Moran Stern

This professor has taught: GVPT309L, GVPT456, HIST376, ISRL249A, ISRL329E, ISRL342, ISRL448A
Information Review
Moran Stern

Expecting an A
Moran is a fantastic instructor who cares more about his students than anyone I have ever encountered. He is definitely a no nonsense type of guy, so do you work, show up to class on time, and try to participate in discussions. He gives extremely detailed feedback on papers and will spend as much time as you need discussing what you are having trouble understanding in class, just ask for help and he will make time. My favorite professor on campus!
Moran Stern

Expecting a B-
Honestly, Moran is a good instructor. He is more than willing to help his students succeed in his class. He does not tolerate any nonsense in class so do not slack off. To be successful, you must READ and ask for help. If you put in effort, he will go above and beyond to help you. If you slack off, you're on your own.