Jenna Zomback

This professor has taught: DATA400, MATH120, MATH445, STAT400
Information Review
Jenna Zomback

Expecting an A
She is a really good teacher and very understanding. I had a headache for 3 days and was able to take the exam next week and didn't have to provide a note or anything, since who goes to a doctor for a headache. I don't think the R-projects were a good addition to this class. I know some teachers don't have R-projects, but Prof. Zomback had 2 R-projects (+1 optional). We weren't actually taught R so I feel like most of us were just using AI to write code and teach ourselves, but they're easy, just weird... I think my main complain for this class being 4/5 instead of 5/5 is that it's too easy. It was too easy to the point where I haven't retained much information. I never attended a lecture after the first exam and got an A. The exams are exactly the same as the practice exams just with different numbers and slightly different true or false.
Jenna Zomback

Expecting an A-
Really great professor, explained everything super well in lecture. The discussions were optional and office-hour style where the TAs went over the homework that was due that week and basically did the problems on the board or they reviewed for an upcoming exam. Our grade in the class was mostly the exams and she gives practice tests beforehand that are basically the real thing. The hardest part of this class was the homework, but again the discussions and even her office hours are extremely helpful. I would say to keep up though because there's absolutely no way of checking for attendance/participation so it becomes really easy to skip lectures and then you won't be able to learn the content for the exams
Jenna Zomback

Expecting a B+
She was AMAZING. I love her. She is the best professor I have had on campus throughout all four years. I've been to her office hours several times, and she is willing to help. She is very deliberate about explaining concepts and listens to what you need help with. Her exams also covered everything she taught in class. I would give her a 100/5 if I could
Jenna Zomback

Expecting an A
BEST TEACHER ALIVE. Take her class because she is an excellent teacher. Her slides are very helpful. Her lectures are not mandatory, and I only attended about 1/3 of them. Even with this, I still earned an A in the course. The workload is manageable. Her practice exams are incredibly helpful for the real tests. Please take her class and enjoy a peaceful learning experience.
Jenna Zomback

Expecting an A+
Dr. Zomback is a really great professor, definitely take her if you can! Her slides are super detailed and helpful, and she goes over everything very thoroughly so that everyone can understand the material. Even when something may seem trivial, she doesn't assume it is for everyone and honestly it's helped me many times when I may have rushed something and gotten it wrong. She posts incredibly helpful practice exams, and honestly if you do those you are going to get a 100 on the exams. I got a 100 on two exams and the final largely because of the practice exams. One piece of advice I have with respect to that is that you will want to do the homeworks every single time, and really understand how they work, also start them early. I will say that the homeworks in her class were fairly challenging, but if you go in to office hours and/or speak with your TA, they are doable. In addition, the difficulty of the homeworks really prepares you for the exams. Overall, Dr. Zomback is a very kind professor and you can tell she cares a lot about the learning of everyone in her class, and if you do the work, you will do very well.
Jenna Zomback

Expecting an A+
Lowk, dont need the lectures as they feel optional, but the times I went, her examples were so clear and so helpful. Goat stat teacher tbh. Only thing weird was the strict hw grading and everything else was extrmeely fair and the prac exams were rlly sim to the actual exams. Very great teacher all in all and def take her if u can!
Jenna Zomback

Expecting a C
Stat was something I did not understand whatsoever coming in, however, Dr Zomback made it not only easy to understand, but easy to survive. Her exams are reflective of the practice exams, her office hours and lectures are highly relevant and on point to the exams, and she gives extra credit opportunities. She's lovely, and super nice as well. Take her!
Jenna Zomback

Expecting an A+
Overall pretty good professor that is kind and understanding Pros - Exams are very fair/easy if you do the practice - Goes over many examples in class - Gives enough practice material - Posts lecture notes and no mandatory attendance, although hearing her explain in person can be helpful Neutral - Homeworks were fairly hard/time consuming and forced you to think beyond what you learned in class, but the TAs were helpful during discussion, the homeworks were graded mostly for completion, and doing them made her tests fairly easy Cons - 1st R project was very vague and hard to start without having ever coded in R, but it was graded leniently. 2nd R project was more clear.
Jenna Zomback

