Pratyush Tiwary

This professor has taught: CHEM481, CHEM684, CHEM687, CHEM889A, CHEM889E, CHEM889F, CHPH709A, CHPH709B, PHYS709
Information Review
Pratyush Tiwary

Expecting an A-
Seriously smart professor. Would definitely recommend him for physical chemistry. CHEM481 is a difficult course, but Dr. Tiwary cares about the success of each student, and is receptive to any concerns or issues students may have. His manner of teaching is quite eccentric, but definitely in a positive way. Just be ready for pleasant surprises and unconventional class rewards, some of which I have not experienced in any other class. I think it makes the whole experience much more interesting. Dr. Tiwary's exams are fair, and are structured around the derivations done in class and the homework problems. It should be noted however that the homework problems are usually significantly harder. Rather than focusing on the mathematical derivations, the homework is heavier on theory and application. There were no practice exams given in preparation for his midterms or finals, but in all honesty, the homework problems and his in depth notes were sufficient for performing well on his midterms. Participation counts for a percentage of your grade in his class, so be prepared to answer and ask questions.
Pratyush Tiwary

Expecting an A-
Wonderful professor. He goes through the notes fast but will make anything clearer if you ask. He wants everyone to do well. As long as you follow his notes you'll do well.