Stefano Villani

This professor has taught: HIST111, HIST113, HIST329V, HIST332, HIST333, HIST339I, HIST339O, HIST395, HIST398, HIST399, HIST408J, HIST408N, HIST408P, HIST601, HIST619N, RELS342, RELS343
Information Review
Stefano Villani

He's an awesome professor. He knows what he's talking about, and wants you to learn. His accent is a bit hard to understand at times, but not unreasonable. He expects you to read the assigned material before class, and then will highlight the important pieces and expand on them in class. The class might not be the easiest if history is difficult for you, but I'd think it would still be manageable.
Stefano Villani

Expecting a B+
This class was pretty rough to sit through. He uses Powerpoint heavily, but most of them are borderline-not-English paragraphs that he reads straight off the screen and doesn't elaborate on. He has a heavy accent and is sometimes difficult to follow. Everything discussed in class was straight out of the readings, so attendance in the class was pretty low. The first half of the course spent on Elizabeth I was much more interesting than the second half spent on Mary Queen of Scots, and I wish the class studied more about "the propaganda and myth" of their regimes like the description of the class promised. There are two papers, a term paper, a midterm and a final. He is a bit of a finicky grader, but not unreasonable. Take the class if you are already interested in the topic, but reconsider if you are looking for an engaging elective.
Stefano Villani

He's a cool guy; fresh from Italy, I could see where someone might struggle with his accent but his expertise is incredible and is an excellent teacher. Provides slides for the class (332 + 429) that are very good. one midterm paper, one final paper (in my experience) and a midterm test and a final, if you pay attention, read, and go to class, you'll do well.