Expecting an A
Zomback is the best math teacher I’ve ever had.
Jenna Zomback

Expecting an A+
Pros - Exams are very fair - Explains well in class - Uploads lecture notes - Teacher is very kind and understanding Cons - Homeworks are fairly difficult, but TAs help during discussion - 1st R Project was very vague and hard to get started, but it was graded very leniently.
Jenna Zomback

Expecting an A
Agree with all the reviews below. Genuinely an amazing professor. Her notes were easy to follow by myself even on days I slept through the early morning lectures lol. Most fair exams you will ever have. Overall good at teaching and very friendly.
Jenna Zomback

Expecting an A
Intro: AMAZING professor, agreed with the fall 2024 reviews below me. love her as a teacher, if I could have her for anything else I definitely would. Good notes/lectures, good exams, good homework (albeit difficult but thats okay, see below) Pros: - practice exams VERY close to the actual exam (same formatting, similar content per question) - I would say the midterms were pretty easy (haven't taken finals yet, maybe will edit if possible) - teaching style in lecture is amazing, very clear and easy to read notes, good definitions, content builds upon itself pretty flawlessly (imo) - yes based on examples, but a high proportion of those examples pop up in outside work/exams in a way; she will thoroughly explain most things, - really good notes posted, no need to attend lecture except if you are prone to questions/like listening to other's questions/want to get 100% of "here's a side note that i'll say in class but not write down" (note a review below me where no commentary, I do think the commentary is important so I would attend lecture since she does not record) - no required textbook - good on answering questions compared to other experiences ive had - will do her best to make sure you have a strong understanding - office hours are helpful - she cares about student understanding and learning - very kind, very personable, willing to talk, will respond fast Cons: - Neutral: - homework is actually rather difficult but harder than exam content; it makes you think pretty strongly about the content and its not just copy-paste a formula; my TA (shoutout to him) personally went over the homework questions if requested during discussion; her office hours are pretty helpful on getting the correct answer (homework the hardest part of this) - the R projects were kinda vague and hard to get into; the directions could be misleading and its even harder if you haven't had experience with R (its a coding language) conclusion/tldr: great professor. take her. good teaching style (imo). hard homework/outside work but you can get very good help (TAs/office hrs). midterms close to content covered in class and practice exam.
Jenna Zomback

Expecting an A
BEST PROFESSOR, practice exams, are very clear to the test, teaching style is awesome, very straight forward if you do the work!!
Jenna Zomback

Expecting an A
I agree with everything the review below me has to say about Dr. Zomback's STAT400. I'll also add that her teaching style is extremely example based. Yes, she writes formal definitions of the topics that are being covered, but she'll immediately follow it up with a couple elucidating examples chosen for that purpose. On top of that, she will literally do every single step, doesn't matter if it's just 3 minutes of setting up an extremely basic arithmetic problem which eventually amounts to (0.3)(10) + (0.2)(4) + ... It helps her show exactly what she's doing, without confusing students with your typical mental math arithmetic tricks that some people may not catch in the moment, leaving them confused over a step. To be honest, I thought I was bad at statistics after high school, but I found that this course was extremely easy to follow along with, and I was never once genuinely and thoroughly lost on a concept. Great, and very kind professor who approaches every question with sincerity, no matter how trivial it might seem to other people. My only slight qualm is that she posts her lectures notes on canvas, which is super useful, but she doesn't record lectures, so you don't get her commentary on what she's doing, which may be helpful to some when reviewing.
Jenna Zomback

