Special Topics in History; Missionary Dreams/Missionary Nightmares: A Global History of Protestant Missions from Early Modern Times to the Present
This course will study Protestant missionary activity from the seventeenth century onwards in a global perspective. We will investigate the relations between missionary activity, imperialism, and the civilizing project of the West with particular reference to British missionary organizations. The real and perceived risks and difficulties faced by missionaries, from dying of malaria to being eaten by cannibals, will be discussed to understand the ethos that has animated the Protestant missionary commitment over the centuries.
Sister Courses: HIST339A, HIST339B, HIST339C, HIST339D, HIST339E, HIST339F, HIST339J, HIST339K, HIST339L, HIST339N, HIST339O, HIST339P, HIST339Q, HIST339R, HIST339T, HIST339V, HIST339W, HIST339X, HIST339Y, HIST339Z
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