Jason Schultz

This professor has taught: MATH120, MATH141
Information Review
Jason Schultz

Expecting an A
Probably the best professor I've ever had. Hes funny af and hes also really chill. Just go to class, pay attention, and make use of the study guides for the exams because trust me this is an EASY A class. there is no reason you should be getting a C or worse
Jason Schultz

Expecting an A+
Professor Schultz is genuinely one of the best math professors you could ask for. While the class is very fast paced he properly breaks down every topic and thoroughly explains them. In terms of discussions we had a quiz in just about every single one. However the professor himself would tell us which specific types of questions would be on them and the TA would go over examples on the day off. In terms of exams we receive “study guides” every time that include most of the type of questions you’ll find on them. While he doesn’t curve, as long as you properly study that plus the homework and even the examples in the textbook, you should pass your exams. His grading policy is more than fair and he drops 50 points off the original 650 you can possibly earn to help your grade. All this being said, you should definitely attend class as often as possible. It is very easy to fall behind if you even miss just one class and don’t have any friends in the class that’ll share notes with you. Overall, Professor Schultz is a fair, friendly, and funny professor and you should most definitely take him for MATH120!
Jason Schultz

Expecting a C-
Very funny guy and wants you to do well. For sure one of my favorite professors.
Jason Schultz

Expecting an A
Schultz is a funny guy, and very very good at teaching and engaging. Great math professor, my favorite professor I’ve had
Jason Schultz

Expecting an A
Prof. Schultz is a very good math professor. He makes everything super easy to understand and is always willing to help. He makes sure everything is covered and does a good job explaining. The quizzes and exams are a direct reflection of the class material and same goes for the homework. He even tells you which homework problems to study before each quiz. He gave lots of practice material before exams and I always felt prepared. He's also a super friendly guy and loves to make jokes and get to know the students.
Jason Schultz

Expecting a B
Professor Schultz made a class that I was expecting to be miserable very manageable. His lectures are fast paced, but he always explains every concept very thoroughly. For the short quizzes, he always tells you exactly what type of problems will be on them. His zoom reviews are very helpful, so I suggest attending them before the final and each exam. Take him!
Jason Schultz

Expecting an A-
As someone who's struggled with math for as long as I can remember and was very nervous about taking calculus, I can tell you that professor Schultz is awesome. He manages to make calculus lectures engaging, and often cracks a few jokes. The course is a little fast-paced, but nothing that isn't manageable. His lectures are not recorded, so definitely attend them (and take notes!) in order to really understand the content because he does an amazing job at explaining the concepts as well as the steps to do the problems. There are very short quizzes most Friday's during discussion but he tells you what's on it the class before, and the TA usually covers the material right before the quiz. He also posts an entire online packet of every concept we cover, which is super helpful. Take him for MATH120!
Jason Schultz

Expecting an A
Professor Schultz is one of the funniest instructors I have ever had. He's super down to earth and clearly has a true passion for teaching math. His tests are fair and his grading policy is very reasonable, there are 650 points and you can drop 50 points from whatever section of grades you score the lowest in (HW, Exams, Quizzes, Final). I, along with most other students in my class, find his teaching to be very good and easy to follow. The discussions go over homework right before the quiz is handed out, so make sure to take advantage of that if you are ever confused!
Jason Schultz

Expecting an A
I have never had a professor who cares as much as Professor Schultz. He is the most understanding and accommodating professor at UMD. His class is fast-paced but doable. Not everyone has the best experience with MATH120 so if you have the opportunity to take it with him, definitely do so. Also, the discussions were a literal joke. There's almost always a quiz, however, the TA would quite literally go over the exact questions that would be on it.
Jason Schultz

Expecting an A-
Professor Schultz is a GOAT math teacher, if you have the opportunity to take his course then do it. He explains the topics very well and is a very understanding teacher. Professor Schultz is also one of the funniest professors I have had and his TA was also very good. Again he is the GOAT math teacher.
Jason Schultz

Expecting an A
Friday discussion quizzes that are graded for accuracy. At the end of the semester he'll either get rid of homework, all the quizzes, or half of any exam.
Jason Schultz

Expecting a B-
Professor Schultz is the best professor I have had at UMD. He is incredibly friendly and gives countless opportunities to improve a grade. The class had weekly quizzes, and Schultz essentially gave the questions beforehand during lecture. Exams were not difficult, as they resembled the given study guides. Definitely take class with Professor Schultz if possible. He is very thorough in lecture and answers all questions politely.
Jason Schultz

Expecting an A
Absolutely take this man if you can. He's so goated and really engages the lecture hall even when its full of 120 people. The class is fairly easy if you put in the effort it is exam heavy however (that's just how the math department works sadly). Makes the class as fun as calculus can be and is a great person overall to talk to and be around.
Jason Schultz

