Frank White

This professor has taught: EDSP652, ENCE200
Information Review
Frank White

Expecting a D
He gave us grades for the first time on November 17th. How am I supposed to know how I'm doing in a class and adjust my performance if we get our grades so late in the semester.
Frank White

Expecting a B+
Frank is a character. He rambles on about semi relevant stuff for 2/3 of the semester (during which you haven't opened much less done anything in CAD!). Then he quizzes you on the random stuff he says. Then the assignments and project have basically no directions and don't have any rubrics (so grading is all over the place). Basically, you have to listen to literally everything he says and make sure you remember/write down literally everything he says because that is how you piece together an idea of what he wants you to do on any given assignment. He sometimes responds to texts and he never responded to any of my various emails. He's just not a very helpful or good professor. This class is unnecessarily stressful and you don't end up learning that much.
Frank White

Expecting an A
This guy is just not a good professor. You are forced to take him for ence, but he is so disorganized, his assignments barely have directions (if at all), and he'll drop "hints" here and there and you're just supposed to remember literally every single thing he ever says for the quizzes, the assignments, and the hws. So, take notes on every lecture no matter how irrelevant or boring it may be. Also, his grading his incredibly random because, as previously mentioned, there aren't usually complete directions for the assignments and there are no rubrics at all. His class just sucks.
Frank White

Expecting an A-
I think Frank gets a bad rep but to be honest, the only really bad part is the quizzes and his grading. But he doesn't change the between semesters so if you talk to someone who took the class the semester before you, well. His grading just feels kinda arbitrary but if you talk to him you can get explanations of why he took off points. Other than that, Frank runs a pretty straightforward class. It's probably gonna be the most helpful one to your career/internships that you'll take at UMD for civil engineering. If you pay attention, you'll probably do fine in the class. It's a lot of work but that's kinda just how Civil 3D is. Frank is really nice if you ask him questions and will give you answers that are actually helpful.
Frank White

Expecting an A+
I am a very good student. I literally had a 4.0 going into this class. I go to class. I take notes. I pay attention. He gives pop quizzes on random things he said like three weeks ago, and the grading is random (he also didn't post any grades until a month before finals and didn't give any feedback on anything). His other assignments have very few directions and no rubric. The final project is time consuming but pretty interesting. He only responded to some of my emails and wasn't very helpful answering questions. We didn't actually do anything in civil 3d for the first two months. Pay attention literally 100% of the time. Take notes on literally everything he says. This is a horribly run class, but there is no other ence 200 professor at the moment, so good luck.
Frank White

Expecting a B-
Awful. Shouldn’t be teaching in general he doesn’t grade, he knocks off points for arbitrary reasons and has a better than you attitude. He doesn’t post correct answers so you will never learn from mistakes.
Frank White

Expecting a B+
Pretty chill lectures. You just follow along as he does Civil3D. The one drawback is the grading on some of the assignment was a bit random and there are not many guidelines so you need to make sure you follow everything he does and says in class.
Frank White

Expecting a B+
This professor was just so awful?? I honestly don't understand why the other reviews are so high. Frank has a better-than-you attitude where it feels like he doesn't want to teach. He often complains about the work he has to do, since he mainly works and teaches on the side. His teaching style was very hard for me to grasp; he lectures without notes or a slideshow to refer back to, and he goes way too fast to catch everything. Then when you ask him to redo it, he gets exasperated. When grading, he docks off points randomly without a solution or rubric. On a quiz, I literally had the correct answer, but he marked it wrong. The final project was tedious and very time-consuming. In addition to that, he doesn't update Canvas assignments and takes a long time to grade papers, so you're on your own with how you're doing in the class. The first few classes are boring and drawn-out. What was supposed to be an easy class was very stressful with this professor. I could go on and on about how much I disliked this course and professor. The only good side about Frank was when he switched to recorded Zoom lessons and let some assignment due dates slide even though he's hard on that.
Frank White

Expecting an A
Frank is a great professor. The material can be a little dull at times but it doesn't feel like he wastes your time. The final project is tedious and will take a while so you need start early. Frank is great with answering questions so definitely ask. My only complaint was that grading sometimes felt harsh, but it was never unfair.
Frank White

