Special Topics in Computer Science; Practical Cloud Computing with AWS
Students are provided with a practical and project- oriented introduction to cloud computing with Amazon Web Services (AWS). They will learn how to build applications using a variety of AWS services, including S3, EC2, Lambda, and Beanstalk. Culminating with a final resume-worthy project that will be built, deployed, and demoed to the class.
Sister Courses: CMSC389A, CMSC389B, CMSC389C, CMSC389E, CMSC389F, CMSC389G, CMSC389I, CMSC389J, CMSC389K, CMSC389M, CMSC389N, CMSC389O, CMSC389P, CMSC389Q, CMSC389R, CMSC389T, CMSC389U, CMSC389V, CMSC389W, CMSC389Y, CMSC389Z
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