, including resume and portfolio write-ups and reviews. Highly recommend if you enjoy a low-key class with relevant work you will find valuable.
Michael Schmidt

Expecting an A
He is such a kind professor that really cares about students doing well in the class. Gives additional points to help you get a good grade, and also grades really good. He helps you out a lot and has long office hours if you need help.
Michael Schmidt

Expecting an A
Professor Schmidt is definitely a teacher that cares a lot about his class and will actually take the time to grade rather than just hand out As. However, he structures his class in such a way that you learn a ton. He really cares about all of his students and tries his hardest to get to know each and everyone of them. This class definitely takes some effort and care and it won't be a mindless A, but he is definitely someone that you could form a meaningful relationship with.
Michael Schmidt

Expecting an A+
Professor Schmidt is so cool to work with! He is very lowkey and his class is organized so well. I find that he is pretty easy to talk to and easygoing in class as well. He grades fairly and strictly off the rubric. Assignments are spaced out well, and he does well to cover the content in class. He has a large block of office hours to help you if you need the time/support, and he is very communicative with the class. Overall, I had such a good time in this class and got a lot out of the assignments.