Expecting an A
I'm gotta start off by saying you MUST apply yourself when taking this class. People complain about his teaching style being fast-paced and sometimes a bit confusing (they're right), but he's willing to stop and help if you ask questions. He understands that most people have no idea what he's talking about, so he'll go that extra mile to give deeper explanations. Here's a list of things you MUST do: Go to class, take as many notes as possible, and most importantly work on the homeworks early and with a group of friends. It's really hard to catch up with the material if you miss class especially when most of it isn't online and plan on spending at least 3 hours on the homework (very tedious). Again, you're going to hate yourself if you start the homework the day before it's due. They're not something you can bs. Also, the quizzes are pretty straightforward, and he gives more than enough time to complete them. While he doesn't offer accommodations or real office hours, he'll take questions after class (kinda on your own outside of class). In terms of grading (VERY IMPORTANT), all assignments, quizzes, the final exam, and the project added up to only about 100 points. That's right you only get 100 points for the whole semester, so you gotta give every piece of work your all (he's a stickler when it comes to grading). Also, he doesn't use ELMS grades rather he posts a spreadsheet with everyone's grades maybe three or four times during the semester (Names are not posted with each grade). You may be gaslighted into thinking you're doing well in the class, but all of a sudden your grade drops dramatically from one bad quiz grade; this is especially true for the final project and exam (they make up 50% of your grade). To recap, never assume you're doing well in class, and start praying when you turn in work. Last note, please don't procrastinate with the final project. It's a lot of work and it takes patience especially when learning civil3d for the first time. Frank is really hard to reach via email or text, so I recommend asking questions about it during class. That being said, I'll stress this again: you have to spread the work out because you will at some point make a mistake that will take a while to fix, and if you're unlucky like me, your files might get corrupted meaning you'll have to restart (very sad moment). Also, the lab is open 24/7, so I recommend working on the project there rather than on a personal computer (just a preference for me). People usually work there, so you'll be able to collaborate with them. Frank is a great guy but not the greatest professor. Overall, I personally enjoyed the class/ final project/ the homeworks, but most people don't. If you want the A, you gotta put the time in. Most people end up with Bs and Cs, so you gotta go above and beyond. What got me through it was doing the work with friends days before it was due.
Frank White

Expecting an A
Frank's teaching style is unhelpful at best. He goes over a million different ways to do the same thing so you get lost and can't even remember one of them because you mix them up. He goes through things quickly and expects you to know everything perfectly the lecture after. You don't have time to take notes so if you don't have an amazing memory, good luck. He also hints at his political leanings when it would not be appropriate to do so in class when covering content. He also never seems glad to be teaching and constantly complains (almost as if bragging) about how much he is working. He tends to go off on tangents in the middle of explaining a concept which is distracting at best. He also does not accommodate ADS whatsoever. Need more time on a quiz? He'll tell you that everyone always finishes in time and blows you off. He goes right into lecture content after a quiz so you can't book with ADS either and I highly doubt he'd approve it if you did. If you email him, he will not respond unless you email him three days in a row which is a nuisance for both parties involved. In addition, he is old-fashioned and you will waste half of a COMPUTER-aided design course learning to do profiles by hand which he says is for a concrete understanding but is just tedious and doesn't help anyone understand anything. If he can't explain it with a computer, perhaps he should reconsider teaching a CAD class. He does not tell you when he is going to drop assignments so you need to always have time prepared in your week to waste a couple of hours on some of his homework. My class relied heavily on YouTube and each other to make it through. Also if you want extensions as per your accommodations, you can kiss those goodbye. If you want to instead try and get access to assignments early to find another way of having extra time, Frank will thwart you in any way possible. He will blow you off, ignore you, and then flatly tell you that you cannot have access to anything before the rest of the class even if you have accommodations. Many other teachers are fully in this century when it comes to dealing with disabilities and the content they present, but Frank is not. He stubbornly holds onto the mentally that if he had to go through things a certain way, you must go through them too.
Frank White

Expecting an A
Frank is a funny and helpful professor that expects his students to work hard and put in effort. He doesn't mind taking time to explain content if students are confused and he'll always share his experience in the real world. Only downside is that he grades a little harsh and is not willing to curve.
Frank White

Expecting an A
Such a good man. ENCE200 was easy as long as you come to class and pay attention(I would recommend sitting in the front), you will have everything you need to get an A. Always ask questions if you have them he is super helpful and jokes around with his students. If he taught any other civil classes I would definitely take them.
Frank White

Expecting a B+
One of my absolute best classes taken so far as a sophomore civil Major. The class was well taught, had plenty of extra help, and was plenty interesting. All you have to do is focus in class
Frank White

Expecting an A
Frank's a great professor, but the way he teaches ENCE200 requires you to pay attention 100% of the time. If you fall behind, you're pretty much done for, unless you have a friend next to you who can bring you up to speed. All instructions are demonstrated live on the projector, so sit toward the front of the class. He doesn't record lectures, so there isn't time to take notes and copy his steps. You'll have to decide for yourself which is more helpful. Finally, do NOT use the virtual lab. Download the student version of the software to your PC.