Anna Szczekutowicz

This professor has taught: BIOI601, DATA601, MATH140, MATH141, MATH410, MSML601, STAT410, SURV410
Information Review
Anna Szczekutowicz

Expecting an A-
For DATA601, Professor Anna Szczekutowicz is the best. She is super helpful. We had total 4 Quizes, no midterm and 1 final exam. She clearly explained each topic with examples. She provided class notes, which helped a lot .
Anna Szczekutowicz

Expecting a B
Dr. Szczekutowicz is a model instructor. She gave me everything I needed to learn Calculus 2. Excellent lectures that concisely and clearly explained every unit, and always had examples that introduced the more difficult problem types. She always gave us problems that prepared us for the upcoming exam, a trait that I feel is critical for a class like MATH141. Her exams her very fair, and I felt like she wanted me to succeed the entire time. When I went into office hours to get help, she didn't just answer my question, but helped me 'think' about how to best use the toolbox of integral solving methods. I got a 88% on the final, and I could not have done it without Dr. Szczekutowicz as my teacher. If Dr. Szczekutowicz is listed as an instructor for any future course I take, I would pick again her in a heartbeat.
Anna Szczekutowicz

Expecting an A+
Fantastic professor and explains concepts very well. Only negative interaction I ever had was when asking if she was going to post sample final exam solutions to study. She found this very rude and made me very aware of that fact, saying she wouldn't and to solve them myself (I had not asked her to solve them for me). Sample exams and solutions are available, as I got them from other friends, so just ask around from friends in other courses if you can't find them in the test bank. Just try to be respectful when talking to her and the class will be great.
Anna Szczekutowicz

Expecting a B
The professor was clearly knowledgeable about the topics covered and did do a lot of review before exams in class. While the discussions could have been better, I think the lectures were useful. There was a lot of information to cover over the semester, meaning she wasn't always able to clarify material, but that was primarily due to time constraints as well as the class size. The discussions and quizzes were not very helpful, but I think that mainly was due to the TA not being very good at explaining the concepts. The main issue was with the homework. I didn't like the way the Cengage (for HW) worked. It was really picky about formats like case sensitivity. It also would sometimes not understand work given and would refuse to grade it. Since it was never graded manually, it would sometimes mark correct work wrong because it had a slightly different format. This also meant that feedback on homework was either vague or nonexistent, which would be my biggest criticism of the course. While it was only worth 3% of the grade, it certainly would have benefited me to have more immediate feedback beyond correct or incorrect.
Anna Szczekutowicz

Expecting a B+
Anna is an amazing professor. She understands how difficult calculus 2 is to comprehend and makes sure to teach you all of the difficult problems as well as give you challenging problems on the worksheets. Anna explained and broke down every topic to it's roots. It is clear how much she enjoys teaching the class along with her in-depth understanding of the subject. -Exams were difficult but never threw tricks at you -Lots of homework -TA's were super helpful
Anna Szczekutowicz

Expecting an A
I was scared of this class before coming in because I had heard it was a weedout but if you take this professor I honestly don't think it's bad at all. Her lectures are in depth and easy to understand, the questions on her exams are almost always very fair and she gives you a lot of material to practice from beforehand. Additionally, I like how organized this professor is. She puts all her notes on canvas and the tests are always graded within a reasonable time. My only recommendation is that you sit near the front of the class otherwise she probably won't answer your question.
Anna Szczekutowicz

Expecting an A
I had her for Calc 2 and I would say she's the best option among other professors. Her lectures are really helpful and easy to understand comparing to other professors. She also posts lecture notes and few practice problems (only for the hardest chapter tho). Quizzes are super easy (maybe it's just my TA). However, homework and discussion worksheets are graded so that requires you to go to discussion. But in the end we got to drop 5 hw and 5 worksheets so its not a big deal. Exams are lowkey a little challenging tho but if you spend time going over the sample exams and understand the chapter formulas, you should be fine. I would recommend her.
Anna Szczekutowicz

