A Sharma

This professor has taught: ASTR300
Information Review
A Sharma

Expecting an A
Lectures are boring. After the first 2 weeks, I didn't go to a single lecture. All homework, exams, and quizzes can be found online on Quizlet. Easy A
A Sharma

Expecting an A-
When I first read his reviews I didn't believe that they were accurate, I thought that these people just didn't like the subject material. I was wrong. This man has found a way to be ungodly boring whilst talking about supernovae. I really enjoy the material of this class, but he is so boring its hard to pay attention as all he does is read slides of information he took from the book. The course material is not very difficult, the difficulty is showing up to class. He's not a bad guy or anything, but I think if you can't hold the attention of people like me, who want to pay attention and learn, than you probably should not be teaching.
A Sharma

Expecting a C-
Rather difficult course. Class is extremely boring and the professor's teaching methods are absolutely whack. The exams are rather difficult and consists of a lot of writing and multiple choice. The homework is harshly graded and there are no grades that can be dropped in this course. You're better off taking a different course.
A Sharma

Expecting an A+
You'll pass but this class will be the most boring/useless ass class you'll ever take. 60-80% of people don't show up to the lectures at all because he only reads off slides and the exams are completely different and are harshly graded. Average on final this semester was an E. 90% of us were just here for the CS upper elective so no one really cared about the class and Sharma doesn't give a rat's ass either
A Sharma

Expecting an A-
Very boring, it's hard to maintain your focus in class