Special Topics in Bioengineering; Physical Models of Living Systems

Prerequisites: BIOE371 and BIOE372. This is a hands-on class on how to create theoretical or computational models for biological data. Students will be taught how to model data from biological systems, three models will be presented by the instructor from single molecule to whole organisms. They will also be taught how to simplify the complexity of biological systems to model them using the simplicity of mathematical tools. The 'hands-on' approach will consist of students creating their own models from current unpublished biological data.

Sister Courses: BIOE489A, BIOE489B, BIOE489C, BIOE489D, BIOE489F, BIOE489G, BIOE489H, BIOE489I, BIOE489J, BIOE489K, BIOE489N, BIOE489O, BIOE489P, BIOE489Q, BIOE489R, BIOE489T, BIOE489U, BIOE489V, BIOE489W, BIOE489X, BIOE489Y, BIOE489Z

Past Semesters

34 reviews
Average rating: 1.62

13 reviews
Average rating: 2.31

* "W"s are considered to be 0.0 quality points. "Other" grades are not factored into GPA calculation. Grade data not guaranteed to be correct.