Brittany Starr

This professor has taught: CINE280, CMLT280, ENGL101, ENGL245, ENGL290, ENGL293, FILM245
Information Review
Brittany Starr

Expecting an A
Very fair and nice professor who certainly cares about her students. She is lenient when it comes to major projects, incorporates ungrading, and listens and incorporates student feedback. She understands that we have other classes and does not dump a whole lot of work on you like other english professors, although I have had to stay up late to complete some major assignments due to procrastination. In all honesty, she is probably one of the best professors you will ever get at this school.
Brittany Starr

Expecting an A
Really caring and knowledgeable professor. She is very understanding and only wishes the best for her students. Her grading is very fair and goes by the "upgrading process" to cause more fair grades for even just your effort. I learned a lot in her class and her feedback is very helpful. Probably one of my favorite professors.
Brittany Starr

Expecting an A
Amazing professor. She is super nice and grading is super chill. She just wants you to participate and it'll be an easy A. Wayyy easier than I thought an ENGL200+ class would be. I totally recommend her. She is a gem of a professor.
Brittany Starr

Britt was great for ENGL293, she only required short readings for every class and there are only 3 major assignments throughout the course. One of the best class I've taken at UMD.