Anjali Sheth

This professor has taught: EDCP210, EDCP230
Information Review
Anjali Sheth

Expecting an A
Very sweet instructor! From my experience, she didn't assign too much work in this class and graded pretty easy. The class was pretty small and usually didn't run the whole time (75 min class usually was more like 45 min) but she still covered the material. She worked hard to make the content engaging and had fun activities and opportunities to connect with people in our class. Definitely recommend this class as a gen-ed that's not very much work and is pretty interesting and fun.
Anjali Sheth

Expecting an A
Professor sheth is one of the most kindest professor I had, She is very understanding, accommodating and very easy to talk to if you have concerns. The course work was light and the class is small. I really recommend this class.
Anjali Sheth

Expecting an A
Such a great class. Highly recommend this professor. This was her first time teaching, and it was great. There are 3 online quizzes 20 min each, 2 papers, and 2 group projects. Very doable amount of work, and the class is very engaging. Cannot recommend this class enough. This class is also small (20 people) and a great way to meet new people!
Anjali Sheth

Expecting an A
Anjali is one of the most caring instructors I've ever had. She is extremely welcoming and accommodating. The coursework is light and fosters genuine connections within the small class.