Michael Spivey

Information Review
Michael Spivey

Expecting an A+
Prof.Spivey teaches GVPT331 to be similar to law school, you'll do case readings and case hypos, and you have one discussion day in the semester where you will be cold-called in the class. Because it challenges you to handle a completely new style of learning, THIS CLASS IS HARD. If you do not have time in your schedule or do not have a real interest in law, I would not recommend this class because of the sheer workload that it requires (and most of this workload is not graded, but is necessary to do well on the exams which count for almost all of your grade in the class). If you do have the passion and the time, I could not recommend this class more. Dr.Spivey's lecture style is really fun to listen to, and you learn so much about law and what law school may look like that is really informative if you're looking into the legal field. The class is as rewarding as it is difficult. The star I took off is just because, as unique and enjoyable as this class can be it can get very disorganized. Prof. Spivey tends to underestimate the time he needs to get through content so the class can often get behind, and it may get confusing what readings you should be doing to prepare. This semester, the second exam date was also moved twice. Despite this I think this class is a one of a kind experience and Prof. Spivey is undoubtedly one of the most entertaining and impactful professors I've had at UMD.
Michael Spivey

Expecting an A-
overall: I'm a pre-law gov major and this class was very insightful and pushed me in a good way. it did have more readings then most of my other gov classes but most of the readings are pretty interesting. Spivey does a good job expanding your knowledge of topics by asking a lot of hypotheticals, but sometimes they can get hard to follow, don't worry though his crazy expanded hypotheticals are never like the questions on the exam. the class is 2 exams & 1 final. the difficulty of the exams picks up each time, but not to an insane level. I'd attend lectures to fully understand the material, but missing a few classes won't kill you. if you want to go to law school, i say take the class and give it a try. recommendations/heads up: -You have one day within the entire semester that you are assigned to speak in class so: make sure you prepare! Spivey is always a few classes behind, so if you're day is coming up just prepare the cases before & after your assigned day so that you are ready. On that day you can be asked any type of question, so do the reading unless you want to be embarrassed. -Get the textbook. There's no way around it. -Make friends within the first 2 weeks so that can split up cases for classes. It makes the readings MUCH easier. -Start studying for at least the first exam a week before so that you have time to prepare -Sometimes Spivey is late to his office hours so be prepared for that lol. -You have weekly 5 question quizzes that are low-risk but graded. I'd recommend spending 20 mins the night before just to look over your notes for the week, it helps a lot. -As long as you take notes, attend class, & study you'll be fine
Michael Spivey

Expecting a B+
He is an educated and hard-working professor, but he is not the most organized. As a gvpt major I really enjoyed the material and structure (at times) of this unique course, however the appeals process for grades was a mess. I also had to take time out of my day to appeal for my grade and usually got some points back. Additionally, the workload is a lot, especially around finals times and they take a long time to get back to you on exam grades which are most of the class. I don't want to give too much of a bad impression however, the information is interesting, and my professor and TA were great, but the organization was poor.
Michael Spivey

Expecting a B-
Professor Spivey is a great professor and definitely runs this course as if it were an actual law school course. Do not take GVPT331 unless you are planning on going to law school. It definitely is an interesting and challenging course but does not leave much room for error. The tests are worth literally all of your grade, if you don't do well on the tests, you won't do well in the class. He does offer an appeals process for exams and extra credit if you do the case briefs but its not exactly an easy course, you really have to earn your grade.
Michael Spivey

Expecting a B
I love the way that Spivey lectures and manages his class. He is very lenient with in-class participation, but exams are quite strict and difficult. I would recommend this class only if you are willing to put in the extra time for success, then you will really enjoy it.
Michael Spivey

Expecting a B
Dr. Spivey is a great professor and a good lecturer, but if you don't care about law, don't find it interesting, or don't plan to attend law school his class will be challenging if you do not put in extra time and effort to understand the material. The law reading and cases are generally a lot of info and pretty dense so you do have to dedicate a significant amount of time outside of class to the readings and case briefs, however, there is no formal homework which is nice but 90% of your grade is exam based so that's also a bit hard. In general not a terrible class just a lot of info
Michael Spivey

