Earle Stone

This professor has taught: CHEM131, CHEM131S, CHEM132, CHEM134, CHEM177, CHEM483, CHEM484
Information Review
Earle Stone

Expecting a B
Stone is passionate about chemistry, but cannot teach. He makes the class very "passable," but his lectures were long, boring, and irrelevant. Weekly quizzes are based off his previous lecture, but are very difficult & confusing. As long as you fill it our properly, and select an answer you'll get credit. Homeworks can be completed based on CHEM 131 knowledge, or AP CHEM, not from his lectures. Homework counted for 40% of the final grade, and are easy. The program tells you how to solve the question, and then regenerates with similar numebrs afterwards. As long as you complete every homework, and every quiz you will be in good shape. His final is very difficult, but is very curved like the SAT/ACT, and the questions are much easier/straightforward than the quizzes. It is more than half T/F, then multiple choice.
Earle Stone

Expecting a B+
Dr. Stone is an interesting guy. He is very well versed in chemistry, don't get me wrong, but he is not the best teacher. He goes through the topics very quickly considering most of us have not heard this type of chemistry language in 1-3 years. He also sometimes gives quizzes or homework on material which we don't learn until the following lecture and his multiple choice quizes are harder than anything I have seen before. He also can get very annoyed when people leave the class early but he has some perks. He is very open to discussing topics with students in office hours, he grades very quickly, and the final was all multiple choice (easier than the quizes).
Earle Stone

Expecting an A
Dr. Stone can put a whole lecture hall to sleep in a matter of minutes. His lectures have way too many words on the slides and are littered with irrelevant details. Avoid him at all costs.
Earle Stone

Expecting an A
Let me start off by saying that I have Dr. Stone 2 stars because I strongly believe the setup of this course(with 40% of your grade being homework and a whopping 50% being the final) is kinda terrible. It means that your grade is essentially entirely determined by the final as most students entered the final with relatively similar grades up until that point. That being said, I do think that Dr. Stone is a bad lecturer. His classroom setting is flipped classroom meaning that he expects you to have read the book before class(which literally nobody does) and then he runs through his powerpoints in a brief overview. However, he is also very disorganized—there were multiple quizzes that were on material he would teach AFTER we took the quizzes. This meant that quizzes are essentially a crapshoot. A similar problem occurred with the homeworks(which is mastering chemistry and should be an easy 100), where the homework would be on material he had yet to go over. Also, he’s rude to students who leave during lecture for any reason. Ultimately, this class is easy to pass and hard to get an A in. If you want the A, either take Chem135 with a good prof like Griffith or grind your ass off for the final in 134.
Earle Stone

Expecting a B
Dr. Stone clearly is passionate about chemistry. However, his teaching style is so boring and ineffective. Prepare for lecture slides with way too much text and boring lectures.
Earle Stone

Expecting a B-
Seriously he is really boring and it seems he wants everyone to at least get a C- which is DEAD easy. But if you want better than that then expect to be shocked with the hard final that has a HUGE curve based on how everyone else did.
Earle Stone

Expecting an A-
Very passionate about chemistry but doesn't care about students personally. his quizzes are difficult but aren't worth the effort.. the final is easy as long as you study for it