Devyn Sturdavant

This professor has taught: UNIV100, UNIV108
Information Review
Devyn Sturdavant

Expecting an A+
Overall chill nothing bad. The first half of this class that goes over the business school is important, but the other half is practically worthless.
Devyn Sturdavant

Expecting an A
Only some aspects of this class seem to be beneficial for applying to the business school such as the resume, cover letter, and personal statement, and maybe some of the guest lectures. But overall the class was sometimes a waste of time, some of the lectures should be online. She also takes forever to grade things. The last class was a week ago and I still have no grade in the class. But she is very chill and laid back compared to the first teacher I had for this course who started off saying that she is "a bitch at grading".