Expecting an A
I took this over COVID. In my op, i think this a good class to take if you havent tasted some of the law classes at school. itll be a bit of a curve to get used to his style but its possible. really interesting cases. be prepared to present!
Michael Spivey

Expecting an A-
Massively overrated, but still a good teacher. I simply don't understand the cult of personality around this man. Class isn't too hard if you just show up and listen/take notes, grading expectations are reasonable.
Michael Spivey

Expecting a B+
Best professor I've ever had in my collegiate life. You'll never be bored in lecture. Never. He'll get everyone involved, even in a 250-seat lecture hall. You'll learn more in this class than any other you've ever had. Exams and assignments are more than fair, and very straight-forward. If you go to class and listen to his world-famous hypotheticals, you'll be fine. He's had a ton of experience with the law, and is an insanely smart dude. Has more degrees than I can count, and just earned his PhD from Maryland a few months ago.
Michael Spivey

Expecting an A
Prof. Spivey is a tricky guy to evaluate. The discussions during class are fun and very informative. You will learn a lot about topics that relate to daily life, and learn to assess and evaluate case law. Exams are fair and test to see if you know the general idea of what is going on in the class.
Michael Spivey

Awesome professor. Very intelligent, actually an attorney with a lot of law and political experience out in the field which he tells the class about when it's relevant. Very friendly and open, has weekly scheduled lunches with students in the dining hall in an effort to get to know them. The material is good stuff too, you learn about a LOT of Supreme Court cases, though it might not seem like it all the time, but all the material falls together like a puzzle to make his larger point about govt structure and SCOTUS. Speak up in class! But be ready to think on your feet, he doesn't wait for you to get your thoughts together, things move fast and he challenges anyone who speaks up, there's no bsing or intellectually 'getting away with it.' It can be a little unnerving and embarrassing at first, but he's a really nice guy, so it's not personal, he's just trying to get you to think. Don't know why first review made a big deal about Bush v. Gore - he reads these reviews and he made an effort to not be biased after reading that.
Michael Spivey

Expecting a B
As a Government and Politics major this was easily one of the best classes I have ever taken. It's not a great class because it's easy, it's a great class because of Professor Spivey. He constantly challenges you on your beliefs and makes you really think about what you believe and how you think this country should be run according to the Constitution. If you have ever had any question about the Constitution or not, take this class because afterwards it may be answered, but you might start questioning it more yourself and whether it can be improved. Amazing class that I highly recommend for anyone who enjoys law. And yes while he hates Bush v. Gore, he's right it's a stupid case. But you won't do poorly if you get it as a case, he's not that biased.
Michael Spivey

Expecting an A
Hands down one of the best professors I've ever had. If you are thinking about law school, definitely take one of his classes, he's a great resource and gives a great introduction to Constitutional law. I've taken both 431 and 439C with him and they have been my favorite classes to go do. Same structure of the class- two papers (usually one brief and one opinion), a midterm and a final, with one presentation of a case during the semester for participation. Also, sometimes a random 1 page or a couple paragraphs asking us what we think of a case or a decision. You will not regret taking his class, and its worth going to lecture for, although I suppose you could skip if that's your thing.
Michael Spivey

Dr. Spivey is a great teacher with a balanced approach to the law. In 431, American Constitutional Law, you'll spend about 1/3 of the course looking over the Federalist and Anti-Federalist papers. The rest of the course is spent reviewing and arguing Supreme Court cases which contain some sort of constitutional question. You have somewhat of a choice, but ultimately you are assigned one of these cases and expected to present, as a petitioner or respondent, an oral argument before the class. Bush v. Gore is an option, but don't pick it. If you have to argue Bush's side, you're in for it; Spivey hates that court decision (with good reason).