Reviews for ENME350

Information Review
Peter Sandborn

Expecting an A
Xinan Liu

Expecting an A
Peter Sandborn

Expecting a B
He was very nice and knowledgeable, but his teaching style was a bit iffy. His lecture slides are amazing and in depth to understand the material conceptually, but there was never an assessment (such as the homeworks and exams) where it was anywhere close to the level of difficulty taught in class, except for a question or two between the three exams at best. The homeworks were where this mainly occurred, and yes I understand that figuring out how to do the more complicated problems ourselves helps us with our understanding, but this takes too much time when there are two homeworks a week. Also, do not bank on a curve since it was just a percent or two in the end, even though the exam scores were quite low. My advice: do all of the practice exam problems that he releases before the exam and make one heck of an equation sheet with every concept, equation, and process on it (with an emphasis on the processes with the equations embedded within them).
Xinan Liu

Expecting a B
I had him for lab. He was nice and lenient, and gave help whenever it was asked for. Sometimes it was hard to understand him because of his accent, but it surprisingly got a lot easier as the semester progressed. Overall great and knowledgeable guy.
Peter Sandborn

Expecting a B-
Overall, I would say he is an average professor, if not a little above that. He is very nice to students and lectures are helpful for the course. That being said, lectures a lot of the time are too easy in comparison to the homeworks and full lecture slides before the first exam weren't posted until the day before it. A lot of mistakes were made in the lecture slides over the semester, but this could be due to the course being new to him. It seemed that he learned from this feedback overtime and you could tell that he tried his best for this as he started posting full lectures slides after said lectures. Definitely a solid one for teaching this course if he decides to return to it.
Peter Sandborn

Expecting a C
as others have said, it's just a hard class. I took it previously with a different professor, and Sandborn was a breath of fresh air. He's passionate about the topics, he wants to make sure you learn, and if he doesn't have the answer to your question, the man will go to the ends of the earth (google) to find them. All in all, very nice guy and good lecturer.
Xinan Liu

Expecting a C
Dr. Liu is a gem in the coursework of a Mech E student. He genuinely cares about your learning, and if you ask him the right questions, you will 100% take something away from the conversation. He's also incredibly fair with grading. If you do your part as a student, he'll do his. If you're reading this Dr. Liu, thanks for everything. You were amazing.
Xinan Liu

Expecting a B+
Dr Liu. is a professor that says a lot and means nothing. He is like a filler character in a lab arc of reality TV.
Xinan Liu

Expecting an A+
An absolute pleasure to work with Dr. Liu in the fall semester. Hope to have the opportunity to work with him again
Peter Sandborn

Expecting a B-
He was on ok lecturer for a hard class. The homeworks were much harder than lecture slide examples and he didn't post full lecture slides until right before each exam. He's very nice though and is helpful in office hours.
Peter Sandborn

Expecting a B
ENME350 is an 8 am class and there are going to be two homework assignments due each week (usually) at the start of lectures. Nothing to do with the professor, just how the class is. Sandborn is overall a pretty good professor, his explanations of the topics are understandable and straightforward. The examples he does in class are a decent way of showing you the steps of how to do the assigned problems (sometimes they’re a bit too simple and you might need to look up other sources to get a better idea on what to do). He always respectfully answers questions, so dont be afraid to ask. From reading some reviews, I suppose he does have a particular sense of humor that might rub people the wrong way (I didnt mind it). He posts abbreviated lectures online that lack important information so you have to show up to class if you want complete notes. The exams were fair (relatively) and the class is likely to have a considerable curve (class aint easy). Definitely one of the better professors to take for this course, given its difficulty.
Peter Sandborn

ENME350 is just a hard class. it's structured the way it is, regardless of the professor. homework are turned in at 8AM in person, and yeah, they get harder. skill issue.
Peter Sandborn

This man seems to enjoy student's suffering. Likes to say "the homeworks are only going to get harder".
Peter Sandborn

Does not bother posting full lecture slides and posts only blank ones. Demands that homework be turned in "in-person" by 8am instead of online. Assigns 2 homework per week. Much annoyance.
Xinan Liu

Expecting a B
Liu did nothing the whole semester. He once lectured instead of Kim but was totally unhelpful. In lab, he makes the TFs do all the work anyway, and always left within the first 20 mins. It seems a lot of people thought he was funny with his "no mistakes" spiel, but really it came across as syrupy, patronizing nonsense. He quite frankly made me mad every time he tried to give advice or technical instruction because of the ungenuine smile.
Jungho Kim

