Monifa Vaughn-Cooke

This professor has taught: ENAE202, ENME202, ENME472, ENME489A, ENME489B, ENRE645, ENRE648C, ENSE698G
Information Review
Monifa Vaughn-Cooke

Expecting a B
Just fine is what I can say. Lectures are pretty basic, the slides are somewhat useful. Early on the homework is very easy, but as the semester goes the homework and studios get harder. Studios are wildly hit or miss, in my section the one TA would spend the entire class helping one student, and the other would basically say "you don't understand the problem, you need to reread." Yea no s*** that's why people are asking for help. Studio is automatic 100% if you go in person, regardless of correctness or completion, but you have to put in effort. There is mandatory attendance via clicker quizzes that are graded only on completion. Do the homework early, do the studio early or go in person. Exam review was insufficient. I think to get an A you need to find practice material outside what's provided in the class, or come in with prior programming knowledge. You can easily get a B if you do all assigned work and review problems, even if you have no prior experience.