Siobhan Steen

This professor has taught: ARCH170, ARCH478Q, ARCH678Q
Information Review
Siobhan Steen

Expecting an A
Steen is such an interesting lecturer. She is someone very knowledgeable about architecture and has designed some really cool buildings like the Spy Museum in DC and the Silver Spring Library. You can tell she is very passionate about her work which makes the class even more enjoyable. If you're looking for an easy gen ed or are an architecture major I highly suggest choosing this lecturer.
Siobhan Steen

Expecting an A+
It's a blended learning class, so half online and half in-person. The class was pretty interesting and I liked the projects we did. There was a total of 5 assignments with process uploads every week. Also there's an easy reading quiz every week. Lectures were kinda boring and went over the readings, so I skipped almost all of them. Good gen ed!