Expecting a B-
i came into this class FOUR years after taking calc 1 (aka remembering nothing) and still managed to do decently okay. lectures were surprisingly useful and made me motivated to go and not get too far behind. her notes are clear and easy to follow and the quizzes were also useful to get some extra studying in before any exams came up. the final is horrendous but thats the final for all the math141 sections combined, so this is expected. your lowest exam becomes half credit and the lowest quiz gets dropped. there's a small curve beyond that but don't depend on it. i really recommend szczekutowicz!!
Anna Szczekutowicz

Expecting an A
Dr. S is one of the best Calc 2 professors to have. She doesn't waste any time deriving the formulas (which there are tons of) and gets straight to the point with examples (that appear on tests sometimes). Of course, you can ask her to derive them during her office hours, but I feel like her going over examples alone and explaining the concepts at the same time is more than enough. I felt very prepared for each of my midterms by just going to lecture, even with minimal studying. I will say the discussion worksheets become quite challenging, but the quizzes are extremely easy. I felt very prepared for the final this year and I recommend you sign up for Dr. S if you can. Calc 2 is not the horror story you hear if you take Dr. S and pay attention in lecture.
Anna Szczekutowicz

Expecting a B+
Great lecturer and really helped understand the material. Discussions are annoying to attend b/c of the discussion worksheets which are worth 8% of your grade. However, the worksheets are easy and if you get a good TA (shout out to Ziwen Gao) the quizzes are not too bad. Take Anna if you want to understand the material and do well in the class.
Anna Szczekutowicz

Expecting an A-
Dr. S is a very good lecturer. The information during class is extremely clear and concise, she is super helpful during office hours, and just very knowledgable overall. The downside of this course comes with grades, there is very little room for you to mess up if you want a good grade, and there are quizzes almost every week. I did extremely well on most midterms but messed up on one and it tanked my grade. That being said, if you keep up with the coursework and do the practice she suggests, her exams are extremely fair. I truly felt like she made the course organized and doable. I would recommend taking her, just be careful with pacing your studying.
Anna Szczekutowicz

Expecting a C-
People said she's one of the best professors, I'm telling you right now if you have the chance to go with someone else DO IT.
Anna Szczekutowicz

Expecting an A+
She is a great professor, I really liked the way she teaches and tells the problems. Although there is a common problem between most of the professors of not teaching problems as hard as they come, but I think she teaches the concepts enough that you shouldn't have a problem with it as long as you are paying attention in class...
Anna Szczekutowicz

Expecting a B
Calc 2 is hard but Anna made it easy to learn. Her notes were easy to understand. The homeworks were hard and only worth 3% and the discussions worth 10% were really challenging. The quizzes were easy if you paid attention to the TA during the discussions and they were 7.5% of the grade. There were 4 midterms which had high medians (83,80,90, and 82) which are higher than other calc classes. The lowest midterm was worth half. The final exam was really tough but the median was 78, which was higher than my friends with other profs. However, she did NOT curve at all at the end.
Anna Szczekutowicz

Expecting a B+
Anna being the professor was the only reason I passed this course tbh. Amazing professor
Anna Szczekutowicz

Expecting a B
I took both Calc 1 and 2 with her, and I was super rusty on algebra and trig coming into college, and was never really that good at algebra in the first place. This definitely made me struggle a lot initially, but I'm super glad I took this course with Dr. S. She's genuinely one of the best math teachers I've ever had. She's super relaxed but definitely seems to care about students and teach things in an understandable way. These courses suck, and that's just the way calc is taught here, sadly. However, she is super down to earth about it, and if you put in the effort you should do ok (not to mention the numerous resources in the math department as a whole to help you).
Anna Szczekutowicz

Expecting a C-
Discussion worksheets were not relevant at all. The TA had to reteach us concepts because she couldn't adequately do it. Grading for exams was messed up several times and sample exams did not match the real midterms
Anna Szczekutowicz

Expecting a C
She does not post any sample problems and there are few textbook answers to the suggested practice problems. Her notes are the same ones the textbook has steps for, so it is not new information. The office hours do not help at all and many students resorted to cheating to pass exams/quizzes. We had discussion worksheets on topics she hadn't even covered in class yet. This was her first time teaching Calc 2 at UMD and SHE DOES NOT CURVE AT ALL.
Anna Szczekutowicz

