Gerald Wilkinson

This professor has taught: BIOL608W, BIOL708A, BIOL708B, BIOL708W, BISI712, BISI899, BSCI160, BSCI339R, BSCI360, BSCI401, CPSP218L, CPSP219L
Information Review
Gerald Wilkinson

Expecting an A
I took this class as an ECEV course required for Gen Bio majors, but this genuinely was so much unnecessary work and stress that I did not anticipate. The class has 2 midterms, 2 problem sets, a grant proposal, participation for weekly discussion sections, and a final. The problem sets were not insanely difficult, but I would say that without going to office hours it's pretty much impossible to do that well on them. The grant proposal was SO much work, so unless you are planning on starting it a month in advance, opt out of this course and take one that just uses tests. I cannot emphasize how much work this grant proposal is - I worked on it pretty extensively and didn't even get an A on it. His lectures are very boring - he basically reads off the slides and he refuses to split up topics into more than one lecture. If his powerpoint has 56 slides, he will force all of the information into the 50 minute lecture time, even if he doesn't actually explain the concepts very well. And you can bet all of the content will still be tested!! Even if he barely touched it during class!!! The amount of content on each exam was insane, and it's basically all rote memorization. Maybe I came in with some skewed expectations, but I thought the amount of content he tried to squeeze in was pretty unreasonable. Also, when students asked for practice questions, he would post problems with no answer key because he would "run out of questions for his tests". Any answer keys to his tests were posted on paper outside of his office, not even posted online. I may be wrong but I do not believe he allows any regrades of his tests. Also for the final, he basically said he was too lazy to post any practice questions, give us a topic list, or send a projection of grade distributions. Every week there is also a discussion section where you have to read a paper and discuss it – this was basically just participation based so this was pretty fair. The one thing I will say is that his curve for a bio class was pretty generous. The grade distributions were A+ (94+), A (86-93), A- (83-85), B+ (81-82), B (74-80), B- (72-73), C+ (70-71), C (64-69), C- (60-63). TLDR: Based on his curve, I was able to get an A which I'm super happy about, but in hindsight I probably would have just not taken this class. I'm sure there are other ECEV courses with less work and a more engaging prof.
Gerald Wilkinson

Expecting an A
I took this class as an ECEV course required for Gen Bio majors, but this genuinely was so much unnecessary work and stress that I did not anticipate. The class has 2 midterms, 2 problem sets, a grant proposal, participation for weekly discussion sections, and a final. The problem sets were not insanely difficult, but I would say that without going to office hours it's pretty much impossible to do that well on them. The grant proposal was SO much work, so unless you are planning on starting it a month in advance, opt out of this course and take one that just uses tests. I cannot emphasize how much work this grant proposal is - I worked on it pretty extensively and didn't even get an A on it. His lectures are very boring - he basically reads off the slides and he refuses to split up topics into more than one lecture. If his powerpoint has 56 slides, he will force all of the information into the 50 minute lecture time, even if he doesn't actually explain the concepts very well. And you can bet all of the content will still be tested!! Even if he barely touched it during class!!! The amount of content on each exam was insane, and it's basically all rote memorization. Maybe I came in with some skewed expectations, but I thought the amount of content he tried to squeeze in was pretty unreasonable. Also, when students asked for practice questions, he would post problems with no answer key because he would "run out of questions for his tests". Any answer keys to his tests were posted on paper outside of his office, not even posted online. I may be wrong but I do not believe he allows any regrades of his tests. Also for the final, he basically said he was too lazy to post any practice questions, give us a topic list, or send a projection of grade distributions. Every week there is also a discussion section where you have to read a paper and discuss it – this was basically just participation based so this was pretty fair. The one thing I will say is that his curve for a bio class was pretty generous. The grade distributions were A+ (94+), A (86-93), A- (83-85), B+ (81-82), B (74-80), B- (72-73), C+ (70-71), C (64-69), C- (60-63). TLDR: Based on his curve, I was able to get an A which I'm super happy about, but in hindsight I probably would have just not taken this class. I'm sure there are other ECEV courses with less work and a more engaging prof.
Gerald Wilkinson

Expecting an A
I took this class as an ECEV course required for Gen Bio majors, but this genuinely was so much unnecessary work and stress that I did not anticipate. The class has 2 midterms, 2 problem sets, a grant proposal, participation for weekly discussion sections, and a final. The problem sets were not insanely difficult, but I would say that without going to office hours it's pretty much impossible to do that well on them. The grant proposal was SO much work, so unless you are planning on starting it a month in advance, opt out of this course and take one that just uses tests. I cannot emphasize how much work this grant proposal is - I worked on it pretty extensively and didn't even get an A on it. His lectures are very boring - he basically reads off the slides and he refuses to split up topics into more than one lecture. If his powerpoint has 56 slides, he will force all of the information into the 50 minute lecture time, even if he doesn't actually explain the concepts very well. And you can bet all of the content will still be tested!! Even if he barely touched it during class!!! The amount of content on each exam was insane, and it's basically all rote memorization. Maybe I came in with some skewed expectations, but I thought the amount of content he tried to squeeze in was pretty unreasonable. Also, when students asked for practice questions, he would post problems with no answer key because he would "run out of questions for his tests". Any answer keys to his tests were posted on paper outside of his office, not even posted online. I may be wrong but I do not believe he allows any regrades of his tests. Also for the final, he basically said he was too lazy to post any practice questions, give us a topic list, or send a projection of grade distributions. Every week there is also a discussion section where you have to read a paper and discuss it – this was basically just participation based so this was pretty fair. The one thing I will say is that his curve for a bio class was pretty generous. The grade distributions were A+ (94+), A (86-93), A- (83-85), B+ (81-82), B (74-80), B- (72-73), C+ (70-71), C (64-69), C- (60-63). TLDR: Based on his curve, I was able to get an A which I'm super happy about, but in hindsight I probably would have just not taken this class. I'm sure there are other ECEV courses with less work and a more engaging prof.
Gerald Wilkinson

Expecting an A
Very knowledgeable and open to quetions. Also humble for a department chair - will take the time to help you. Class is pretty boring though.
Gerald Wilkinson

Expecting a B
Horrible professor who does not offer any help! The TA was nicer but still did no offer much help! The professor was always busy and only cared about his own research. As a final project he made us write a grant proposal that Im more than sure he will use for his won good!