George Syrmos

This professor has taught: ENES100, ENES100A, ENPM808, ENPM808E
Information Review
George Syrmos

Expecting an A
He's nice but is confusing when he's trying to explain homework concepts and helping with the hovercraft project. He tries to give students a lot of leeway with the hovercraft project so if you ask him specifics, he'll probably tell you that the decision for something (or a certain part) is completely up to you. However, for the weekly homework assignments, he gives a lot of hints and is very approachable
George Syrmos

Expecting an A
Incredibly nice guy but an overall bad teacher for the hovercraft project. He has a PhD in electrical engineering yet was completely worthless in helping my team wire our circuit. Every time we asked him to show us how to use a component, such as a transistor, he would give a different response. As long as you work hard and put effort into this project he will give you an A.
George Syrmos

He's a nice guy and a pretty easy teacher, but he doesn't know too much about the hovercraft project. He would rely a lot on our TA and the other people like Evandro that helped out.
George Syrmos

Dr. Syrmos is always eager to help his students. However, he can be a bit confusing (actually... a lot). Bottom line, he is a great person, decent teacher.