Judith Tenney

This professor has taught: COMM324, COMM398I, COMM422, COMM424, COMM427, COMM435, COMM455, COMM472
Information Review
Judith Tenney

Expecting a B
I actually like Tenney a lot, both as a person and as a professor. What throws most people off about her is how thorough her assignments are and how strict her grading policy is. "Mini" assignments take 4-8 working hours to complete. This is not a joke. They are also graded somewhat harshly. Let's not even talk about regular assignments. Your conduct in her class will make or break you -- in other words, BE PREPARED! Do your reading, do a good job on the assignments, PARTICIPATE, and you should be okay. Plus, Tenney loves helping her students succeed. If you ever need help writing a resume or cover letter or are in need of a letter of recommendation, she genuinely wants to see you succeed and will help you out with these kinds of things. Just don't expect your grade to come easily.
Judith Tenney

Expecting a B
Tenney is a nice professor, and she has a lot of experience and stories and she uses these to lull you into a false sense of security; you think she's a nice old lady and this class is going to be easy BUT because she teaches you nothing in class, it's a royal pain. You learn nothing, the tests are very very hard, and her grading system is completely effed up. She's also not willing to give any extra credit, any lee-way on grades, or any help at the end of the semester. Don't take a class with her and expect to learn anything or get a good grade. Nice lady, horrible teacher. Avoid! Avoid! Avoid!!!
Judith Tenney

Expecting a B
She's nice and her class is easy going but her grading and tests are so hard. All she does in class is sit there and talk, and the stuff she's talkign about seems so easy and straight forward but them the tests are all fill in the blank and True/false and they ask you about the most random details in text book like "how many avg hours do kids watch tv in the us" and the word bank has like 7 different numbers so you just have to guess. as far as grading goes every times I turned in a paper to her it came back to me covered in red marks with her "corrections" but really most of the time i hadn't done anything wrong, she just preferred things I said to be stated in her own style which really annoyed me.
Judith Tenney

Expecting a B
She's a really nice person and a good teacher, but her tests are very hard. I took crisis communication with her and she was very helpful and personable. Good teacher, but hard course
Judith Tenney

Expecting an A
Tenney is great. I had her in Spring '07 for crisis communication when the Virginia Tech shootings happened. The school's response had a lot to do with what we were talking about all semester, and she sent us all this email that was just very consoling. She ended it with "I'll be thinking of all of you tonight. Take care! Be safe!" That's just to give you an idea of what she's like. Teaching wise, she'll sit in the front of the class room and just speak. No powerpoints or reading from a book, she just talks and relates it all back to her and our experiences. I learned a lot in that class...but do be warned, it's not an easy A. The tests are craazy. Tests were very very hard, but she gave plenty of extra credit opportunity so most people got B's or A's. I think if you have the chance to take a class with her you definitely should.