Expecting an A
Professor Schultz is the goat. He teaches every topic very well. There is a quiz in discussion every week but he tells you the questions that will be on the quiz in the lecture before. Gives you an exam review sheet before each exam and a packet full of previous finals to review for the final exam.
Jason Schultz

Expecting a B
Professor Schultz is genuinely one of the best teachers to take for a Freshman Connection calc 2 course. He's engaging with students, very helpful, and actually wants students to succeed in what's supposed to be one of UMD's weed-out courses. In classes, you have lots of time to take notes plus constant reminders of quizzes and tests so you know when they will pop up. He also explains everything in detail (and provides proofs and examples if you don't get the theory part) and tries to avoid relying on the textbook for key information, unlike some calc 2 professors (looking at you, Pinsky). For tests, Schultz gives out study guides that are relevant to the test and the exams are very fair if you do use them (which I didn't for the first exam, earning me this B), plus is willing to do questions from the WebAssign and practice exams if you go during office hours or shoot him an email. Not only that, the curves are very generous (especially for that godawful standard final which everyone bombed), which goes to show that he cares about students succeeding instead of weeding them out. Overall, Schultz is an amazing professor and will help you fully understand the material and get good grades.
Jason Schultz

Expecting an A-
Very understanding teacher. Loved his teaching. If you pay attention in class, do the homework, and go in for help you should be fine to get an A. I trolled on the last few quizzes so it bought my grade down, but amazing teacher.
Jason Schultz

Expecting a B+
Professor Schultz was truly one of the best professors I have ever had. He made a not-so-interesting calculus class into a fun and engaging course. Attendance was not mandatory and was there was a 2 question quiz most Fridays, but gave us the questions to us the class before. I could not recommend a better professor for MATH120.
Jason Schultz

Expecting an A
There are so many tricks to Elementary Calculus that I learned from a Youtube video instead of his class, and those actually helped me the most. Skims over the harder parts of lessons, and this is not a personal statement most people I know do not understand the topics perfectly. Exams are usually not too bad. Just make sure you do every practice he gives you. To be honest, I'm a little shocked that his reviews are so positive on here. I would take this over MATH140 though. Be prepared to write responses to word problems using your answers and units, as in most math classes.
Jason Schultz

Expecting an A+
Didn't go to class much, but on the days I did go, he was a super engaging lecturer. Provides plenty of resources to help with exams and was easy to contact outside of class. The textbook for this course was also really easy to follow and concise. Very very laid back professor, this class is an easy a if you don't half ass it. Read the textbook, do the homework/review packets, and you'll do fine.
Jason Schultz

Expecting a B
I love this guy. He goes through so many examples which are super helpful, while also keeping us engaged by telling personal stories which are great. He will tell you the problems on the quiz beforehand and most reviews are super similar to the exams. He is a professor who truly wants to see the students succeed.
Jason Schultz

Expecting an A+
so amazing. many resources and practice before exams. go through topics in thorough. responds to emails quick and is willing to help. 10 min quiz every friday during discussion. he tells you exactly whats on them the lecture before. lowest 2 quizzes get dropped. worst exam gets cut in half.
Jason Schultz

Expecting an A+
literally the best professor ever. responds to emails very quickly. gives out benefit of doubt on exams. gives out thorough study guides before each exam and goes over them in class. pushes back the homework grades quite often. holds many study sessions for the exams over zoom. 10 min quiz every friday in discussion but he tells you the exact questions that will be on it the lecture before. super understanding. grades the exams in a timely manner.
Jason Schultz

Expecting an A-
Great teacher and great guy. Explains every concept well. Quiz every friday, but he tells you exact kind of questions that is going to be on it. 10 min quiz. Then for exams, he gives a great study guide each. Know the study guide and you will be fine. Pushes back HW dates, and office hours are great.
Jason Schultz

Schultz is the best professor I've had so far at UMD. Great personality and definitely straightforward. Somehow he knows almost every single person's name in the lecture with ~150 kids in the class, which I find crazy but really goes to show how much he cares about his students. Assignments and quizzes are straight forward, and he always pushed back homework due dates. If you can have Schultz, take it with Schultz!
Jason Schultz

Expecting an A
Schultz is an awesome professor and keeps the lectures super interesting with his funny stories and bright personality. His quizzes are straightforward forward and his study guides for each exam are very helpful for the actual exam. Highly recommend trying to get him.
Jason Schultz

Expecting an A-
Very nice and charismatic. Each discussion has a 10 point closed note quiz, but the worst 2 grades are dropped. He counts your worst exam as only half.
Jason Schultz

Expecting an A
Mr.Schultz is a wonderful teacher. He knows how to convey information and keep lectures interesting with personal stories. If you genuinely try and put in the work, you will do well in his class, I highly recommend him.