Reviews for BMGT485

Information Review
Paul Shapiro

Expecting an A-
He is a pretty harsh grader and the exams are NOT straightforward. I thought he would make the questions, but he uses the textbook ones and class lectures are not enough to do well on them.
Stefanos Ghebrehawariat

Expecting an A
i liked him a lot. although hes a bit messy with the structure of his class and assignments, i don't blame him because he literally has a full time job outside of this and is just teaching for fun. he is so understand and very lenient with deadlines. also his exams are open book and open note so it doesn't get better than that. overall, i highly recommend him! hes also super funny.
Paul Shapiro

Expecting an A-
He is a super friendly professor and I thought the class lectures were engaging. However, whoever said the exams are straightforward lied. The project assignments were also graded kind of harshly.
Stefanos Ghebrehawariat

Expecting an A
Very friendly and really wants you to understand the content. The guest speakers were very interesting and the midterm was fair (and open note)
Maria Bardossy

Expecting a B+
I'm currently taking her class, and I feel overwhelmed. The amount of assignments per week is insane, plus the fact that there is a lot of disorganization in the class structure. She will take weeks to upgrade your grade, and provide you with very little feedback. You will also be working on a lot of group assignments, so make sure you choose the right teammates.
Paul Shapiro

Expecting an A
Exams are straightforward. And as long as you take notes during class and the textbook, the class is easy. Great class!
Maria Bardossy

Expecting an A+
She is really not that bad. Yes, her classes are dull and a bit confusing at times, but her class is very easy and she is very nice. I currently have a 100.2% in her class because she allowed us to use a sheet of paper on the midterm. Despite being confused about the content of the course toward the beginning, she has made it very clear what we need to know for our quizzes and exams.
Maria Bardossy

I have been in this class for over a month and a half and all we have learned is how to count. Bardossy is clueless when it comes to this course. She has no idea what she is doing and it shows. We have an exam next week and no one has any idea what is going to be on it. I can't even put an expected grade because I have no clue what she is going to grade, or how her exam is going to go. Take this class if you like busy work and a professor that doesn't know what she's doing. Only reason I gave her two stars instead on one is because she's a nice person.
Maria Bardossy

Wow. Just wow. I'm currently typing this review in class as we have waited 10 minutes for one of her "simulations" to work. Events like this happen on a daily basis. We are currently in the 6th week a school and have not learned anything. No one knows how to do any of the content or assignments and we are not told how to do any of it. Heavy accent makes powerpoint lectures(once a week) hard to understand and the powerpoints themselves are in broken english(not a rag but its hard to learn if you can't understand any of the content). The course has no structure aside from barely following the book assigned to the class. Based off the readings, the powerponts probably cover about 50% of the book chapters and then 10% of that is actually taught to us as receivable information. This all may come off as angry or bitter but all of it is true. I'm not even complaining about my grade, I currently have a 95% and I barely do anything. We have an exam next week which I'm sure will tank me(and the class) as we aren't being told what is on it/the format/or given anything to study from. Head these warnings and don't just take them as some "random person's biased views"; DO NOT TAKE ANY CLASS WITH MARIA BARDOSSY. I'm sorry but she is totally unfit to be teaching anyone.
Hassan Ibrahim

Expecting a B
Dr. Ibrahim is a very good professor. His lectures are entertaining and straight forward. He is always available via email to answers questions. I really enjoyed the class and learned a lot but the only down side was that there were a little too many assignments. There were 2 simulations that lasted the entire semester with group decisions having to be submitted 3 times per week. At the end of each simulation we had to turn in a logbook with details about every period'd decision (12 periods each). There were also 4 cases for which we had to prepare a report for and groups would be called randomly to present on the due date of each. The final exam is optional if you are happy with your grade. I felt that I did pretty good; however, even if I took the final exam I would have not gotten an A in the class.