Paul Smith

This professor has taught: SPHL601, SPHL602, SPHL603, STAT386, STAT400, STAT401, STAT420, STAT440, STAT689, STAT740, STAT741, STAT770
Information Review
Paul Smith

Expecting a B+
Grades are not updated regularly. Lecture is not worth going to as he often spends lots of time on proofs not needed for homeworks or exams. Strange class, feels very outdated.
Paul Smith

Horrible professor. Is obviously very intelligent but does not know how to teach. Talks about one thing while presenting notes about another thing, goes over no examples in class, and expects you to learn the problems based on loose theory presented in class.
Paul Smith

Expecting an A
Professor Smith focuses heavily on formulas, and the majority of class time was focused on proving or using formulas. This made his exams and final easy, because as long as you had the formula written down (he allowed one page of notes) then it was plug and chug to get the answers. However he assigned homework that was often too long and repetitive, so expect to spend 2+ hours a week solving the same problems but with different numbers. Also he refuses to use ELMS to post student grades, so prepare to be guessing at how well you are doing compared to other students. Easy A if you can put in the time and not get too frustrated at the homework.