Reviews for BMGT313

Information Review
Brent Solomon

Expecting a B
He may come across as harsh to some, but he means well. He's a good teacher and goes in depth into each concept. I entered this course with a minimal understanding but feel that I have learned a lot. Textbook is optional, he goes over all the information in class. There is optional homework, but it is still good to do because it is the similar style you will see on the exams. Grading consists of a semester long group stock pitch and exams. Exams are take home done on Excel but are difficult, hence the need to pay attention in class and complete optional homework. Stock pitch is far easier and as long as you apply yourself you should get an A. Overall, I really liked his teaching style and while sometimes he might call on a student in class, it is simply just to apply course material and apply the concepts to the real world
Brent Solomon

Easily the worst professor I have ever had. He is very rude, cold calls on you in class but in a way that makes you anxious, and if you get it wrong he'll keep grilling you or he will literally embarrass you in front of the class by saying something like "he doesn't know this" and chuckle. After 4 years of college, this is the first class I am failing/dropping. This guy does not teach, and it is implied that you already know everything. Oh not to mention, this is literally an accounting class just titled Financial statement analysis. He makes his take home exams impossible and nothing like anything you do in class so that was pretty cool, and if you turn anything in even 1 minute late he will deduct a crazy amount of points. If you had an internship with a finance company that taught you a lot such as valuations, forecasting, and pretty intermediate finance terms then take this class. If you did not have an internship like that (like most of the class) then do not bother because this class will ruin your semester. Even if I knew the material, I would still rate the professor a 2 star maximum.
Brent Solomon

Expecting an A
I’d get a beer with this guy. He’s pretty chill, class is easy if you just come to class. Final presentation you get the entire semester, if you have a good group it’s easy. Come to class and you’ll do fine. Skip a lot, your group will hate you and you will struggle.
Brent Solomon

Difficult course, the class has 2 exams and 3 assignments, which are one big group project, and that is your grade. If you mess up one assignment, say bye to that A. He is not very helpful when it comes to questions, he just doesnt answer them directly and tells you to figure it out basically, but he will sorta tell you where to look. During his lectures, I found it very hard to stay focus, mainly because of how he teaches the class, which is reading powerpoints and throws in a thing here and there from the real world that who knows if they are important. You basically have to learn all the materials yourself, because in the lectures when it comes to practice problems, he does not walk through it and tells you to figure it out. Also, if you submit your assignments 1 minute late, he will take a lot of points off (depending on the situation and his mood, could be up to 20%) but he will keep you 5 minutes longer in class, which is a bit unfair but whatever. He is a nice person though and wants his students to do well, but be prepared of a lot of independent studying and self-teaching.
Brent Solomon

This professor is the least helpful professor I have ever met. He does not teach anything and then when you ask him questions he mocks and makes fun of you in a very demeaning manner. I never knew what was going on in this class and couldn't ask for help if I wanted to. He also timed the amount of time you got in office hours and would cut you off after 30 minutes even if you were still lost (which I always was). If you have the option to, DO NOT take this class with him.
Hanna Lee

Expecting an A
Professor Lee is a very friendly professor who is very willing to help her students. But I can only say that overall she is just an "okay" level professor. The grading was ***EXTREMELY*** SLOW, and her lectures can be dry and boring, since they are right off the textbook. The best way to learn this course is by teaching yourself, which is reading the slides rather than going to class which will be a completely waste of time since you can't use your computer and you'll be easily fallen asleep. Also the workload of her course is very heavy. Each of her 2% assignments will usually take a minimum of 5+ hours and the assignment itself is very useless and the techniques are very much far from practice, outdated and hard to apply (seriously who will calculate ratios directly from 10-K if you have Bloomberg/Morning Star??? seriously no people would do this in practice). Overall, you can learn little from this course and it's basically reviewing BMGT220&221 plus valuation which BMGT443 would be ten times better for studying it. Her take-home midterm was a bit tricky, and for a lot of problems, she has never mentioned anything in class or on textbook. That’s why even though it’s take-home, the average on this exam was still a “B”. Her final exam on the other hand, is much easier and allowed to take a cheat sheet. All-in-all, Professor Lee is still a great professor, and I would still strongly recommend her as BMGT313. The positive sides are, the material is very basic and easy than the textbook, and she is more than willing to help her students, as her office hours are always full of people and she is always very nice, kind and friendly. She is also a fair grader and curve upwards, and would like to provide feedback for students. Compared to other accounting professors in Smith, she is definitely above average. Maybe just average compared to all the professors in UMD, but what can you expect from accounting? Overall I would take her again.
Hanna Lee

Prof. Lee made the class simple, so far all of our homework’s have been graded 100/100 and the midterm was take home. The only problem is that the grading is very slow, and it’s almost near the end of the semester and I do not expect her to have final grades in before graduation. Other than that the class was pretty easy
Brent Solomon

Expecting an A-
One of the best professors at Smith. Class is very practical towards what first year analysts are expected to know and do. Prof. Solomon knows a lot about finance and can answer practically any question off the top of his head.
Nicholas Seybert

Expecting a B
Seybert's great. He's incredibly laid-back and very accommodating to his students. He's young and a Smith grad so he's pretty good about making things relevant and relatable. Grade is two tests and a project. The project is not as difficult as he makes it seem, but don't leave it to the last second because if you mess something up it can take forever to figure out what it is. First test was pretty hard but had a considerable curve. Second test was easy. Tests are about 10 multiple choice and then like 3-5 calculation-based problems. They are very true to his PowerPoints and the practice problems he posts - you will not be surprised so it is easy to prepare. Overall, a good experience with him.
Michael Finch

Expecting an A
Finch is an interesting guy. His personality is great, and is always entertaining. His class is certainly not boring. Too often though he is extremely laid back and tends to waste a great deal of class time. He is also a very stringent grader, and takes off points for very minor things. I definitely learned a good amount in his class, but only because I put in the effort. Most of the students rarely did the readings, and his class was often slowed down by that. Still, I can recommend him just based on his personality, and the fact that he made the material somewhat interesting. I would probably rather have taken it with another professor, but I can't say I hated this course either.
Gary Bulmash

Expecting an A
Pure awesomeness! I really loved him a lot! First accounting class that connected it all together. He's really funny and nice. Hated to miss his class even though i did half of the time. Exams are reasonable. Project get a little subjective/confusing though. Much easier for accounting majors than for finance i would say, get in a group with an acct major but you should be fine working on your projects by yourself, i was just fine doing so.