Vijay Tiwari

This professor has taught: PLSC203, PLSC399, PLSC411, PLSC460, PLSC619
Information Review
Vijay Tiwari

Expecting an A
I took this class as an elective and because the subject interested me. Dr. Tiwari is a very knowledgable professor however he mainly is a researcher. Due to this, the class structure was a little hard to understand at first but he was very easy to talk to with any questions. Dr. Tiwari was very open to feedback and overall his class was a good experience. There are not a ton of assignments except for about three exams (take home and open note) along with a few discussions. Most of the class was based on participation and discussions and made it fun to talk with peers about the different topics. I would recommend if looking for a science elective or if you are a horticulture/plant science major interested in this!