Expecting a C
Anna is a decent option for 410, I excelled throughout most of the semester but sadly didn't do well on just the final. I didn't learn much from her lecturing alone, I think this is her weakest spot. That being said, her exams are fair, and her homeworks are good. I'd probably prefer harder homeworks compared to the exam difficulty, but either way the class is fair. Despite my grade, I learned a lot from the class, and I'd lightly recommend taking Anna.
Anna Szczekutowicz

Expecting an A
I personally have so much respect for this professor man. Super organized, lecture notes always posted after lecture, and no mandatory attendance of lectures. She's also very nice and approachable. Honestly, I learned much more about calculus 2 with this professor, and I actually ended up understanding things and figuring stuff out (unlike my AP Calc BC teacher back in high school). We had a cutoff for our final grades, something like anything above a 90 is an A, which is awesome. Also, she's usually really lenient and flexible, for example I requested for a makeup exam due to multiple exam conflicts, and while she didn't let me take the exam on another day due to university policies, I was able to take it at another time. Trust me take this professor and your GPA will be blessed. One advice that I do have though is to genuinely go to her lectures because she explains stuff really well. I felt like I did a little bad in class once I stopped going to her lectures (maybe because calc 2 in general is fast-paced and difficult), but trust me go to her lectures it's really great!
Anna Szczekutowicz

Expecting an A-
Outstanding professor. Straightforward with lectures, gives tons of examples, and makes homeworks/discussions challenging so that students can understand the topics. Very understanding of her students and teaches so well. Obviously this class is a large workload but just be sure to attend lectures and do the homeworks because they are all very valuable for practice!
Anna Szczekutowicz

Expecting a B
Dr. S is an amazing professor with very clear lectures and great examples. All of the exams were very straightforward and honestly pretty easy if you put effort into studying for them. The reason why I am giving a 4 and not a 5 is that she does not really interact with the class at all during lectures. She seldom answers questions during actual class time and will look right at you with your hand raised and just continue teaching. However, if you approach her afterwards she is happy to help and answer questions. Overall though a great professor. I think she had the highest average across all calc 2 profs this past semester. Definitely take her if you have the chance.
Anna Szczekutowicz

Expecting an A-
For a course as hard as Calc 2, you will not find a better professor than Anna, and I can say it confidently because I've taken this course twice. Her lectures are very useful, as she goes over many examples alongside teaching the concepts. Discussion can be very helpful, just collaborate with peers, if you don't understand your TA. Only thing is that the webassign hw is not always the best, because they sometimes require calculators and it would take way too long by hand.
Anna Szczekutowicz

Expecting an A
took her for both 140 and 141 and was a great experience, was a good lecturer and was very clear with everything that needed known for the class, her midterms were more than fair and the lecture before any test would be a review, usually at least one of the questions on the test was straight off the review, would highly recommend her if you want to see lots of examples in class and not get bogged down wit the derivation and theory behind concepts
Anna Szczekutowicz

Expecting an A
Going into calculus 2 in general, I was expecting a low grade. I heard horror stories about calculus 2. I honestly think people should take her course because she explains them clearly and provide good notes. If you can do her practice problems and attend lectures, you will be able to pass! :)
Anna Szczekutowicz

Expecting a B-
Had Prof. S for MATH140/141. She is a very nice person and explains math in a manner where people who are not strong in math can learn it. In class we went over simple problems first then moved on to more advanced problems as we built our skills. THe homework and disucssion are so annoying but you need to try to understand the concepts so please do them. Exams are a mix of easy and somewhat challenging. You need to get your points on these semester exams b/c the final for calculus is incredibly diffucilt and worth 27% of your grade. Alot of people including me do badly on them so get your points early. With prof S expect very fair semester exams. Gives you a chance you buffer your grade for the final. Work hard, math140/141 is tough regardless of who is teaching. Take professor S and you will give your self the greatest chance to pass while still learning math.
Anna Szczekutowicz