Expecting a C-
This is a very tough class. Kim is a very clear lecturer and he's always willing to answer questions. That being said he is not at all accommodating or understanding, he's definitely of the school of thought that if he suffered everyone else needs to suffer too. 8 am lectures with homeworks due within the first 4 minutes of class hard copy on his desk, he absolutely can and will turn you away if you are a second late. There will be a homework for every single lecture with few exceptions (even had a homework due before exam once). He'll drop 5, but the homework is hard so to get a good overall score on homework it's definitely best to just do all of them (if you have a friend in the class they can drop off your homework for you if you have to miss class). Missing class is very detrimental, the concepts can be tough to grasp and all build on each other and homework is based on that days material so even one missed lecture makes you life absolutely miserable. The labs are tedious but not terribly difficult. He says he likes for his exams to be "a learning experience" so he'll throw new stuff at you, so even if you've been doing the homework and attending lecture you can still get tripped up but they're generous with partial credit. There will also be absolutely no way to judge how you are doing in the class, they'll give a rough estimate of your possible grade on the midterms but not the final and the actual curve is based on total points as it compares to the rest of the class. Curve is nice though, I had a 55% and still passed. As long as you put in the work it's doable.
Jungho Kim

Expecting an A-
I honestly think he's a very talented and easy to understand lecturer. However, he makes his exams quite difficult and attendance for the 8 am class wasn't "mandatory" but a homework turned in on paper is due at the start of every class which isn't an exam day. Your five lowest scores are dropped, but there were 26 homeworks in total. I agree people learn better in person, but this could make life difficult often. These homeworks, along with the labs, should be done carefully because they will carry your grade (midterm averages were a little above %50 and the final was about a %66).
Jungho Kim

Expecting an A
-very good lecturer, HW due at 8 is an L but worth coming cuz he doesn't upload notes -midterms get easier and there was more than enough time on the final -hw itself is much better than other 300 ME courses (wiley *cough *cough) -lab is pretty much optional as you can just do them at home and uploaded to gradescope. -Prelab hw is the worse so start super early. -when u can use circuit lab to verify ur hw ans and lab ans
Xinan Liu

Expecting a B
On the rare occasion that Prof Liu gives lectures instead of Professor Kim, it's very difficult to follow and he goes too quickly, but that's not his primary job in this course. Mostly what he does is oversee lab and host office hours. In both of these roles, he is a nice guy who will really try to help you succeed. When he says "just don't make mistakes," it's more of a language barrier thing than him being rude.
Jungho Kim

Expecting a B
Dr. Kim is a very good lecturer, but he takes pride in his class being really hard, which is a problematic educational philosophy. He tries to scare you into thinking you will fail his class, but if you put in effort, you will pass (it's very hard to get an A, but I don't think it's that hard to get a C-). Despite his scary demeanor, I do think he cares on the inside and wants people who try hard to succeed. The exams are extremely difficult but heavily curved -- I got a 19/60 on the first exam and still got a B in the class. Overall, it's just one of those classes you kinda have to suffer through, but it's not as bad as it could be.
Jungho Kim

Expecting a C-
You will learn a lot in this class but gauged by your own effort. Jungho is seen as a great teacher but is not useful. He disappeared before both of our midterms during the semester. Grades on midterms are unbearable and there is no true way to gauge your actual grade until the end of the semester. Get a good edition of the book and hold it dear. Also, if you don’t do well on exams, try your best to get above average on labs and homeworks and you may yet stand a chance.
Jungho Kim

Expecting an A
I have had experience with electronics, so this class was easy. That said, if you do not have previous experience, I would say give yourself more time to figure things out. That is why he lost a star; he assumes you have more context than lots of people have. I have that context, but other people don't. One thing that helped is that I learned how to make complex circuits in CircuitLab, but I had to be careful because sometimes CircuitLab got some problems wrong. For harder/longer questions on exams, I got few correct numerical answers, but I still got plenty of partial credit. He cares a lot about exactly correct setup for your equations, which is a decent way to approach grading.
Jungho Kim

Expecting a C
I really enjoyed this class but it is needlessly difficult. Labs are easy enough, you need to do them all and get 100s because that will save your grade. I actually really liked doing the labs, very cool to see how these things work. Also you really don't need to attend lab, I stopped halfway through the semester. You can do it all from home. Homework ranges from being a total joke to complete frustration. He's a good lecturer to a point. He explains things well, but it's very common for the homework to be incredibly difficult to anything shown in class. Textbook is basically useless. Exams are.. interesting. I'd say they're graded somewhat leniently based on how lost I felt the whole time. He's going to give you stuff that just makes you say "WTF." Somehow a lot of kids ace the tests. I really wish I knew how they did so much better. I never felt like I had enough practice material to really do well in this class. The practice material given was equally WTF so I had a really hard time learning. Really needed some more material of medium difficulty. I could do the easy stuff, but I feel that there's a massive divide between the easy stuff and the exam questions with nothing to help you broach that gap.
Jungho Kim

Expecting an A
Kim is a very good lecturer. He goes slowly with the notes, making sure students have time to copy everything down and when he makes a mistake in his notes, he acknowledges and corrects them when students call him out for it. But this course is harder than it probably needs to be. Sometimes the homeworks are very straight forward and come straight from lecture note, and sometimes they require a lot of self-teaching. The exams remind of physics where everyone is expected to fail. The average for our first exam was 25/60. And sometimes the questions on exams go beyond what we learned in class and require us to figure out stuff on the fly, during the exam.
Xinan Liu

