John Witzleben

This professor has taught: MUET438X, MUET676, MUSC260, MUSC289I, MUSC436, MUSC438O, MUSC438P, MUSC438S, MUSC438X, MUSC448F, MUSC448N, MUSC620, MUSC676, MUSC677, MUSC679F, MUSC679P, MUSC679R
Information Review
John Witzleben

Expecting an A
I really liked this class. But one thing I would like to stress to anyone thinking about taking this course is that you should have some interest in music from around the world b/c unfortunately in lecture I did sometimes sit near people who would make extremely rude and immature comments about the music and videos we had in lecture. Your grade is basically based on the tests and papers, all of which are very easy. The tests are straightforward information form lecture, i hardly took notes in lecture and did fine. I wouldn't waste money on buying the CDs or book because neither were necessary. Lucky for me my TA's english wasn't the best, so she didn't grade our papers on grammar :)
John Witzleben

He's an okay teacher, definitly knows what he's talking about and very interested in it. There are easier cores though..such as musc130 or muet200. So unless you're genuinely interested in tribal music of other countries, this isnt the best class for you. But it is possible to at least get a b if you give it some effort, because 50% of your grade is between 2 papers and participaton in discussion.