Liz Stanwyck

This professor has taught: BMGT230
Information Review
Liz Stanwyck

Expecting a W
Don't take this class if you don't have a stat background
Liz Stanwyck

Final exam was ridiculously difficult and nothing like the sample exam. There is a grade distribution which can curve your grade by a ton.
Liz Stanwyck

Expecting a C+
Very passionate professor however the class is still very hard. Exams pretty similar to practice exams. The discussion assignments are pretty easy to knock out in 20 mins. Overall good professor with a hard class.
Liz Stanwyck

Expecting a D
This professor is very passionate about statistics and helpful but assumes many of her students know basic information and has difficulty teaching the content. She will "teach" by explaining how to do one problem once and then expect you to pick up on it. Discussions have hard material, though you get graded based on participation. The TAs are friendly but are not approachable to help with content. This class is a lot of independent time spent outside of class times. I would not recommend taking this class while taking other time-consuming courses, because it is a lot to juggle, especially if math is not your strongest suit.
Liz Stanwyck

Expecting an A-
Harder than expected, professor is nice and passionate about teaching however failed to incorporate how to use calculators, which is extremely necessary to pass this class with more ease. I recommend going through all the homework’s and then doing the practice exam to study. My grade drastically increased from exam one to exam two when I implemented the homework’s. I give her class 4 stars bc she’s very accommodating and willing to answer any and all questions!
Liz Stanwyck

Expecting an A+
Stanwyck is the GOAT. She is super engaging during 9 am lectures and makes the class so interesting. She is VERY receptive to student questions during lecture, after lecture, and during office hours, and never makes you feel dumb for silly questions. Clearly she has a lot of experience in this field, even though she's new to UMD, and she's definitely very knowledgeable and passionate about stat. I will say this class is a lot easier for those w/ a stat background compared to those without, simply because she doesn't teach calculator commands (she does everything manually in this class). So people with a nice graphing calculator can use calc commands and complete problems like 3x faster than those without calculators. My advice: learn the commands or make friends with people who already know them LOL. Class was pretty easy but I've taken stat before so keep that in mind. If you have taken AP stat though, this class is way easier than AP since all the exams are MC and she goes less in depth than we did in AP. For those who haven't taken stat, I still think it's relatively straightforward but you definitely need to put in the work and pay attention during lecture. Going to lecture is so worth it, DO NOT SKIP IF YOU CAN AVOID IT (but if you do skip, there's no penalty either.) TLDR; if you've taken stat before, BMGT 230 w/ Stanwyck is a dream. If you haven't taken stat, Stanwyck is still a dream, but BMGT 230 might be a nightmare if you don't put in effort.
Liz Stanwyck

Expecting an A+
Stanwyck is THE GOAT. I did have a stat background before taking this class (took AP Stat last year) so keep that in mind. But in terms of just Stanwyck as as a professor she is the best. Way more helpful than any of my other profs this semester and she's super passionate and vibrant during 9 am lectures. You can always ask her questions and she'd be happy to help you, and she clearly cares about her students. I remember a couple weeks into the semester she just decided to push back all the HW due dates to Monday from Friday, since people were struggling to finish them by Friday. She also holds like 3 hour long office hours before each exam (2 midterms and a final) so you can ask her questions then, plus her usual office hours. She gives a sample exam (full length) before each exam, and there's discussion worksheets. Tbh if you do well on the sample exam and try during discussion and review the discussion worksheets, you're set for the exams since they're not that tricky. The one con that I can see is that this class is definitely way harder for kids without stat backgrounds SIMPLY BECAUSE Stanwyck does not use the calculator. So all the stat kids know all the calc functions and can complete problems like 3x faster than those doing everything manually. She does a good job teaching everything still imo, but maybe try to make some friends with people who took stat so you can steal their calc functions for the exams lol.
Liz Stanwyck

Expecting an A
As someone who took AP Stats in high school this class was not too hard, although I know a lot of people struggled who did not take Stats in high school. Stanwyck is super nice and always brings extremely positive energy to class. She is patient with questions and genuinely is passionate about stats. My only issue with her teaching is that she does not know how to really utilize the TI-84 which makes it so much easier to do the problems needed for the course. If you know how to use the calculator, the problems go by so much faster than punching them into a formula. It is a pretty standard class with 1 smartbook and 1 homework per week as well as a discussion, which is only graded on showing up. For the exams I would recommend doing the practice exam twice to try to perfect the key concepts and formulas. I would then study with other people that you think will do well on the exam. Overall, show up to class, do the practice exams, and use a calculator.
Liz Stanwyck

