Zehua Zhao

This professor has taught: MATH240, MATH241H, MATH246H, MATH401
Information Review
Zehua Zhao

Expecting an A+
Prof. Zhao was not the best at teaching the content - he just read off of Professor Levermore's notes while teaching (which were pretty abstract and confusing). Frankly, I did not learn much from the class but the class was fairly easy in that the tests were all take-homes with plenty of times and the MATLAB projects were graded leniently. Be prepared to learn on your own.
Zehua Zhao

Expecting an A
I had Zhao for Calc 3 in Fall 2020. His teaching was literally reading directly from the textbook, but his exams were super nice and the required textbook for the class was pretty easy to follow. I ended up reading the book and doing the suggested practice problems he gave us instead of going to lecture, and everything turned out fine. His exams were take-home format (open book open note) and you had about 13 hours to complete them, which was super nice. Exams were the only grades for the class. He was also very open to feedback and suggestions, and made the resources for class very easily accessible. In fact, he uploaded a PDF of our textbook, and later the solutions manual to the textbook, onto the class ELMS page so you didn't even need to pay for them.