Jeannette Schollaert

This professor has taught: ENGL101, ENGL222, ENGL241, ENGL246, ENGL250, ENGL255, ENGL393, WGSS255
Information Review
Jeannette Schollaert

Expecting an A-
Loved Jenny's ENGL255 (Sci-Fi Literature) course. I get very invested in such reading material, so I stayed up to speed with our books and article assignments. If you don't like reading or can't manage to listen to audiobooks to prepare for class, you probably shouldn't take this course at all. The subject matter of 255 is very interesting and Jenny facilitates good, meaningful discussions in her class. She is very understanding and forgiving, but as always, communicate your needs early. Glhf
Jeannette Schollaert

Expecting a B
Seems nice in class and is engaging with good insights. However, she is a terrible grader, the class has a lot of work, and the structure is very unforgiving. She takes up to one month to grade one assignment, does not allow for any edits or re-dos, and is way too strict on grading overall. I do not recommend it.
Jeannette Schollaert

Expecting an A-
Not what I was expecting. Jeannette is very approachable, kind, and engaging in class. Discussions were relatively insightful and helpful (especially if you ever fell behind on the readings). However, the course was pretty deceiving. Seeing as the title is "What the Novel Does", I thought we were going to look at some of the more well-known or classic novels, but we read books that I had never even heard of before (lol). The novels themselves were okay, but the course felt pretty rushed because we read four over the course of the semester. The main assignments of the semester consisted of weekly discussion board posts (which were pretty lengthy and usually required text citations), a group-lead discussion based on one of the novels, ~4 papers, a final "project" with the same people from your discussion group, and a final paper. Though the workload was not overly terrible, the instructions for each assignment were pretty horrendous. We had to ask for constant clarification because the directions/ rubrics were either extremely vague or written as if this was a PhD level course. Our lack of understanding was definitely reflected in feedback she would leave on each assignment (which was often super nitpicky). We disclosed a lot of this feedback to her, so I'm hoping that things will change moving forward if she teaches this class again. Overall, it was not the class for me personally and I would not recommend if you are looking for an interesting and light elective :(
Jeannette Schollaert

Expecting an A-
Not exactly what I was expecting. Jeannette is very kind, approachable, and engaging in class. Discussion was always very welcoming and relatively insightful (especially if you ever fell behind on the readings). However, the course itself was deceiving- I was under the impression we were gonna read more classic novels, but instead we read random novels I had never even heard of before (lol). We read four novels over the course of the semester and it felt kind of rushed. The course consisted of weekly discussion board posts (which were very lengthy and required textual citations), a group-lead discussion based on one of the novels, 4 papers, a final "project" with the same people from your discussion group, and a final paper. Though the workload was not terrible, the directions for assignments were pretty horrendous. She was extremely vague and/ or would word things as if this was a PhD level course. We needed constant clarification for assignments and our lack of understanding was pretty clearly reflected in her feedback (which was super nitpicky and not always the most helpful). We gave her a lot of this feedback in-person, so hopefully some changes will be made if she were to teach this course again. Overall, I would not recommend if you are looking for an interesting and light elective :(
Jeannette Schollaert

Brilliant, funny, and principled teaching style. Discussions were always insightful and interesting. She makes a lot of space to entertain everyone's thoughts and theories. She makes everyone feel comfortable sharing and provides multiple ways to participate and discuss your thoughts.
Jeannette Schollaert

Expecting an A
Loved her and this class. The books we read were a little dry that that's just a personal issue, the in-class discussions were very engaging and thought-provoking. Also the workload was pretty light; a few essays, a reading journal, and other small assignments for in-class group work. Attendance being mandatory without a virtual option was my only pitfall but otherwise a pretty fun class for everyone!
Jeannette Schollaert

Expecting an A+
amazing. uses contract grading and is very engaging in class. she really cares about your writing and ideas and it shows with the kind of classroom environment she has. easy to do well if you are good at reflecting and connecting themes between texts.
Jeannette Schollaert

Expecting a B-
Garbage. Doesn’t even know was the ranges of grades are. Stay away unless you are very liberal or willing to go against your beliefs to tell her what she wants to hear