Expecting a B
She is a kind and enthusiastic professor but she taught the class as if everyone already had a background in Stat, making it very difficult for those of us who didn't. Her class notes weren't detailed enough and the actual exams were a lot harder than the practice exams. The key for the final practice exam only gave answers, no work was shown which was unhelpful.
Liz Stanwyck

Expecting a B
The most passionate teacher there is although was still a hard class. Her exams were somewhat similar to her sample exams but I found them to be much harder. She posts her notes after class and the keys to the discussions so there is a lot of material to study off of, but the class in general isn't easy to learn since she doesn't teach you how to do the work on the calculator. Overall nice teacher and very understanding of her students.
Liz Stanwyck

Expecting a C+
The professor is exceptionally passionate and experienced. The course is intentionally challenging to ensure that only the most dedicated students succeed. However, if you attend every lecture, take detailed notes, and make good use of office hours, there’s no reason you can’t pass.
Liz Stanwyck

Expecting an A
She always makes her lectures very engaging and she definitely cares to help students who seek that help. I will note I cannot speak on behalf of someone who has not taken stat before because I took AP stat in HS which was incredibly helpful, but similar to the other reviews, if I did not have prior knowledge, I would find this course difficult. The most frustrating part about this course was that she only provides one practice exam per midterm and as a new professor it can be insufficient exam prep. Her exams are also all multiple choice which makes it easy to lose points because for a math course, you cannot get partial credit; it’s either right or wrong. The cumulative final was substantially more difficult than Exam 1 and 2. If you put in a lot of effort you can succeed in this class, but there should definitely be changes to the structure, amount of practice and prep provided for exams, complexity of in class problems, and the format of the exams.
Liz Stanwyck

Expecting an A-
I've never taken statistics before and I actually think she made the course very enjoyable. Exam 1 and exam 2 weren't that bad for me, but the final was definitely harder. Although, at the beginning of the class she states that the longer the course goes the harder it gets, so she definitely gives you a good rundown of the class in the beginning. Definitely take advantage of her virtual office hours (she hosts more than usual before exams) as she is happy to go over anything you didn't understand in class. There's 3 exams, two midterms and a final, the final was only about 25% cumulative and mostly on the newer topic. Discussions were on Fridays and these were graded on completion and completed in small groups, great practice for the exam, along with a sample exam for you to prep. Overall she really cares about her students and she was a great professor teaching a hard subject - I'd recommend to anyone who has to take this class!
Liz Stanwyck

Expecting a B-
I decided to give this professor 2 stars instead of one star because I like her style of teaching, but I feel like the content in her lecture is not enough for students to use those materials to do the exam. For example, the stuff we learned in class is only a definition of what the theorems are instead of her showing us how to solve the problems. Then she just threw random discussion questions that were so hard, and expected you to already know how to do this stuff. The sample exams are way different from the mid terms and final exams. Even though they are in the same format they are way for difficult.
Liz Stanwyck

Expecting an A+
Very sweet and passionate about statistics, and class is overall pretty engaging. Exams virtually require no memorization due to Stanwyck giving out a formula sheet with every formula you could possibly need (4 pages on the final). You do not need to take AP stat or have any stats experience before going into this class (I didn't), just make sure that you actually figure out how every discussion question works and why it is that you applied the formulas that you did. Discussions are engineered to be relatively difficult so that exams should be manageable in the time allotted. Overall very manageable workload and structured aptly in the hopes that you'll do well, and also as a bonus gives you extra points on every test.
Liz Stanwyck

Expecting a B
Amazing new professor who genuinely cares about her students. I would say the only reason I didn't do as well in her class was because I should've studied more but there are some small things that could be better. I liked how she made the lectures engaging (which feels impossible for stats) and offered a lot of support if you had questions. I would say there needs to be better preparation for the exams. She only made one practice exam for each exam (which was typically completely different from the content on the actual exam) and told us to look back at discussion assignments that we had already done. The textbook SUCKED. You could read a whole chapter talking about nonsense just to know that you only have to memorize one equation that will be part of 25% of the exam. Also she told us we didn't need to know how excel worked but so many of the HW assignments required you to use excel... but I think she just didn't know how to remove those questions. You were essentially supposed to completely understand the topics before the lectures or else you would get completely lost. Also the grading is based on how well you do compared to other students (so there's already a preset amount of people who are guaranteed to fail) so you don't actually know what grade you have until the end. Overall she's amazing at engaging students and explaining topics but the actual format and online part of the class could definitely be improved.
Liz Stanwyck

