Zhenghe Zhong

Information Review
Zhenghe Zhong

Expecting an A
Probably the funniest TA I've had. He's pretty lenient on grading which is nice, and he's always available to talk to for help at his office hours or via email. My only issue is that he's not great at explaining complex topics. He's a great TA if you're confident in the course material, but you might struggle if that's not the case.
Zhenghe Zhong

Expecting an A-
Michael is probably the funniest TA in the whole department. He's always super fun and an overall great guy. He's also really understanding and lenient with his grading which is nice. However, I have to subtract a star as his explanations for various concepts are often confusing and hard to follow. You'll have a great time with him if you don't find the class too hard, but it might be worth switching TA's if you're struggling with the material.