Venkatramanan Subrahmanian

This professor has taught: CMSC420, CMSC422, CMSC798, CMSC828C, CMSC828N
Information Review
Venkatramanan Subrahmanian

Expecting a B
Excellent professor, makes this class very approachable and informative. Class project was fair difficulty but the TA will walk you through it if you put in the appropriate effort. Way easier than Samet's 420 section, so choose this guy 10/10 times. p.s. He taught Meesh so this guy is quite knowledgeable in his field.
Venkatramanan Subrahmanian

Expecting an A-
I really like him a lot. He makes learning seems easy. His style of teaching is to tell you the overview of the main stuff first - then, give multiple examples until you understand. He cares for students and he explains well. His exam so far wasn't hard and his projects are pretty straight-forward. His homework may require you to think a little. But as long as you go to class and do the hws and projects, you'll be fine. :)