Expecting an A
Teaches the course content very well. She explains things very clearly and always posts the notes after lecture. The way she does examples is class is very easy to follow. She's super nice, but also fair when it comes to exams. If there's a problem on the homework that looks difficult, she makes sure to cover it in class. And though the discussion worksheets are sometimes challenging, she doesn't decide what the worksheet looks like, the head of the math department does. But she does teach the stuff that is needed to figure out the worksheets, and the TA is there to help too. I had her for Calc I too and Anna is by far the best math instructor I've had. 10/10, would take her again if I could.
Anna Szczekutowicz

I had her for Calc 1 and 2 and wish I could have her for Calc 3. I recommend her to all my friends because she does such an amazing job explaining everything in class and keeping it simple. It’s still a hard class but she makes it a lot more bearable than other teachers. Homework is only 2-3% of the grade so I just never did them, there’s quizzes some weeks but the TA always went over what would be on them and even if confused before the discussion I always got an A on them and the lowest is dropped. The exam reviews covered majority of what would be on the exam but sometimes different versions of the same question. I have a B- right now but also it’s calc 2 and i skip class and don’t do the hw so a good grade is definitely achievable. Overall she’s the best and i love her.
Anna Szczekutowicz

Expecting an A-
Did not have fun with this class… but Anna definitely helped make things a lot better. She’s a super great lecturer and a very nice person. Her exams are also fairly easy (when compared to the other 141 exams that is…). She’s also very quick to respond to messages. I would recommend her.
Anna Szczekutowicz

Expecting a B+
Anna is an excellent professor and genuinely cares about how her students do in the class. She's a great teacher, knows how to explain the content and her averages reached up into the 90s for tests that other professors struggled to get C averages for. That isn't to say her class is easy, it's tough and you'll need to put in the work. If you can, absolutely take her for MATH141.
Anna Szczekutowicz

Expecting an A
Good lecturer and very chill teacher. Everything was organized and she posted notes after lecture. One downside is that the web assigns are usually due the day after lecture and can take a bit of time to complete, but they aren't worth that much of your grade
Anna Szczekutowicz

Expecting an A+
Anna was the best math teacher I've had. She spends just enough time going over the actual content so that she can focus more on practice problems. She gives an easy version of practice problems during lecture so that students can understand the actually process of doing specific problems, but she ups the difficulty for discussion worksheets and webassigns. Definitely don't be afraid to ask your TA for help on homeworks & make sure you pick a good group to do your discussion worksheets with. Ultimately, the biggest chunk of your grade is going to be exams, so you should spend the most time reviewing for that. You can find practice problems for most of the topics in Paul's Online Math Notes; doing those and reviewing old webassigns is what I found most helpful for quizzes + tests.
Anna Szczekutowicz

I 110% recommend taking this course with Anna. Even though she posts the notes, I found going to her lectures was really helpful because she explained the topic and concepts really well. Especially when she reviewed the material in the class before the exam, as the content she covered on this day as well as her practice exams were important for doing well on the actual exam. In lecture, she managed her time well too. I felt that the practice problems from the textbook were the most helpful for me to get extra practice and feel more confident solving questions. Overall, I think her grading system was very fair too. I also found going to Anna's office hours was helpful, because she was really compassionate and good at explaining if I had any questions.
Anna Szczekutowicz

Expecting a B+
Dr. S is a great lecturer. Her notes are very clear and she explains concepts very well, however she does not really take questions or interact with the class. Be prepared for the exams they start off easy but do get harder. The annoying thing is you actually have to show up to discussions because the worksheets are graded, although a few are dropped. She was very helpful and understanding regarding ADS accommodations too.
Anna Szczekutowicz

I 110% recommend taking this course with Anna. Even though she posts the notes, I found going to her lectures was really helpful because she explained the topic and concepts really well. Especially when she reviewed the material the class before the exam, as the content she covered on this day as well as her practice exams were important for doing well on the actual exam. In lecture, she managed her time well too. I felt that the practice problems from the textbook were the most helpful for me to get extra practice and feel more confident solving questions. Overall, I think her grading system was very fair too. I also found going to Anna's office hours was helpful, because she was really compassionate and good at explaining if I had any questions.
Anna Szczekutowicz

