Patrick Warfield

This professor has taught: MUSC130, MUSC130H, MUSC130S, MUSC204, MUSC205, MUSC310, MUSC435, MUSC448D, MUSC448U, MUSC699A, MUSC699I, MUSC699P
Information Review
Patrick Warfield

Expecting an A
Awesome lecturer. He really knows music, but keeps it simple. The first test was the only one that required you to apply simple music theory. His tests are completely based on lectures, so the book (only $30 rented) is unnecessary as long as you know someone who has it (its needed for 2/3 papers). If you do bad on a paper, you can redo the last paper. Grades are based on letters, not percentages. Tests require you to identify a song based on a section. The sections are usually indicative of the song if you listened to the song a few times and usually have the title of the song in it. It's a fun and pretty easy class, as long as you are willing to go to lectures and discussion and put in effort for tests and papers. There is no homework so the tests and papers are the only time this class has work. I would recommend it if you are willing to put study for a few hours before the tests and pay attention to lecture. Dr. Warfield is really an amazing, passionate guy.
Patrick Warfield

Warfield was an interesting lecturer, but the class material was nothing what I was expecting it to be. While we did get to listen to a few fun songs (1960's, Lady Gaga), we also listened to a lot of music that I personally was not a fan of (atonal pieces that last 10-15 minutes. Think nails on a chalkboard for that amount of time). While it was nice to not have to buy a textbook, the 45 min-1hr long listenings 2-3 times a week was a bit excessive and time consuming. The papers are graded according to a standard that is inconsistent. The exams are mostly regurgitating what he said in class in addition to adding a little something extra. Overall, this class wasn't hard, it just took a lot of time that I would rather have put to a different/more interesting class.
Patrick Warfield

Expecting an A-
Warfield is an AMAZING lecturer, he captivates his audience and I loved every minute of lecture. His expectations, however, are way to high, the exams are really difficult, and you have to work your butt off studying. I am a pretty good student, and I had to spend more time studying for this class than any other class I was taking. I would take the class again, however I wouldn't sign up for it if i wasn't up for the work load. Definitely not an easy A
Patrick Warfield

Expecting a B
I would not recommend this course with professor Warfield if you want an easy HA. You have to be absolutely in love with music in order to enjoy this class. I wasn't so I was very miserable completing this course. It's not that I was being lazy, I took good notes and spent hours studying for the 3 exams. It's not that professor Warfield is bad at teaching. It's the reform of course and his high expectations that ruin it. Both the professor and the TAs expect students to go above and beyond what was taught in class in order to get As, that's just very unreasonable for non-music major. The TAs grade the papers very harshly. For me, even though I met all the requirements of the essay prompt and had a thesis, an intro, a conclusion, a bibliography and even a CD with it, the TA still gave me a B-. I just don't know what more I can do.
Patrick Warfield

Expecting a B
Dr. Warfield is an incredible professor. He teaches very well and keeps the class engaged. However, his exams are very difficult and long, and it is not possible to finish in only fifty minutes. If you simply answer the question, you get a C, if you provide more information, you get a B, but in order to get an A you have to add information about other concepts that are related to the concept that the question is about and make it an eclectic answer. This class required more work than a lot of courses that I am taking for my major (Biology) and, although I would recommend taking Dr. Warfield for a different class, I would not recommend this class.
Patrick Warfield

No discernible difference between honors and regular section except there's only one honors discussion on Fridays. Lectures and assignments are all the same. Even the workload. (unfortunately) He calculates grades by letter grades on each assignment. Mildly complicated process... (A = 4.0, A-= 3.7, etc) And an overall point value of 3.6 or above is the cutoff for an A in this class. That being said, the workload was borderline excessive. This is supposed to be an introductory course for non-music majors with little to no background in music. Yeah, no. You might get a little lost during some lectures. PowerPoints are sparse, but he does talk about everything in detail, so TAKE DOWN DETAILED NOTES. They will really help on exams, etc. Around the last unit, he does more background history before delving into actual topic of interest. Write down some background history. 3 exams (60%), 4 papers (30%), and around 5 short 1 page reaction papers (this towards participation grade, 10%). He'll also make you go to at least two performances at CSPAC. Not bad, but can be inconveniently timed. Do not procrastinate on papers, make sure you go through and edit them. TA's are really helpful so ask them questions for clarification for papers or study guides for exams. As said before, TA's do grade everything, and some might be easier graders than others. Depends. Hit or miss really, but fight for those points. The +/- make a huge difference. To study for exams, go through all your notes, go to outside review sessions if they have any, make your own study guide and write everything out. Then set aside at least 3-4 hours. It's basically rote memorization and identifying songs. To get an A on the exam, not only do you have to list all the important details, but somehow go above and beyond it in a way. After 50 min of writing during the exam, your hands will cramp so badly. And you will always walk out feeling like you didn't write enough information . . . Overall. It's not a bad class. It was interesting. Knew nothing about music history, so what I learned were new revelations to me. It can be fun sometimes, and Warfield gives really animated lectures. He'll even break out into a waltz depending on the song he plays. If you pick this class, just be prepared to work hard for the grade. It's not an easy A. (In retrospect, I think I had put more work into this class than all my others such as my Bus Statistics, but I cared more about this class because it was interesting.)
Patrick Warfield

