Shana Webster-Trotman

This professor has taught: EDSP652, ENCE424, ENCE614
Information Review
Shana Webster-Trotman

Expecting an A-
honestly a waste of time, you have to talk once per class to get 11 points of participation credit, and it's overall just unorganized and a lot of work. 5 textbooks to read (free pdfs online) for a total of like 60-80 pages/week and extremely difficult reading quizzes too. butttt it is bearable in class just not the greatest if you have speaking anxiety.
Shana Webster-Trotman

You will not learn any thing in this course, Professor Shana Webster-Trotman do not teach anything she only want student to come up and speak This course should be about how communication takes place in real world how to tackle different problems in professional life but this was nothing like this and Assignment are not for student's benfits it just for completing to get grades. Not intresing subject assignment and waste of time She should left teaching as soon as possible are my final word as it was that wrost course I have taken so far.
Shana Webster-Trotman

Expecting a B
For a communications professor she is not responsive to emails or constructive feedback. Despite our best efforts to read all 4 of her required textbooks and attend class, our class preformed poorly on the final because half of the test was unrelated to what she had taught us. The content of the class itself is self explanatory, however Trotman's assignments and quizzes are oddly specific. Attendance is mandatory and graded off of whether you speak in front of the class that day or not.
Shana Webster-Trotman

Expecting an A-
Thinks way to highly of her class and believes that people are super invested in the topics being taught. Think Comm-107 taught over 2 and a half hour where you are penalized for getting there late or leaving early. It’s a super easy class to BS but the quizzes, final and writing assignments are way to specific and not worth your time to study/ learn.
Shana Webster-Trotman

Expecting an A
Professor Trotman believes her class is significantly more important than it is and assigns assignments that are entirely busy work that have no actual meaning or sense from an educational aspect. Think sociology but as a required class for a minor. Way too similar to COMM107 and she reaches way too hard into the material she presents. This is all common sense and it infuriates you that you are required to take this class for the Project Management minor when you have actual real classes to take at the same time.
Shana Webster-Trotman

Expecting a B+
this class is not an easy A. You have to participate in class and submit a ~ 3 page essay every week about what you learned. There are weekly quizzes. The essay and the quiz focus on what you learned from the weekly assigned books.(There is 5 of them). You will learn a lot inn her class and I recommend taking her class. The one shitty thing she did is have us do a speech video worth 100 point, a 10 page essay due in 48 hours from the assigned time worth 100 points and an eportfolio worth 150 points all due during finals week ON TOP of the online final. she might not remember that we actually had other finals during finals week , but she is dedicated to teaching.