Special Topics in Bioengineering (M.Eng.); Applications of Bioinformatics
For Master of Engineering students only or with permission of department. An introduction to bioinformatics in which we will use NIH sequence databases to answer biological questions in the areas of genomics, proteomics, and transcriptomics. The course will be primarily based on existing bioinformatic tools, but some minor programming will help automate repetitive tasks in sequence analysis. Finally, we will touch on a large number of current research topics in bioinformatics.
Sister Courses: BIOE658A, BIOE658B, BIOE658D, BIOE658E, BIOE658G, BIOE658I, BIOE658J, BIOE658L, BIOE658M, BIOE658N, BIOE658P, BIOE658R, BIOE658W, BIOE658Y
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