Expecting an A-
Taking a class with Anna is overall a solid experience. For MATH140 the course structure is 3 lectures a week with 2 TA led discussions. The lectures are mostly done through Anna writing down notes on her Ipad and explaining it as she goes. The lectures can be a bit dry but the notes are fairly simple with her explaining the concepts for each topic and going through a few example problems. The lectures are usually easy to follow and notes are posted after the lecture if you get confused. The discussions are always just one worksheet that you need to complete and you're allowed to leave once you finish. The worksheets can be complicated but you're allowed to work in groups up to 4 and you can ask for help from the TA's. Occasionally in discussion you'll be given quizzes which you'll know in advanced. The quizzes are always 1 or 2 fairly simple problems from whatever unit you're in. The exams and grades given are always fair, you'll pretty much always know what to expect from each exam as long as you've done the notes. The course says you need to buy a textbook but you'll be fine without one, they're only used for extra practice. Reaching Anna or her TA's is fairly easy but she's strict with gradecutoffs, you're not gonna be able to get a sympathy gradeboost from her as mentioned in the syllabus. It can be a difficult course especially if you didn't take calculus in high school, but you're given everything you need to do well. If you're struggling you can go to office hours and attend exam review sessions hosted by TA's.
Anna Szczekutowicz

Expecting an A
Goated professor. Covered everything we needed in class and published notes for later review. Class is very organized and Dr. S follows the textbook so it isn't hard to study if you didn't understand the material in class or just want to learn ahead. Parth the TA was also very nice and helpful. The midterms were decent, averages were always around an 80. Take Dr. S if you want to pass Calc 1 and have a good time.
Anna Szczekutowicz

Expecting an A-
She's a great professor! Fall 2023 was her first time teaching at UMD (she came from UT Austin) and I think she very well being new and all. Her explanations during lecture were extremely helpful and made understanding the content so much easier. She does post all of her lecture notes on Canvas, but I would still highly recommend going to class because her explanations are simply that good. I also really liked my TA and found that the discussion sections, while hard worksheet-wise, really helped boost my understanding of the concepts in lecture. My main issue with this class was that the homework was SO HARD, like unreasonably so. Unfortunately, the profs don't set the homework for Calc 1, the head of the math department does. Anyways, whoever they are likes to make all of our lives a living hell and give problems way harder than the ones practiced in class or on the exam. I would recommend setting aside a minimum of two hours for each homework and starting them early so you have time to go to either Dr. S' or a TA's office hours for help. Also, the final (decided on by all the calc profs) this semester was WAY harder than the previous semesters, so my advice is to study the hard problems from the course because if you don't think it will be on there, it probably will. Overall, she's a great prof and you will learn the content and concepts better than Chadwick's students.
Anna Szczekutowicz

Expecting a D+
She can’t teach. Her office hours made it impossible for me to go to at and she told me that I couldn’t schedule an appointment with her because it wouldn’t be fair to other students. The TA and her would never give me any good or useful help in class. Worksheets did not represent what we learned in class. Said that she would halve the lowest midterm but she never did and it does not reflect at all in the grading. She posted histograms and bragged about saying her averages for her classes exams were higher than other professors and never once considered how that made the students who worked hard but never did well on the exams felt. She says she cares about the students but it only seemed like she only cared about herself and her status. DON’T EVER TAKE HER CLASS.
Anna Szczekutowicz

Expecting an A-
I never went into office hours but Ms.S is a really great math professor. She gives you the basics without confusing you and makes sure that you understand the overall topics and why they're important. She is cutthroat in the way that she will not bump or boost your grade. But if you do tons of practice problems and attend all the discussions you'll be set.
Anna Szczekutowicz

Expecting a B
Prof S is awesome. She explains concepts well and provides examples of common errors that most students make. She is very reasonable with extending homework due-dates (Calc 1 has so much hw and its all back to back). Her exams are basically everything from the textbook lecture or discussion. If you pay attention and do all your homework, textbook practice and review the lecture examples she does in class you will get out on top. Except fair exams with some curve balls but if you see a curve ball I can promise it will only be 1 question. The 3rd exam was the worst no one finished on time and she took that into account when grading. (Small curve). She does her best to help you succeed. The rest is up to you. Calc here is tough and you gotta be willing to put in the hours to learn how to solve these problems. Professor S made Calc 1 manageable but you gotta meet her half-way. Good luck and pick professor S.
Anna Szczekutowicz

