Junbin Yang

This professor has taught: KNES120A
Information Review
Junbin Yang

Expecting an A-
Big no. I had to fight this TA on every grade he gave me. I met with the professor constantly and she was able to correct my grade on a majority of my assignments. The professor and I had to work together to figure out what exactly he wanted from me, and he often refused the concepts she prompted me with. His feedback is unhelpful. Office hours are kinda useless. I went with an annotated document with specific questions about my analysis (he claimed it was never thorough enough) and he refused to read any portion of my paper, insisting I read it to him or come with "more specific questions". He emphasizes "quality over quantity" but he clearly doesn't understand what quality is. I understand that this is his first time being a TA for a lecture course (vs an activity course), but this TA does not know how to engage with students, communicate in coherent and full sentences in response to students questions without reading from a powerpoint slide, and is not easily approachable. He stated at the beginning of the year that he's "afraid of angry emails so please don't send them." I think he lacks confidence in his abilities, which I do sympathize with and recognize that he's putting himself out there, however he is detrimental to students performance and understanding of the course. I believe if i had a different TA I wouldn't have had to dedicate so much time to this course, and my grade would be higher.