"Don't make mistakes! Students lose points because they make mistakes." Liu often says the way to be successful for 350 is to not make mistakes which is the most useless thing to say. He has a heavy accent (not his fault of course) and talks fast, so it is hard to understand him at times. He seems like he's trying to be funny and lighthearted, but when he tries to help students, they often are left more confused. Liu leads the lab portion of 350, and also works with Kim to write and grade the exams. He is a harsh grader on exams, but easy-going on lab assignments.
Jungho Kim

Expecting a B
This course is taught much harder than it has to be, and sadly, Kim is the only lecturer for it. The lectures and notes that Kim writes are easy to follow, but the homework is more difficult than what is taught in the lecture, and then the exams are twice as hard/confusing as the homework was. From the notes to the homework, to the exams, it gets exponentially harder. The exam scores are just below 50% so they apply a heavy curve at the end of the semester. As long as you are at the average or within the standard deviation, you will pass. Labs are doable, but the TAs may not be the most helpful. They also do not understand the program needed for the labs, so they will probably know just as much as you do (as in not much). The pre-labs take a fair amount of time, so do not wait until the night before to get started. You can review the material as much as you want, and attempt the practice problems, but the exam questions will be much more complicated somehow. Kim appears nice, but is difficult one on one, and is very strict with turning in homework. You HAVE to turn it in in person, and no later than 5 minutes after class starts, otherwise, he will not accept it. The course is UNNECCSSAIRLY hard, but if you're at the mean/within the standard deviation, you will pass.
Jungho Kim

Expecting a D
This class caused me so much pain. I took this class in the Spring of 2021. He's the only professor who teaches 350. He is a good lecturer and I understand he wants his students to learn and understand the material but he is very harsh and is not so nice. In order to do well in this class, you HAVE to understand the concepts which is where I struggled. The amount of practice problems I spent in this class did not matter because I did not understand the concept. I went to his office hours multiple times and he would get mad at me for not understanding the material so I just went to the TA's office hours instead. The exams were difficult for me, no matter how much I studied, I would still do poorly on exams. He barely gives credit on exams, either you got the question correct or you did not. If you attempted the problem "correctly" he would give 2 points, if you attempted the problem but did not have the right work it's a 0. There was so much work in this class that I had to drop one of my other classes and I still didn't pass. I was 3 percentage points away from passing the class so I emailed him hoping he could boost my grade up a little but he did not. This was one of the worst classes I have taken.
Jungho Kim

Expecting a C-
Jungho, gonna Jungho tbh. Fair professor, tough grader, lots of work due each week, but you do learn a lot. Dr. Kim is a worthy adversary. 25 HW's, 10Labs, and 3 exams. Since class avg on exams are almost always failing, class is curved, but this means that 10-12% will fail each semester by default :)
Xinan Liu

Expecting a C
I go to this man's office hours any day over jungho's. Prof Liu is patient, smart, and will try to make you laugh. The course is hard af tho.
Jungho Kim

Expecting a B+
Material is very difficult, but he explains it well. Homework is somewhat original so you will have to do some of it on your own. (I know y'all like to chegg everything) Also it is due at 8:05:00 AM on the dot in class and I twisted my ankle trying to turn the homework in on time once. (Got it in though) At the end, he grades on a bell curve, so it doesn't matter that the exam averages are in the 60's - I believe I had a 79 at the end and that became a B+.
Jungho Kim

Expecting a B+
He is probably the best lecturer in the Mech E department, but perhaps one of the worst outside of class. He is not available at times he says he will be, will not respond to email, and will try to shoo you away when he is in office. It is better to try and talk to the lab professor, Liu. He grades pretty harshly, but the entire class is curved against itself, so everyone is in the same boat. He is certainly intelligent but also rather arrogant.
Jungho Kim

Expecting a B
Not easy but no impossible either. This was a fair class but Kim is a fantastic professor. I came into the class with no knowledge of electronics and came out with a lot of knowledge and am not very comfortable with circuits. However this class is a lot of work and there is homework due each lecture. The class is curved but not enough. Would still recommend him though!
Jungho Kim

Expecting a B
Hard, but good. He expects a lot out of students, but he's a good lecturer and a fair grader. Tests were hard, but he curved if the average was too low. Friendly, intelligent, and helpful. Sometimes if I went to his office with a question, he'd get a little impatient if I didn't understand right away, but I could tell that he was trying to be patient and not show it. Perhaps just a touch of ego, but it doesn't come through much. Don't take his class for an easy A, but I think I would recommend him if you want to learn it thoroughly.
Jungho Kim

Expecting a C
Good lecturer, but tests are extremely difficult and partial credit is very hard to come by. Homework is due twice a week as well.
Jungho Kim

Expecting a B-
I did not find him very effective as a lecturer. Wasn't very clear when explaining complicated topics and did practically everything from the book. Graded far too harshly for anything other than the exact right answer.