Brandon Wallace

This professor has taught: KNES225, KNES285, KNES287, KNES293
Information Review
Brandon Wallace

Expecting an A
Brandon is awesome and I loved this class with him. He keeps his lectures interesting with both the material he is teaching and his personality. The class is very well organized and the expectations, assignments, due dates, etc are clear from the very beginning. There was one midterm essay and one final essay, both of which you could choose what to write about from a list of prompts. Otherwise, there were readings/reflections, an easy in class writing activity, and an online quiz all due weekly. Turn in your work and participate and you will get an A in this class.
Brandon Wallace

Expecting an A-
Professor Wallace is a great professor and teaches the material really well.
Brandon Wallace

Expecting an A
Professor Wallace is such a kind person and cares about his students. This course was raised complex questions, definitely walked away learning new things and understanding color-blind racism.
Brandon Wallace

Expecting an A
He is an excellent teacher, and his subject is fascinating. In his class, he has two main papers and one project. All of the tasks are easy. I would encourage everyone to attend this class because not only is he an excellent teacher, but I didn't realize there was so much to learn about black manhood in sports.
Brandon Wallace

Expecting an A+
Brandon is a solid teacher. His lectures are fun and his friendly personality invites classroom discussions. Weekly quizzes are easy if you paid attention to the lectures and his essays are reasonable. He starts off his essays with a smaller word count of around 350-500 words and slowly raises them, making it easier on students. Each lecture feels fast because of his constant engagement with the class. He wants everyone to do well but will challenge you to think and learn. I would not take this class in the same semester as KNES287 because combined, it can get writing intensive. I highly recommend this class!
Brandon Wallace

Expecting an A+
Brandon is the man. He has very interesting lectures and is very understanding of your situation. Also, there are weekly quizzes which aren't too bad... just prepare well for them. Other than that, two fairly graded essays and some easy class participation points and busy work.
Brandon Wallace

Expecting a B+
Overall great teacher. Very fair grader, very relatable teacher. Gives plenty of extra credit opportunities. Wants you to do well, funny guy and good at lecturing.