Francis VanGessel

This professor has taught: ENPM652
Information Review
Francis VanGessel

Expecting a B+
I've attended UMD for both undergrad and now graduate school and I thought Francis was one of the worst professors that I've had. In my opinion his delivery is lackluster and tends to drone on without class engagement. He is a young professor so he could improve with experience.
Francis VanGessel

I am very dissatisfied with Professor VanGessel. I though he was not great at conveying information and making class interesting. Seemed to get bogged down in the mathematics of the course, when more emphasis should have been in the model simulation for FEA. He gave a feedback on our Final Project a week prior to it being due. He also included an assignment in ELMS which artificially boosted our grades until the deliverance of our actual grades where he rug pulled us. If possible, I would look for another professor.