Expecting a B+
Lectures are dull, but it is to be expected with a math course like this. Practice for midterms and finals and you'll be fine. Workload is very manageable and the tests are harder than necessary, but she curves (marginally) at the end of the course, which means that you'll probably be fine. She loves statistics, and her energy is hard to not appreciate. The biggest complaint is difficulty of exams, but you'll be okay if you put in some work beforehand.
Liz Stanwyck

Expecting a B
This class is definitely difficult but manageable. Stanwyck’s lectures are extremely fast paced and she usually doesn’t have time to explain all the practice problems she puts in the slides which is frustrating. The homework’s are fairly easy. You’re allowed 2 free skips on discussions and discussions are only graded on attendance. She posts a practice exam for each midterm and the final, but the in class exams tend to be more difficult than the practices she provides.
Liz Stanwyck

Expecting a B
Great professor. I can understand the reviews about little exam prep, and the fact that no one really wants to study. However everything you need to do well on all 3 exams is provided. Go over lecture notes, discussions, sample exams, and go to office hours and you will undoubtedly do well. I had no prior knowledge of stat and passed with a B.
Liz Stanwyck

Expecting a B
Dr Stanwyck is extremely knowledgeable and passionate about statistics. This class is not necessarily a business-focused class, more so just statistics. I went into this class with absolutely zero background knowledge on statistics, and it was very very hard. I cannot emphasize enough the importance of learning calculator shortcuts along with getting used to the formulas she provides - it will cut your exam time by probably an hour. Her teaching method is good, but can be confusing at times. Discussions are so hard for no reason but they are good prep for the exams. Final is about 25% cumulative however the two midterms are not. I spent about 3 hours a week doing hw/work for bstat - I would suggest studying each topic in depth as it is taught. Overall, manageable class but can be hard.
Liz Stanwyck

Expecting a B
-Nice and Caring Professor (Engagin lecturer) -Hard Class if you have no stats experience. -Good Chunk of on own learning outside of class -Never taken stats but managed to teach myself certain concepts, but she goes kinda quickly even for harder topics. -Don't really know my grade bc it depends on how other people are doing in the class which you don't find out till the end. -Second Exam was lot harder than Exam 1, Final was cumulative but focused on later chapters. Manageable Class if you utilize time and resources efficiently.
Liz Stanwyck

Expecting an A-
Actually was engaging in her lectures and made sure you understood material. Gives you a free 5 points on every test. My only negative is that she doesn't show you how to do the work on a calculator, which makes it wayyy easier and in my opinion helps you learn more.
Liz Stanwyck

Expecting an A
-Hard class but manageable -Very nice and enthusiastic professor -Must do homework and discussions to understand material -Teaches a bit like everyone has a background in Stat -Very very helpful in office hours -3 exams (two midterms and a cumulative final) -A couple hours of homework a week -Makes sample exams
Liz Stanwyck

Expecting a B
- Very enthusiastic about stats and is a very nice woman - Class will be very very difficult if you've never taken stats or ap stats - Even if you have taken stats, a lot of the info is different than what you learned in HS - There is no relation to business at all - Teaching method is not that great - Discussions are really hard questions - Workload is very manageable - Exam 2 was a lot harder than everyone expected - She is very nice and clearly wants everyone to succeed but her class is hard regardless
Liz Stanwyck

Expecting a B+
I went into this course thinking it would be a breeze after reading the reviews of her from her previous institution. However, in my case, it was the opposite. Professor Stanwyck is a great person however her teaching method is terrible. All these people in the review section that are praising her already took AP stat in high school however I took it two years ago and I have a vague memory of everything I learned. A person who doesn't have a background in stat will have a difficult time with her. My advice to people who will be taking this course is to show up to lectures yes but most importantly GO TO TUTORING provided by UMD. The exams are based on discussion worksheets we have done in class so get help on those in your tutoring sessions. McGraw Hill HWs are awful because there are so many questions where it tells you to calculate things on Microsoft Excel.
Liz Stanwyck

Expecting an A
Professor Stanwyck genuinely cares about her students and wants them to succeed. She is enthusiastic and passionate about what she's teaching, which makes it easy to pay attention in lectures. The workload is manageable with two assignments and a discussion per week. She prepares us well for exams by giving practice tests and formula sheets. However, since she doesn't teach calculator shortcuts, I suggest learning them independently, as they are extremely time-saving on exams. I can't speak to the difficulty of the course since I took AP statistics in high school, but I have heard that people with no prior stat experience say that she covers material too quickly. Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed this class and would recommend it.
Liz Stanwyck