Expecting an A
Love her so much. Her notes are very neat and clear. She works through many problems and scenarios to help with homework and everything she teaches is exactly what's on the exam. She is also very lenient and kind.
Anna Szczekutowicz

Expecting an A-
dr. anna is so good at explaining things... the best math instructor i've ever had
Anna Szczekutowicz

Expecting an A-
Overall really nice professor who cares about her students, always posts lecture notes (no recording though). Really good job explaining concepts and grading harshness is middle-of-the-road. Responsive to emails and just looks out for students, like explaining how course regs work and always always reminding us when and where exams are.
Anna Szczekutowicz

Expecting an A-
She is very passionate about what she teaches which makes her lectures very engaging (coming from someone who gets bored easily). Lectures consist of copying down notes that she does on her iPad and projects on the board, and she does a very good job at explaining everything as she goes. Attendance is not mandatory, but I would recommend going to class because you will miss out on her explanations for the content, as she does upload her notes from lecture to Canvas but doesn't record lectures. Overall, this is probably one of my favorite classes and I'd definitely recommend her for MATH 140!
Anna Szczekutowicz

Expecting an A
She is SO enthusiastic about teaching to the point where her lectures are so freaking engaging lol. IMO she explains the material very and all her proofs are very understandable because she explains the motivation behind each step in a proof. You shooould definitely consider taking ANNA for MATH410 if you ever want to take this course and she is an option. :D
Anna Szczekutowicz

Expecting an A
Pretty good prof. Posts all the lecture notes online so attendance is honestly pretty optional. Exams are definitely very fair, but sometimes seem like they weren't planned out very well in advance, but this is offset by the fact that she's very lenient with partial credit. Overall probably the best 410 prof.
Anna Szczekutowicz

Great prof, other 410 reviewer basically summed everything. Only downside is I don't like how tests are memorizing content rather than utilizing them, other than that fair tests. Very nice in person as well. One of the best/better 410 prof's out there, highly recommend.
Anna Szczekutowicz

Very sweet person and great lecturer. The exams, so far, have been in this pattern: Q1 gives you three names (theorems/mathematical objects) and asks you to write their definitions. Q2 asks for a counterexample to some claim. Q3, Q4, and Q5 are free-response proof questions, at least one of which closely models a problem in the notes. And Q6 asks you to prove one of the (shorter) theorems we already had proved in class, so understanding and remembering the proof sketches is key here. I'm not gonna lie, I came out of the first two exams feeling like they kicked my ass. Almost nobody finished them on time. But I somehow got an A on both. She and the grader were very lenient and gave lots of partial credit. So even if you don't fully know some answer, write something anyway. The homework has not been difficult at all, especially after coming from MATH340/341.
Anna Szczekutowicz

Not a good lecturer IMO. Just copies word for word what the textbook says and provides no further assistance. Discussion material and homework are generally 100 times harder than anything she teaches.
Anna Szczekutowicz

Expecting an A
Great calculus professor! Her exams and quizzes aren't too difficult and she prepares you well for them. The homework and in-class worksheets are often difficult but never impossible. She's very nice and understanding, which is reflected in her lenient grading. Her lectures are also super clear and engaging. Solid professor.
Anna Szczekutowicz

Expecting an A
I personally think she's a great lecturer, she explains concepts well and gets straight to the point. However, the way the class is set up is annoying. In discussion, we have worksheets with problems that are 10x harder than what she teaches us and often times the material on the worksheets is stuff we haven't even learned in lecture. There have been multiple instances where we have to solve a problem using a theorem or method we end up learning 2 days later in lecture. I also think some of the questions on web assign are annoying, but I get that isn't her fault. It's also a bit frustrating because it seems like she uses the worksheets from a different prof and also gives us practice exams from a different prof but her exams are quite different so it won't help you that much. She's a good teacher but she should start looking over the material she assigns us before we have to do it.