Dustin Smith

This professor has taught: INST201
Information Review
Dustin Smith

Expecting an A
I took Dustin in Fall 2024, and he was amazing. The class was fairly easy with a quiz and discussion board post every week, along with a discussion section every Friday for us to get with our team for the semester-long final project. Although there were a lot of readings, which is fairly common for all INST201 sections, he would go over them in class and offer additional insights as to how they can connect to our lives.
Dustin Smith

Expecting an A
Honestly super laid back, and you can really tell that he's passionate. There are lots of readings but that's required and has nothing to do with the prof but he definitely makes them easier to swallow. Super slight class and no reason you should not get an A.
Dustin Smith

Expecting an A+
This professor was amazing. The class was very easy and simple. He would often give students the chance to complete assignments if they missed it. He actually made the effort to make the class engaging. He showed cared for his students. We worked on a semester long group project, and we have to write a long essay for it which is very simple if you follow directions. The professor and TA's give a lot of feedback and are always checking in on us. Very simple homework assignments as well and there was no exam. I highly suggest this professor!!