Halli Weiner

This professor has taught: FIRE120, FIRE198, FIRE199, FIRE298, FIRE398, HNUH288Z
Information Review
Halli Weiner

Expecting an A+
Although I didn't enjoy the FIRE course, Professor Weiner helped me through the class and certainly contributed to my success. She wants her students to succeed and openly welcomes any connection or communication she can have with students. She also makes it known that she is a resource for things outside of class (ie. mental health) if students ever need anything. She gives detailed and specific feedback on work and is accommodating for many students.
Halli Weiner

Expecting an A
This class is soon to be extinct, but I really enjoyed it. Professor Weiner is great at teaching the subject and she tries really hard to get the students to connect with the material. Although, if you were not interested in animals at all it may have been hard to find the class interesting. Dr.Weiner is always trying to spark a conversation in class, so it is great if you are willing to discuss a lot of material. The best thing about her is she provides specific, distinct feedback on your assignments that really connected with me and helped me succeed in the class.