Expecting a B-
Professor Warfield is one of the most entertaining professors at UMD that I have had so far. His teaching style is exciting and engaging. However, the way the class is structured is total BS. His TA's are very strict grades when it comes to 4 major paper assignments. His 3 exams (no final exam) are taken during discussion and is essentially you just spitting out everything you learned from the previous month. The exams are not that difficult as long as you do the listenings a few nights before the exam and really take detailed notes (not posted online) to have a good idea of what the history is. The music you study is somewhat interesting. Start off the semester with the basic structure of music (melody, pitch, etc) and then you get into a more historical perspective and discussing the significance of particular pieces of music in its period of history. Overall, fun lecture to attend but the material could be a drag and the discussion section and all the TA's suck.
Patrick Warfield

Warfield is interesting to listen to in class, because he is very animated and interested in the material. You SHOULD take as many notes as possible. The tests are nearly impossible to get a good grade on. You take them in discussion sessions, so in a 50 minute time period. The tests are always too long to finish properly, especially with the expectations they have. This is a 100 level course that boasts that you do not need a background in music to complete. You can pass, but you won't get an A. To get an A on the tests and papers, you need to regurgitate all of the information he gave you, and more. To get a B, you have to perfectly restate the information he gave you. This is ridiculous for the type of class it is. Since the tests are most of your grade, you can not really make up for it in other areas. I do not recommend taking this course if you have no background in music theory. Even if you do, it is not an easy class.
Patrick Warfield

Expecting a W
I only took this class because MUSC130 was supposed to be an easy HA core...before Warfield became the professor, that is. On the first day of lecture he tells the students, "I don't know what you heard about this class, but if you heard about this class being super easy and that is the only reason you are in this class, drop out right now." Warfield asks way too much for the students in this course. This course is not available for music students, so only non-music students can take it. With that said, Warfield expects us to know and memorize excruciating details about music from 1100 all the way to the present. In addition to that, you need to memorize about 50 songs and know the musical forms for everything. The only good thing about this class is that there is no final exam. However, the two mid-terms in this class are really difficult. You have to know 15 songs that are about 3 - 15 minutes long by heart, with the translation (if it's foreign), musical form, artist, composer, and the year it was produced. You need a lot of time to study for this class. Unless music is something you really want to study and are willing to spend a lot of time, do not take this class. Another thing, all the exams are graded by your own TA. The problem is that some TA's grade MUCH easier than other TA's. One of the TA's mark something wrong on the exam for no reason; when you go up and ask her why she marked it wrong, she has no idea and gives you the points back. Make sure you look through the exam when you get it back because the chances are that you will get points back. Getting an A in this class is not impossible at all; it just takes unnecessary amount of time and work to get it for a HA core class.
Patrick Warfield

Expecting an A
His lectures are phenomenal, the material is interesting, and it isn't a tough class. Grades for our class were 3 exams (none cumulative and no final), 4 short papers (2-3 pages at most), and participation in discussion. His exams are heavily lecture-based, so I would highly recommend attending and taking good notes. If you need an HA CORE credit this is probably one of your best options.
Patrick Warfield

Expecting an A
This class is already filled with interesting content, Professor Warfield makes it even better. He's extremely knowledgeable, and makes lectures really interesting. The last lecture wasn't mandatory as we had already taken the last exam(there is no final), but the lecture was still full, and he got a round of applause at the end to thank him for a great semester. Your grade is based on 4 papers and 3 exams. The exams are multiple choice and short answer. As long as you go to lecture and do the listenings you'll be fine. The papers are only 2-3 papers each. In all, best class I've taken.
Patrick Warfield

Expecting a B+
I only went to lecture once but I really loved the professor. My TA was a space cadet but was nice. The tests were pretty hard considering I didn't go to lecture but everyone else seemed to enjoy it. Also, when my TA was unavailable at the end of the year prof Warfield graded my late assignment so I could get credit. SO NICE!
Patrick Warfield

Awesome teacher! I absolutely loved the class! I never missed a lecture because each and every class was so entertaining. He made an already exciting topic even more fun to learn about. I also had a great TA which made discussions enjoyable too. Definitely take this class -no doubts about it.
Patrick Warfield

Dr. Warfield is a great professor. Had him for two semesters of music history, and he keeps the class very engaging and interesting. Some cheesy humor too, thanks. Studying for his exams is HARD, but it pays off. Loved the classes. We tried to talk him into teaching MUSC331 too, but alas...
Patrick Warfield

Expecting an A
Awesome teacher! Really knows his material and easily makes the class interesting. TA does all of the grading; the class has 3 exams (none of them cumulative) and 5 papers (about 2-3 pages each) based on music but they are really not that much work. Definitely recommend this class.
Patrick Warfield

Expecting an A
Great professor for MUSC205! One of my favorite classes this semester. He keeps the class entertaining and offers a lot different and sometimes strange points of views on songs. Although he sometimes expects a bit too much out of students the course load isn't all that bad. Tests are very lecture based so as long as you go to lecture and take good notes, you should be fine.