Curtis Valentine

This professor has taught: PLCY101, PLCY288F, PLCY306, PLCY401
Information Review
Curtis Valentine

Expecting an A
This was a great class! The class format was mostly discussion and very interactive. He did have a few oddly timed due dates for assignments but other than that I truly enjoyed the class and learned a lot from it. One of my favorite policy classes so far.
Curtis Valentine

Expecting an A-
I have never written a review for a professor before nor do I check these websites before taking a class, but I needed to write one about Professor Valentine. Coming into his class, I wanted to drop my major (Public Policy) and switch to business. After taking his class, he completely changed my perspective on education policy and made me remember why I wanted to pursue a degree in Public Policy. He is the best professor I have ever had at my three years at UMD. I can not stress enough how much I enjoyed his class. You will not regret taking his class. I could listen to this man talk about paint drying for 3 hours and he would make it interesting. He makes you question everything you believe and I left that class a better and more well-rounded student and person. In terms of work-load, he is really lenient and as long as you turn something in with some sort of effort and thought he will give you an A. In conclusion... TAKE HIS CLASS
Curtis Valentine

This man is the worst professor and person I have ever had the displeasure of meeting or interacting with. He assigned a major assignment on Rosh Hashanah when half of the class was absent due to the holiday. He is condescending, mansplains everything and I'm convinced he only went into teaching because he loves the sound of his own voice. I have not learned anything from this course other than the fact that I no longer want to be a public policy major. He focuses on education policy and has made me despise school. I dream of being hit by a UMD bus on my way to class so that I can miss it. There is no greater joy I can imagine in this world than the day that he finally retires or has a student put him in his place. If you want to be talked down to and have everything you say be completely ignored unless you are either 1. agreeing with him or 2. a boy, then take his class. If not then AVOID!!!!!