Expecting an A+
First, I'll mention that this was Jenna's first time teaching STAT400. And she is such a great professor. Her exams are very fair and are very similar to the practice exams. She never throws a "curve ball" at you as long as you studied and went over the practice exam beforehand. She's very attentive to students during both lecture and office hours and will spend extra time to make sure you understand the material. While she may make occasional notation/computation errors during lecture, this doesn't impact the learning experience (Accurate lecture notes are posted anyway). The homework problems are usually pretty difficult or tedious and may take a few hours, but if you're able to solve and understand them, you'll be well prepared for the exams. Homework is also mostly graded by completion. The only concern I had with the class is that for the coding (R) projects, we were given little guidance, so it was up to the TA's to guide you which might not be reliable. However, because coding isn't necessarily the curriculum for the course, these projects were graded pretty leniently. Her teaching style is very engaging and she even gave breaks during lecture for us to "gamble" exam points if we chose to (Not required of course, just something fun she offered). TL;DR very fair exams, great teaching style, cares about her students, very lenient with homework and projects. If given the opportunity, take her class.
Jenna Zomback

Hands down my best math professor in my time at UMD. This course is not easy, but if you take it you should do so with Jenna.
Jenna Zomback

Expecting an A
Loved prof. Zomback! I have never taken any level of calc and she made it super easy to understand overall. She is so nice and you can tell she definitely cares about students and their learning. She is super lenient about homework as long as it gets done at some point. Discussion quizzes are easy and helpful to practice for exams. The course is test-heavy but not any more than any other math class. The exams are fair though, including the final. The lecture is not technically mandatory although she does give a few points for participation that are helpful and she is such a good teacher going to the lectures makes the coursework easy to understand.
Jenna Zomback

Expecting a B+
Jenna is truly a gem! As a non STEM major and someone who hates math she made the material easy to learn and the pace of the class was great. 3 Midterms that are simple and just like the practice tests provided. Weekly quizzes in discussion and homework assignments are simple. Overall I would definitely recommend her!
Jenna Zomback

Expecting an A
Great professor! Super welcoming, attentive to students’ questions and concerns, and provides lots of examples, which is super helpful in any class, but especially math.
Jenna Zomback

Expecting an A+
Jenna is not only super welcoming and a nice person, but she's a great professor too. Gives tons of examples relevant to the exams and quizzes, outlines the course really well, and is super fast at responding to students' emails and concerns.
Jenna Zomback

Expecting an A
Jenna is absolutely incredible. She is patient and kind, extremely understanding, and just overall so lovely. She will work with you to figure out whatever you’re having trouble with. She doesn’t assume you know concepts that you might not remember or know, and she never makes you feel stupid. I genuinely love math so having a good math teacher made me love it even more.
Jenna Zomback

Expecting an A+
She is super nice and understanding. She always makes the midterms easier than the practice exams and reviews. She is really good at explaining different concepts. I totally recommend her.
Jenna Zomback

Expecting an A
Great teacher. Explains everything very well and makes the practice exams very similar to the exams. If you can take her class I would recommend her 100%/
Jenna Zomback

As someone who has struggled with math their whole life, Jenna makes this class genuinely enjoyable and understandable! Her lectures are easy to understand, and for exams she provides an extensive review guide and a practice exam that is ~85% the same in structure to the actual exam. The textbook is also incredibly clear which is uncommon for math courses. I cannot recommend her enough!!
Jenna Zomback

Best Math120 Professor really enjoyed her class.
Jenna Zomback

Expecting an A-
Jenna is a fantastic professor! Not only is she extremely kind and uplifting, but she is also great at teaching the material! Some people complain that she goes fast, but all the math classes are like that. She has great practice exams and the textbook is easy to understand. The homework isn't too bad, but you might have to work on it ahead of time. 10/10 take her class!
Jenna Zomback

Expecting an A
I love Jenna (yes, she goes by Jenna not Ms. Zomback because that is how cool she is). She is a great teacher who makes math120 really easy to understand. The homework is manageable but I recommend forming a study group/ going to her office hours for problems you don't understand. She is super welcoming and will help you with whatever you need. Before every exam, we do a practice test that is very similar to the exam, so I would recommend doing those. Overall, take her for math120!
Jenna Zomback

Expecting an A+
Zomback is a professor with a great attitude. She's very eager to answer any questions students have and responds quickly to emails. If you go into office hours, follow the lecture and take notes, the workload will be very manageable. Her lectures follow the textbook that is uploaded on the class page. She does point solutions for participation points. Overall, she is a great teacher for Math120.