Dennis vanEngelsdorp

This professor has taught: BSCI120, BSCI121, ENTM745, ENTM788C
Information Review
Dennis vanEngelsdorp

Expecting an A
This professor is a really nice guy, but I find it a bit strange that the actual lectures are recorded videos. I am not the best learner when it comes to video recorded lectures, as I tend to focus better when lectures are in person. Overall, the class was relatively easy and interesting, and I'd recommend it.
Dennis vanEngelsdorp

Expecting an A+
Take this class! Super fun and the TA's are very nice people. You get to learn about insects and get to even keep some as pets for a little. I found myself learning a lot in this class and it even changed my opinions about bugs. Very easy class too and you do some group work which can be tedious if your group does nothing. The "final exam" is to go out and take pictures of a few insects. Easy A and an easy gen-ed if you need it. I highly recommend and I enjoyed this class.
Dennis vanEngelsdorp

Expecting an A+
The class was run by the TAs and they were always very helpful and kind. Few weekly online lectures, some are virtual some in-person + discussions. Assignments were not too difficult and didn't take long. Some assignments were movies to watch and the midterm exam was really easy. The final is really just a project and not a comprehensive exam. Very good and easy class with nice professors and TAs. I recommend you take it for the GenEd.