Expecting a B+
Professor Stanwyck is a new and clearly kind professor. I can tell she enjoys talking about statistics, but the class does skew toward those who have taken statistics before. Exam 2 is harder than Exam 1 and the class only has two midterms and a final, with some little points for discussions and homework. It is a frustrating course because the textbook gives practice problems with no answers. The class doesn't have enough preparation for exams and it is designed to weed out students. I like her as a person, but if you want to do good in a statistics class maybe choose something else unless you have a background in Calc and Stats. I think you should take her if you have a background in Stats but if you want to do well and learn for the first time maybe pick another professor. You wouldn't be disappointed in her as a person, but the concepts are very vaguely explained and not much detail is provided for beginners.
Liz Stanwyck

Expecting a C+
I love this professor, she genuinely cares about her students. She is very engaging and this is one of the only classes I pay attention in. The material is definitely difficult and I do wish there was more practice material. She is very friendly and does not mind answering any questions. Just make sure you are paying attention and attending lectures and you should be okay. I did not do too well on the exams but the discussions help with getting more practice and are graded on completion, not accuracy.
Liz Stanwyck

Expecting an A
I can't say how difficult the class would be for someone with no past experience with stat, but I found the class pretty easy and I definitely think her teaching was a part of it! She is very engaging and lively and definitely nice. I never spoke with her one on one, but if I needed to, I would've definitely felt comfortable doing so. Homework really isn't too bad, and she provides formula sheets for the exams (which aren't cumulative!), so I highly recommend.
Liz Stanwyck

Expecting an A
A very engaging class. I will say this class hasn't been that difficult, but that might be because I took AP stat in high school. I've heard mixed reviews from people who didn't take AP stat, which I can understand because she does move pretty quickly through topics during lectures. However, she is very passionate about stats and will do her best to keep you engaged. Discussions are done in a group once a week and are good practice problems to review for exams. She prepares us well and gives us a practice test/formula sheet that is helpful for exams. In terms of homework, each week we have one reading with comprehension questions and a problem set (you get two attempts on this).
Liz Stanwyck

Expecting an A
She is a great professor. You can tell she is well versed and passionate about what she teaches, and her enthusiasm really shines through. Out of all my professors, she is definitely the most engaging with her lectures. The content is a little difficult at first, but as the semester goes on, you literally use the same formulas over and over again. Plus, she gives you a whole formula sheet every exam. She explains each topic in detail and does practice problems along the way. I honestly started the semester dreading this class but now it's my favorite to go to.
Liz Stanwyck

Expecting an A-
Professor stanwyck really enjoys teaching and is very enthusiastic about stats. Assignments are all not too hard but I wish they weighed slightly more as exams account for over 75% of the grade. Practice exams are very helpful but this class moves very fast and some questions on the exam can be confusing to understand. She’s very understandable but the course is hard with the amount of formulas you have to know how to apply, and she doesn’t teach shortcuts either. Amazing person, hard class, needs to lighten exam weight and slow down.
Liz Stanwyck

Expecting a B
Easily one of the hardest classes I've taken at UMD, and this professor doesn't help that case. Prof Stanwyck frustrates me beyond belief because she teaches as though everybody has a background in stat already, which is not the case. If you haven't taken stat in the past, this class is hard. The only people doing well and praising her are those who have taken stat previously because they already know everything. She likes to skip a lot of the practice problems in class because she thinks it's "self-explanatory", but I just find it counterproductive to those who haven't taken stat because practice is really the only way to do well here. While her lectures are engaging, she isn't good at thoroughly explaining concepts. Her study guides for the exams are also completely useless, and she uses McGraw Hill for her homeworks so they take hours to complete. If you can avoid this class you should, especially if she's the one teaching it.
Liz Stanwyck

Expecting an A
One of the most engaging and productive teachers I've had. It's honestly hard not to pay attention in class because she speaks with such enthusiasm that it gets me excited to learn. You can tell she enjoys teaching and that she knows what she is talking about. Plus, she thoroughly explains each concept and immediately reviews practice problems step by step right after to ensure students grasp and understand them. She explains concepts on a deeper level than the textbooks and gives us good information without overcomplicating things. If you just copy everything she writes down and draws on her note sheet in the lectures, you will have almost perfect notes that explain every chapter's contents and practice problems.